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Ah! The pain! Help please!

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Okay, here's the details:


I just got into college and on the 1st day I didn't know where my 2nd class was so I when to ask for the teacher for help and this other girl needed the same thing. I didn't really pay too much attention to her. And on the 2nd day of school, the same thing happened because the 2nd class teacher had changed rooms for tuesdays.


Anyways, the girl happened to sit by me 'cause I guess it was the only chair empty or maybe she likes to sit near the back and near the door. We soon talked and became friends. I think my jokes are what attracted her to being my friend. I started to find myself attracted to her.


After about a week, we got to read each other's personal essays in english to edit them and I found myself looking at paper similar to my life...I was shocked and weirded out.

We have each other's AIM names and talk a tiny bit online and a little at school.


I think it's fate bringing us together. I'm not sure how she feels about me, but I'm not 100% sure. I started to act stupid around her and felt depressed that I was ganna miss her so much after class is over. I'm going insane from missing her so much.


I know I sound like I'm exaggerating, but I'm being totally honest. And yes I know we've been only friends for a few weeks now, but I really feel like there's something between us. I like her a lot.


So my problem is, what should I do? Should I tell her how I feel and risk losing her due to coming on too fast? Should I wait and see what happens between us?


oh and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend.

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get to know her more.


build a strong relationship.


if you think she might get another guy and you will be stuck as a friend, let her know how you feel. (currently this is ripping me apart with a girl i like)


so many of my friends have had relationships where they just start being boyfriend and girlfriend while not know much about each other, and then they usually break up. And its rarely pretty.


but the one relationship I have seen survive more than any is one that grows out of a solid friendship.

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hey bud,


How are you liking college? I'm almost done, and I'm ready for it to be over!


Now to the topic at hand. . .Please pursue this young woman! Ask her to study with you. Then see how you guys get along in a situation away from the classroom. If you click, who knows what could unfold...


You never know unless you try. Believe me, I'm not just saying this because it sounds pretty. I told my BEST friend in the whole world that I was interested in him, after 5 years of friendship. That took some major balls (I'm a girl, but you catch my drift. . ) See, you've got to try it. It feels great to go for what you want, and if the person says yes, you'll be in heaven!


I, for one, think you should do it. You can do it!! Be brave!! Be assertive and don't accept any less than you deserve out of your life!!! And that includes conquering your fears and going for what will make you happy.

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hey guys, thx for posting.


It looks like it could go both ways. I tried asking her to study with me this weekend but she said shes busy, I guess I'll have to wait a whole another week (which feels like a month to me)


By the way, I'm REALLY shy (maybe the shiest person alive) and I haven't had a real g/f my whole life due to low confidence and self-esteem.


one more thing, when i met her and were friends I used to joke a lot and we'd laugh but now I find myself searching for things to talk about or even of a joke. So, it creates really awkward, silent situations. I tried reading those confidence tips articles, they dont really tell me what to do but what to NOT do.

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