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I just feel so numb, the only time i am happy is when i drink but then my friends get cranky at me for drinking. I have tried smoking yeah that works abit but right now i havent had a smoke since yesterday and i got no more until my brother pays back the money i lent him. Now i just feel like cutting to bad to let this stress out, cuz i just cant seem to take this anymore i want to feel some kind of pain, i just feel so worthless, feels like i am not even here anymore. I just need to cut so bad or i am just going to go crazy soon but i dont want to hurt people, like if my mother sees cuts on me she will total freak

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Lost love,


I am here for you my friend, even in your darkest, most weakest moment.


I know the urge is so so strong. And this is not your fault, I know that you cant help what your doing and Im not here to judge you in anyway.


what pain are you feeling inside that makes you feel like you want to cut yourself???...I am more than happy to listen and I can be a soft place to fall when you feel you need too.


Dont give up. Your not worthless. It feels that way now and trust me Ive been down that road. But my friend your are a wonderful, beautiful person who is just suffering so much at the moment that you feel so overwhelmed.


Let us here, you enotolone family be your light at the end of the tunnel.



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Thanks everyone


I have just been having hugh problems with my sister, my mother is on my back about me smoking, just manging if she knew if i was drinking, plus friends are on my back about me drinking, i still pissed of at my father for him killing himself, no matter what it just feels like i am never good enough for anyone, it seems like all i do is mess up

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sorry that everyone is on your case, but you are doing things that are destructive to yourself (drinking and smoking). In my opinion, I don't condone it (teen drinking and smoking) but that's a totally different topic. You are good enough for people. You control what you do in your life, good or bad, no one else can control your life, but you. You choose your path in your life. Also your mom and your friends are on your bacj because they care about you.

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