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My break-up is very fresh, happened not even two weeks ago, and under not very common circumstances (which I explained in another thread). I am grieving like crazy cause we still love each other and of course I question my decision etc. etc.

Anyway, I still feel the physical suffering very intensely (which is normal, i guess after such a short time). I still have trouble eating, I still feel that undescribable pain between heart and stomach and that "pressure" on my chest and I still feel very nervous at times...All common symptoms, I guess. I know I will be grieving and crying and feel sad for quite a while, but I just hope that this extreme physical side will get better soon.

Any experiences, advice..?

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Very common, very normal. My wife and I have both been going through this (she asked for the divorce, i didn't want it). It comes and goes, but in time gets less and less.


Unfortunately, time is the only cure. You can, and should, force yourself to get out and do things, but DON'T beat yourself up because it's taking too long! I would also recommend seeing yur doctor... he/she can make sure you're OK and perhaps give you something to help ...


It helps to stay on an even keel with your SO, don't hate him/her, just try to accept it for what it is and keep it as friendly as possible...


Hang in there, time IS on your side!

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Hi Danina

I too have recently been thought a breakup.....and I know the pain you are describing. I was really surprised how emotional pain could be so physical. Mine lasted about two weeks, I would clutch at my heart/stomach, trying to ease it, but slowly it got better and I could eat again. Sometimes it briefly makes an appearance now, but nowhere near like before.

Hang in there,

we are all thinking of you

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Thank you, Camber and Peaceseeker. I know I have to give myself time, but as we all know it is so draining and tiring, cause you always wish for an improvement from day to day, but days are just not something you can measure in with these things...

It helps to stay on an even keel with your SO, don't hate him/her, just try to accept it for what it is and keep it as friendly as possible

oh we sure do cause the break-up was only because we are from two different continents and neither of us could live where the other was (for now..).


I was really surprised how emotional pain could be so physical.

Yes, it is incredible. You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't been there. It is the first heartache ever for me and it is so intense.

I try to do things (I don't have to work at the moment, which I am sometimes happy about, sometimes not)and keep me busy but everything is such a drag and there is no distraction yet. It is always with me and I feel like I just want to jump out of my skin and get rid of all the grief and sorrow!

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The pain of the separation can often times manifest itself as anxiety. The anxiety stage shouldn't last too long. You have to practice breathing and relaxing your mind when you do start to feel such pains.


Taking up yoga, meditation or prayer really helps to elevate your pains.




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I think the anxiety and agitation has already gotten better a little bit, but as you all said it still comes back at times, which so frustrating.

And the pain comes in waves, too. It is always there, but sometimes when something reminds me very much of him (though everything reminds me of him at the moment) or the memories get very intense, the pain becomes almost unbearable. It is so hard to believe everyone when they say "you 'll get back to your normal self again, you won't always feel like this, you will laugh and enjoy things again"...

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My break-up is very fresh, happened not even two weeks ago, and under not very common circumstances (which I explained in another thread). I am grieving like crazy cause we still love each other and of course I question my decision etc. etc.

Anyway, I still feel the physical suffering very intensely (which is normal, i guess after such a short time). I still have trouble eating, I still feel that undescribable pain between heart and stomach and that "pressure" on my chest and I still feel very nervous at times...All common symptoms, I guess. I know I will be grieving and crying and feel sad for quite a while, but I just hope that this extreme physical side will get better soon.

Any experiences, advice..?


I'll sound like an idiot, I'll sound like a parrot. But the physical pain will ease with time (damn I wish I could write something to let you know it'll feel less crushing that doesn't have the fetid odor of a cliche).


I can let you know how I feel though: It's been almost 3 months and the chest-stomping pain (you know, the one that feels like an ogre is using you as a beanbag chair) is gone.


But I won't lie; I still cry once in a while when no one's around.

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the chest-stomping pain (you know, the one that feels like an ogre is using you as a beanbag chair) is gone.

Anyone knows a medical explanation for this weird "heartache?

It is so draining, but there are already times when it isn't there, so I guess that's a positive...

The thinking about him 24/7 and the feeling of never being able to be happy again and all these typical worries are still there, of course.

What a long painful road it is!

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