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Does NC work while starting to date someone?

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So, I just start seeing someone and I spent an awesome evening with her, she likes me a lot and we kissed. After that we parted ways and went home. I want to know if short term NC, meaning no e-mail of phone for a few days after the date an ok to do?

I don't want to appear needy.

say she doesn't mail or call me in the next few days, is that a bad thing?

I am planning to wait a week before giving her a call

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Oh no you don't... never leave a girl hanging that long!!!! hehe

Maybe on the third day, that would be the longest....

Or in the mean time, I would just write a quick, short email or text, just simply saying "I had a great time, I hope you did also", something to let her know you enjoyed yourself. If you wait too long she will think you're not interested!

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No contact is for when you break up with someone and want to move on. It's intended for a longer period of time. So no, it would not be appropriate to use when you're starting to date someone.


If you want to see her again...give her a call! Why this waiting nonsense? If anything give her a day and then call to set up a date later on in the week. You won't seem clingy or desperate.


You'll only look desperate if you call her every day.

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she said as we parted that night that she had an awesome time. The thing is that she doesn't say much, French Canadian (just starting to pick up english), so it's hard sometimes to read her.

She is also very shy and doesn't initiate contact unless I do. Also, she is just out of a five year relationship and very vulnerable.

I don't want to crowd her personal space, which I think she needs right now. I will however take the advice you guys are giving me very seriously.

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Hmm..... 3 or 4 days I think IMHO.


Just enough to make her miss you, but not enough to make her think you're slack. Just enough not to crowd her and not enough to give her so much space she feels you are distant.


3 or 4 days? Yes IMHO that's probably roughly right for apres first date contact.


Maybe 2 days if you're extra keen but then you could be getting into "crowding" grey area.

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DO NOT WAIT A WEEK. theres nothing worse than going on a date with a guy, thinking it went great and not hearing from him for days and wondering whats up. happened to me. started to analyze everything, did i bore him, guess he doesn't like me, etc. don't do the whole playing games thing right at the beginning. if you like her, go ahead, appear "needy", she'll like it.

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My friends and I swear by the three-day-rule... that is, if you haven't heard from a guy within three days, forget it. He's not that serious. And what kind of contact is all about what you're comfortable with... try something genuine, fun, complimentary, and short... and see how she responds... Anyway, good luck!

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I never had a guy make me wait that long. A week is seriously too much. Though I've had guys ask me for 2 dates in one day, that one is really odd. When I refused he asked for the next day in the afternoon, then at night. That is what clingy is....


I think calling her the next day and telling her you had a good time isn't clingy. Aslong as you call her within 3 days I'd say...

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