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Overcoming school apathy... possible?

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Every winter quarter/semester in school I lose all sense of motivation and drive to stay on top of papers, studying, etc. I wish I could get out of that apathetic feeling about school and feel how I feel about it fall quarter when I am/was inspired to get everything done and in time.


Does this happen to others? Even though I do not intend to major in anything that I have taken thus far (in fact, I hope to go on to a more arts-centered college in the near future), there is just this drive that I have in the fall that I completely lose in the winter. How do you get over it?

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I felt that way last spring, but this spring I am taking very exciting classes so I am all fired up for the semester. Can you switch into more interesting classes?


Apart from that, getting into fixed habits - i.e. getting up at X hour every day, working at X place from X time to X time helps me. If it's routine you don't have to think about it.


Make sure you are getting plenty of rest and planning in some fun extracurricular/leisure activities. If you feel fulfilled in other areas of your life, maybe you will feel better about school.


I also love studying in groups - even if you are not too motivated, the social side can get you more inclined to hit the books and actually look forward to studying.


I wish the above suggestions were a little more-groundbreaking, but I'm afraid they're just the usual principles. I hope you gain your zest back !

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It's normal. It's hard for students to stay motivated, especially around January/February when the weather is cold, the days are long, and you've just barely scraped through another crappy semester. Make sure to spend plenty of time partying with friends, at the gym or playing sport, vegging in front of the t.v., etc. If you totally don't feel like going to class one day, skip it. Just make sure to copy the notes from a friend. Pace yourself. Take a ski trip. If you're studying one day and the material just isn't sinking it, do something else. Only study when you're 100% into it so you don't burn out (early in the morning is a great time to study. super early before anyone wakes up. have some coffee, relax in your room, and let all the brainwashing sink in)

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Heh, in my coutry is different - you have exams in february - so you can't be lazy in that time. We are lazy from november till beginning of january, and also from march to may. Than you have exams from june till july, than one month free and than exames in september and october.

Thats for uni.


So as you can see we are really lazy too.

So what if you're lazy?

You'll get back on track soon.

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