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chances of STD's


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hey, a guy here gave me a website here about STD's and i read the whole thing but i still dont get one thing, here it is...my girlfriend wants to give me a blowjob really bad, but she is really afriad of STD's. i am sure as heck that we both dont have STD's cuz my girlfriend and i have never gone out with anyone else or done any sexual activity...so im very very sure we both dont have STD's...i am circumcised...i am 14 and she is 13 i think...she might be 14 too but i dont know.. ...so my qestion is...what is the chance of us getting STD's if she gave me a blow job??? thx

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I don't believe my eyes..you are only 14 she is just 13. Forget about just the STD..there is a thing called "SEX" you are entirely too young for. She should be worried about more then just an STD'. Oh my horses..I would lose it if I found out my 13 year old niece was even considering this. How is it that you two have time for this sort of actions. Where are your Parents...who is watching over you? I don't understand how between school and home you two have time for this sort of thing. I am desturbed!

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hey! i'm 14 too 8) (I love finding people on here my age)

anyways...I'm not sure of the chances of getting an STD from giving a blowjob, but if you and your gf are worried about it and want to be safe, then use a condom. feel free to PM me about anything....


p.s.- i don't think there is anything wrong with going as far as you want at our age, as long as you make sure no one's going to get emotionally hurt, that you're ready, and you make sure you're safe/careful...



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lmao i like the wait till your 16 post.. any here it is kid.. I'm 1. #1 she is under 14 if you guys ever got iinto a fight BAM all she has to do is say "mommy he made me dot it" and BLAM your a convcted sex offender #2 if you are going to do it use a condom no better way to avoid an STD then that. and thats the truth.

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  • 3 years later...

Good for you man.

i personaly dosnt see anything wrong with it, really its just a BJ. i had anal when i was 14, i never really looked back on it too much. but know that when it comes to an end, and they all do, it'll suck, but it'll be a good experience none the less.


You can get STDs from oral, you can get gohnorea, herpies and a few others, but seeing the age i highly doubt you'd get anything unless shes been eating out of a dirty bathroom for the past few weeks, but if that was the case you wouldnt be kissing her, would you? only thing you'd need to watch out of are cold sores, there a form of herpes and if she has one on her lip and wants to go down on you... you should probly just say no...and leave the BJ till the cold sore clears up.


the comment about him going to jail though. hes only 14, hes a kid and theres no way in any legal system that he could get conviceted for getting a blow job from a 13 year old! A) hes a minor courts cant really do much to him. B) shes only a year behind him theres nothing illegal about that, your thinking of if someones under the age of concent, i.e a 14 year old (depending where you are) and someone over it 16(depending where you are again) but also most places give a 2 year lencey, so you could be 16 and date a 14 year old (though, that would be werid?) or be 18 and date a 16 year old. and C) unless she said "He forced me to do it, he held me down and made me" there wouldnt be much of an up roar about it, and even then it would be hearsy, and seeing if you would of just broke up and thats why shes saying it, looks like the case wouldnt even hold.


didnt mean to rant...lol the coviction thing struck a cord with me =P

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Ok. 14 Isnt too young for that kind of stuff. I Was doing that kind of stuff 2 years ago.Just use ure heads The chances of getting STI through Oral is very minimum but it can happen, i personally think condoms ruin the moment expecially in oral but they help alot,1)birth control and 2)STIs cant get thru condoms. If you really want to do it then its ure choice. You cannot go to jail at 14 though as someone has already pointed out, it would have to be something stupid like she cries rape and ure 16 and shes 15 then and only then could you be convicted.other than that STI's are rare fullstop but they are out there.Just be carefulll.chances are neither of you have STI's as both havent gone that far into relationships probably.

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Hey just in case an underage teenager's parents start suing us for giving sex advice to minor.I'm not going to advice anything that say have any type of sex.You're too young to be sucking on any girls developing vagina or her sucking on any boy's developing penis.Why aren't you two focusing on school work and trying to better your future after high school.How are your grades in school? Why not put all that sexual energy into helping the homeless or helping Aids/hiv patient with chores around their house.

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Hey just in case an underage teenager's parents start suing us for giving sex advice to minor.I'm not going to advice anything that say have any type of sex.You're too young to be sucking on any girls developing vagina or her sucking on any boy's developing penis.Why aren't you two focusing on school work and trying to better your future after high school.How are your grades in school? Why not put all that sexual energy into helping the homeless or helping Aids/hiv patient with chores around their house.


whats wrong with talking about sex?

he's young yeah, but still its better that he knows or atleast trys to talk to someone about it rather then head blindfolded into the woods and hope he dosnt hit a tree. i mean really thats why they have sex ed in schools and they have so many websites and everything else to help with protection and advice.

im assuming he dosnt have an older brother cause if he did i'd even doubt he'd turn to total strangers for advice on this, but saying he dosnt have a older brother to look up to, and he for some reason dosnt have anyone else to turn to, maybe his parents wouldnt understand, or he dosnt know how to talk about something like this to his parents, cause alot of people dont, and even alot of parents dont really wanna hear about this.

its really just stupid. i mean if you have a question about sex ask it, why should you be afraid? alot of people say your too young and 'Stuff' but i donno really its no different its just heard of and communicated more about now really.


i dont think any parent though would do that about telling there kid they can get an STD from oral sex, but its not very common, unless the girl has cold sores on her mouth, i mean im not doctor, hell i wouldnt even go to as far to say that im experenecd in that feild, all im doing is passing my knowledge on to him in a helpful manner.

he probly realises if you type "Oral STI's" or "STD and how the spred" into google he'd learn more then from being on a fourm anyways

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You THINK the girl is 13? I'd get to know each other a bit more before you get into the physical part.


If you are both virgins, the only thing you can risk is if one of you has an outbreak of herpes (simplex-- cold sores) on the mouth while giving oral. Although genital herpes is considered type II herpes, also herpes simplex (type I) can occur on the genitals.


Keep in mind, if you start doing this with other girls, or if she is doing this to other guys, that you can only be sure of your OWN sexual history. That means that if someone tells you, 'oh I have no diseases' that does never mean you don't risk getting a STI. So here's what I know and what I kept in mind in my years of exploration and finding out about sex (mind you, I was 19 when I first started doing sexual acts and 20 when I lost my virginity, both in the same committed relationship. I can't tell you to NOT do it, but I can recommend you to be careful at least )


Herpes is one of the 'most common' STI's, next to genital warts. For both, condoms will reduce the risk of transmittal dramatically, but because outbreaks of sores and warts can also be outside the parts that are covered by the condom, there is always a risk. Both are viral STI's, meaning that once you have it, the virus is always in your body. There is no treatment for herpes (outbreaks come and go and are said to be very painful and uncomfortable). Warts are caused by HPV (also a virus), which has several types, and a significant amount of those types can cause cervical cancer in (young) women.


Chlamydia and Gonnorhea are bacteria, and can be prevented by the use of condoms. However, they can also be transmitted orally, Gonnorhea will then cause an infection of the throat. Both are treatable with antibiotics and can cause infertility when untreated.


HIV is currently the most dangerous STI. It causes AIDS if untreated, and the treatment there is, doesn't cure the disease but prolongs the life expectancy (and quality) of the infected person. HIV is spread by blood contact and unsafe sexual intercourse. The risk of getting it from unprotected oral sex is slim, but it should not be overlooked. If you have bleeding gums or recently got a tooth pulled, and give a girl oral who is infected, the risk is bigger, for example.


Syfillis used to be a deadly and terrible STI. Well, it still is of course. But it's a bacterial disease and nowadays treatable with antibiotics. However, when untreated, Syfillis can cause very serious problems. From what I have read, it develops in a couple of stages, and in between there can be longer periods of no symptoms. It is treatable in any stage, but the damage that is done is irreversible. Syfillis can cause mental problems amongs other things, but also mean infections of the skin and blindness.


Then finally there is Hepatitis. This is a chronic or accute inflammation of the liver-- and both type A and B can be transmitted by unsafe sex (type A is more rare in this case- this is also the type that can be transmitted by contaminated food). Different types require different treatments, but all kinds may cause liver failure which can make your liver just stop functioning.


Since most STI's can be there without manifestation, it's best to get tested for example if you ever had a peircing, unsafe sex, before you stop using condoms.


With other words, if you start experimenting, BE SAFE. If you would look any of this information up on the net or on wikipedia-- you will realize that later in life, or when you start a serious relationship, you will be THANKFUL to always have been careful and safe.



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If you choose to do this, make sure to go to some kind of clinic and get tested for STD's first. That is always a good practice no matter what your age. Oral herpes can be transmitted by kissing and through the exchange of saliva (like drinking after someone who has it for example). So don't worry about the odds, get tested!

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