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Just over one month of NC/LC now. My Ex of 3 months dumped me for no apparent reason just before Christmas and now she doesnt wanna talk to me when I go to school now. I dunno if she is scared to talk to me, whether she is giving me time to heal, or whether she just hates me out of nothing. No offense to the girls here, but girls are weird!

I am healing fine, but this thought just crosses my mind once in a while everytime I see her in class. Sorta becomes what I think about for the next 10 mins or so.

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my guess is she is avoiding talking to you, because it's too hard to explain. I think people mostly know the reasons behind a break-up..... but find it impossible to communicate them, which unfortunately increases the aunguish when you are on the otherside. It may be that she is trying not to "hurt you", a common reason, or is "confused" another common one. What ever it is you must decide how much you want her in your life....it does seem to be true that your healing will occur more quickly with distnce

Good luck

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I usually do not talk to ex's after a break-up. I find conversations to be uncomfortable, awkward, and strange.


In the two incidences where I still do talk to ex's it would have been more awkward not to talk.. One was a friend before the relationship and we were also on the same sports team. The other is in the same circle of friends as I am.


I can't speak for your ex though. She may have other reasons. I just wanted to throw my two cents in to show you that it isn't always insult to injury.

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I broke up with a boyfriend just a little over a year ago...and for a couple weeks after it, we continued to talk and hang out. I knew I didn't want to be with him anymore, but I guess it was hard to actually let him go, we had dated for over 4 years. I guess I was having a hard time realizing that this was it, but I stopped talking to him. I felt like I was making it harder for him, and giving him false hope that we may someday be together again, and I knew we never would. I wasn't doing it to be mean, and I guess I didn't quite understand it myself. I had already moved on to another boyfriend very quickly after that, and it could have been a rebound, but I didn't feel the need to speak to him. Anyway, we've just now been able to be friends again, with no hard feelings. I think it's nearly impossible to be friends right away, because one or both of the people involved haven't had the chance to heal and come to terms that the relationship is actually over. Just give it time...she'll come around and things will be ok. In the meantime...take care of yourself and don't let her know you're missing her. She'll realize...

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