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does she like me?? seems like it

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You're right she could be doing this and not knowing it.


You don't have to tell her you don;t want to be friends anymore just shrink out of her life. don't answer when she calls and try to avoid her at school.


Whewn you do Have to talk to her, be friendly but distant. Being her friend won't make her want to be with you.


Maybe she will come to her senses and realize you're better than her BF. If that happens she will come find you.


For now stop talking, calling, doing favors for her.

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o i talk to a lot of girls. It's hard to date when shes the only girl I wana date. Yeah I read dd's threads


I'm not a "her", I'm a "he" brutha.


And my threads are for teens as well, maybe especially teens. Maybe not so much about meeting a person for a cup of coffee, but as far as how the situation works, it is 100% for teens as much as it is for adults. What did you have questions regarding?

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I'm not a "her", I'm a "he" brutha.


And my threads are for teens as well, maybe especially teens. Maybe not so much about meeting a person for a cup of coffee, but as far as how the situation works, it is 100% for teens as much as it is for adults. What did you have questions regarding?


If any thing they are better for teens. Young guys have no experience and make these mistakes more than older guys. At least in my personal experience and those of some of my close friends.

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Oh, I got a question. How come every time she thinks im datein my ex, she gets all pissed off at me? Like she would say "if you date her again then im not gonna talk to you for a while". What's up with that? Kayla is 15 with 15 year old normal maturity. So put urself in her prospective ( sp? ). Why would she act dat way?


Ok I'm in her shoes... "If he goes back to hiis ex, or finds another girlfriend then he won't be there for me anymore and I'll have no one to boost my ego."


Her saying this and blocking your happiness is very selfish.

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Ohh. Well I found this new girl. Her name is Jennifer, I used to like her in the past, but Kayla got in and sorta grabbed my attention. I like this girl a lot. We've been talking with eachother for the past couple days. I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me though. I used to be really closer to her bout a month ago but we sorta lost touch with eachother. In that time she said my personality made me cute ( whatever that means, but ill take it!! lol ). Wat should i do? And helpful advice?

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Ohh. Well I found this new girl. Her name is Jennifer, I used to like her in the past, but Kayla got in and sorta grabbed my attention. I like this girl a lot. We've been talking with eachother for the past couple days. I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me though. I used to be really closer to her bout a month ago but we sorta lost touch with eachother. In that time she said my personality made me cute ( whatever that means, but ill take it!! lol ). Wat should i do? And helpful advice?


If you like her, ask her out waste no time. Tease her and be fun.

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Ok, see i'm still confused on wheather Kayla likes me or not. This is really bothering me. I had this girl before her on my myspace and she messaged me saying "umm y u have her before me on ur myspace? im closer to u. duhh!!". I was like "well ur always to busy to talk to me and ur busy with that crap * * * * * boyfriend".. So wats up with that.

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