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What should i do?!

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Me and my ex boyfriend are 18 and we had unprotected sex a few weeks ago. I bought the morning after pill and he told me he would pay half when he got some cash. I then found out he had slept with someone else and so I won’t be speaking with him again. Thing is I want my money and since I learned this I told him I wanted the full money for the morning after pill. I told him to post it to me by the end of the week or I would come round to his house when he was at work and demand the money from his parents explaining why I’m owed it. The money hasn’t come. So should I just turn up tomorrow? We were together three years they know me well and banned me from his room when we were together when they caught him with his trousers down. They don’t know he’s slept with me let alone that he’s had a one-night-stand. I’m scared but yeah I suppose I have to do this??

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It would be nice for him to stick to his word, but in your case, it's unfortunate and I don't see you getting any money out of this.


He's obviously a jerk, do you really think he will give you money after he's cheated and you are broken up? Do you really think you will convince his parents to give you money?


It stinks that things turned out this way and now you are stuck paying the whole thing. But this should be the least of your worries. Don't you realize that you could have been (hopefully the morning after pill actually worked and you took it in time) pregnant with this jerky guy's child?

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I got it once when my ex and I were together and the condom broke. It was only $7. I think the nurse may have given me a break though because she did it to where I only had to pay part of the full cost after she asked if I'm in college and how much I make a year. But I think the actual cost is $45? If so, I would just let him keep the $20, and walk away. I know you're really mad at him, and that's probably the real reason you want him to pay you back, but it's probably not worth it in this case.

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