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This is just an encouragement


A good friend of mine was married to a woman everyone thought was perfect for him. He ended up becoming life-threatening ill and what did she do? She cheated on him multiple times! One was a long-term affair with someone they both knew and trusted. They separated but did not divorce. He would state that he hated AND loved her still, and she would be the one to have to go.


Everyone thought they were doomed. He got life-threatening ill AGAIN. She still had very little sympathy or emotion. I thought she was just sticking around because the world would hate her for divorcing her husband while he was going through his battle.


Well, last night they spoke. She wrote a public apology and love letter to him and posted it on her myspace page. She put up a bunch of their old wedding pictures. She wrote, "You loved me even when I was my most ugly and at my worst. So now you deserve the best and most beautiful of me, whether we only have 5 months or 50 more years, I am yours forever."


What made her change? She doesn't even know. Yesterday something just clicked. And I couldn't be happier for them! They have been married for 3 years, separated for 1.

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cyprian, that is good insight!


as far as his reaction, I think he appreciated it because she humiliated him. they had their private talk and then she went public. plus, she lost most of her friends over the issue so in a way, she is also reaching out to seek forgiveness to everyone else who got torn through this!

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