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College has made me shy around cute girls

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I'm not exactly sure why, but college has made me shy ever since I started several years back. I just can't muster up the courage to talk with girls I find attractive. In high school, it was no problem at all. I could talk to the pretty girls without batting an eye, but it was so much easier than because I was somewhat "well known" in high school (was Homecoming King, actually). I can talk to other people in my classes quite easily, but the girls that catch my attention are the ones that I stumble for words around.


For example, there is this super gorgeous girl in one of my english courses. I usually prefer girls with a bit of "meat on the bones" and some curves, but this gal is really skinny and not curvy at all. She is just gorgeous though, and what really tops it off is that she is really intelligent. When asked to speak in class, she would have really in-depth responses. When giving presentations in class, she would give some of the best. Shes so smart that it sorta intimidates me. I sat next to her in that class, along with one of my close friends from high school. The chairs were really close together and Id always somehow knock over her water bottle or books when trying to sit down. I'd always apologize and she'd just smile at me. I complimented her on one of her presentations and she just said, "thanks!" and when I gave my presentation, she didn't say anything to me. That was a bit discouraging and I never tried starting conversation with her after that.


This semester, I have her for another class and I cant seem to muster up anything to talk to her about. I asked her once, "did you understand the homework from last night?" and she just replied with, "somewhat." An older lady next to me said she did and I ended up just talking to the older lady about the homework. I also have my old high school friend in this class too, and we got grouped up with the gorgeous gal for an in-class discussion. My friend, her friend, and myself were discussing the topic at-hand and the gorgeous gal was just writing on a paper. We tried getting her into the discussion, but she didn't have much to say. We then had to switch groups, and I noticed she was with a group of guys and was having some great convos with them, laughing and talking, and resting her hand on one of the guy's shoulder.


My friend told me I should just be like how I was in high school and approach the gorgeous gal, ask her if she wants to do coffee sometime or something along those lines. It had worked for me dozens of times in high school... why not now?


Any comments on what I should do? thank you

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Ahhh...she's got looks and brains!! The 'deadly' combo!!


Don't as her questions like that...gives the 'impression' that you 'don't understand' and are inferior.. combined w/ knocking her stuff over, you've got a lot of ground to make up. Think of a clever approach. Also, in the future I wouldn't let so much time pass before making your move.


Man, I miss college...so many hotties!!

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Try a non-chalent attitude. I know it's hard, but the worst she could say is no. So prep for a no and maybe she'll say yes. I really wonder how people who are mutally attracted get together, it's hard when you really like someone, but you'll only regret not trying.

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It sounds like you have some self-esteem issues. You were able to approach girls when you were the big king on top, but in the face of competition you crumble like a chocolate chip cookie.


You're not the hottest guy in the world. Or the coolest, funniest or smartest. There will be girls who aren't interested in you. There - it's been said. Now go out there and get back in the game.

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It sounds like you have some self-esteem issues. You were able to approach girls when you were the big king on top, but in the face of competition you crumble like a chocolate chip cookie.


You're not the hottest guy in the world. Or the coolest, funniest or smartest. There will be girls who aren't interested in you. There - it's been said. Now go out there and get back in the game.


well yeah never said i dont have self-esteem issues, cuz in fact i know i do have them. and never said i was the hottest, coolest, funniest, or smartest. ive been turned down several times, so Im used to it. so you say get back in the game... should I just ask her for coffee then?


thanks all

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haha well things didnt go so well. i didnt get a chance to talk to her during class because she sits at the other end of the room and the teacher lectures the whole time, but I was planning on approaching her after class. right as the professor dismissed us, the gal bolted for the door and was gone by the time I was on my way out the door with my friends. shes usually one of the last people out of class... my friend said, "hmmm... doesnt seem like a good sign, but don't ponder on it too much." haha oh well...

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Ugh. I think I can safely say this: Meeting women in post-secondary education is near impossible. At least IN class.


Try going to parties and doing the usual bar/club/party scene. You're bound to hook up with someone that way. I'm pretty sure that's the ONLY way people get together at our age. Sad, isn't it?


Oh well. Can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

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i agree with wilhelm about hooking up w/ someone doing the usual bar scene. however...thats just it...a hook up. and this is how diseases are spread amongst our generation (lol i'm j/k, sort of ) anyways, i say continue your pursuit of this apparently fantastic combination of a female unless you really get the "get away from me" vibe, which i don't think will happen. but meeting people in class is really hard...maybe she had somewhere to be right after class. take home message: keep trying, if it doesn't work out, you're bound to find someone else

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i agree with wilhelm about hooking up w/ someone doing the usual bar scene. however...thats just it...a hook up. and this is how diseases are spread amongst our generation (lol i'm j/k, sort of ) anyways, i say continue your pursuit of this apparently fantastic combination of a female unless you really get the "get away from me" vibe, which i don't think will happen. but meeting people in class is really hard...maybe she had somewhere to be right after class. take home message: keep trying, if it doesn't work out, you're bound to find someone else


thanks for the advice

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had her for class again today. didnt get a chance to talk with her during the class but after class, she was pretty far ahead of me in the hallway and I didnt want to look like a dork by joggin over to catch up with her... plus she went into a bathroom and I'm definitely not standing outside the bathroom to talk to her... did chat it up with another cute gal in a different class

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