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Why do people come to work deathly sick?


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I understand how people get mad when someone comes in sick, but it's just part of the good old American work ethic.


I also get mad when I know my coworker called off sick to do some bogus thing that vacation could be set aside for. But hey, that's just me. I guess I have that right to exercise too and have from time to time. But I am just compelled to be honest with my supervisor for some reason (like taking a half-day to rescue a cat from a tree). Shoulda called in sick.

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Unfortunately, there is nothing HR can do about people coming in with a cold or the flu.


Not at my last job. HR would come down hard on a team which had members coming to work sick. It was abig no no in our corporate environment.


If you don't want to stir the pot, then risk getting sick.


It seems to me you'll runout of sick days and fast if you call a sick day everytime someone comes to your work sick.


Sounds like in your corporate environment coming to work contagious is accepted.


I'm sorry.


Protect yourself and your baby, someway, I say.

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I don't want to create enemies or stir the pot....I just wish they would stay home. No one knows I'm pregnant so I would never play that card.


I think bringing it to my boss is too drastic and might seem petty. He's not one to get involved in office politics and the like.


I think I might just say something like "Hey you don't sound good at all...You should go home"


Heck I'd even send them chicken soup if they got the heck out of here.


Yeah, I wouldn't complain if I were you either. You are nice and would tend to get more of what you want with honey. I think the approaching them in a way might be OK if you were able to do so in a caring way, maybe even with a bit of volume to let others put the pressure on them. I had a girl come to work here with a 101 degree temperature. I was so frustrated by this, but kept it to myself.

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At my work place when people ring in sick they hate it and talk behind peoples back. I'm always at work ill wish i can take time off for being ill


Last time was a year ago




At my last job the same thing used to happen. People who always called in sick were generally considered weak and selfish, and that was taken into consideration come time for a promotion. The people who came in even when they were sick were viewed as troopers or team players. I am not saying this is the right attitude, but it is reality in a lot of work places.

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I would support Bella in this situation, my g/f is pregnant also, there's no way I would want her to be in an environment when she's been eating healthy and trying to give the best for the baby while someone who's either inconsiderate, cannot take care of their body or simply just don't understand how he/she is affecting others make her sick. /rant.


On a side note, I don't like the taste of this green jelly beans

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At my last job the same thing used to happen. People who always called in sick were generally considered weak and selfish, and that was taken into consideration come time for a promotion. The people who came in even when they were sick were viewed as troopers or team players. I am not saying this is the right attitude, but it is reality in a lot of work places.


My sister works in retail and that happens a lot there. They get very mad if someone calls in sick (legitimately). She gets very stressed if she is sick and has to call in. I think that is a huge (and highly unethcial) problem in many places sadly.


Where I work it is not a problem luckily....but maybe some of the others are right...the envirnoment might be too lax (the other end of the spectrum) if people feel it is "ok" to come in with a stomach virus.



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Protect yourself and your baby, someway, I say.


So the options are:


1) Go home sick until they get better.

2) Wear a surgical mask.

3) Move to a room supplied by different air.

4) Ask your boss to do something, and/or confront the sick people.

5) Get a new job.

6) Get sick.

7) Knock on wood and cross your fingers.

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My sister works in retail and that happens a lot there. They get very mad if someone calls in sick (legitimately). She gets very stressed if she is sick and has to call in. I think that is a huge (and highly unethcial) problem in many places sadly.


These are likely industries in which wages are kept low through shallow and number-driven management pressure which leads to high turnover and thus new starters at starting wages. I view most retail to fall into this category.


In a more enlightened workplace people are respected that when they are sick, they stay home so they can get better. Then they can again work as healthy and as soon as possible - rather than by dragging their recovery out while exposing others to the same pathogens - or exposing the workplace to compromised productivity.

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I think I'll do


8.) Take my stuff with me and finish working the rest of the day from home.... that way I do not burn my sick time.


Now that sounds good.


What do you think would happen if you told your boss that when others are coming to work sick, you'd prefer to telecommute or work from home?

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Drives me nuts too. Particularly as I tend to be someone whom really does everything I can to stay healthy! I will say eating well (veggies and fruit!), exercising and taking your vitamins (I also take Cold-FX daily during winter as preventative) helps a LOT.


If I am highly contagious, I really don't think it is right to go in. I may feel bad but that is what sick days are for. Not only is healing good to make you productive again, you never know what others may have to deal with if sickended by you (children, ill family, low immune systems).


School is bad enough; people are always sick (so far been fine this year knock on wood!) but at work people always walk in coughing on you as they talk....I carry hand sanitizer and use it every 30-45 minutes and avoid touching my face, and so forth. It is so cold here (-40C this week!) that people are indoors a lot, and recirculated air is everywhere, and it is easy to catch things.


I have gotten the flu shot the last 8 years and have not had flu (fortunately!) which was always my bigger concern with exams when in school, or RRSP season when working, etc. This past couple years I also was more worried about colds too since with my mother's immune system lowered I had to worry about passing something on to her that could have serious consequences. So far this year amazingly, I have been okay. I definitely credit the combination of stuff I said above that helps.

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Originally Posted by BellaDonna

I think I'll do


8.) Take my stuff with me and finish working the rest of the day from home.... that way I do not burn my sick time.


Now that sounds good.


What do you think would happen if you told your boss that when others are coming to work sick, you'd prefer to telecommute or work from home?


He'd probably be supportive. I do have the option to work from home now and then, but I try not to abuse it. I do have to meet with clients/students so I have to be physically present certain days.


Which now that I think of it -it baffles me even more. My coworkers also have the option to work from home- so if they are sick yet do not want to use a sick day - they can still work from home in most cases. -That's even more reason for them to stay home if they are half dead.


Anyways, I got the heck out of that germ pit and have relocated to a safer environment.lol


My immune system is pretty good- but I just don't want to take any chances with stomach viruses as they are not fun....nor can they be any good for a baby...



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Ok seriously.... ](*,) I don't understand what's going on. Is there something in the water making people act delerious?



Today another person came in to work (who was not in yesterday) and said they are trying "to get over strep throat".... -They are still coughing quite a lot though.


STAY HOME!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Dear Jesus!

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Hey there,


I am bit guilty of doing this. Unless I can barely move or running a fever, I go to work. I like to use my sick time for when I am not sick. LOL But I am not hacking and sneezing all over others either. I take the precautions, like hand santatizer, tissues, cough drops, medicine, OJ. I also clean my house as well. I clean the sheets, change tooth brushes, bleach everything. But if I have a cold or a little tummy ache, sorry folks, I am not staying home. I mean, I don't come to work with a stomach virus, or step throat though.


I do not like calling out sick. I feel guilty for doing so. I feel like I am letting others down. Some jobs vary too. I have a very close friend whom works at a place where calling in sick counts against the employee during his/her review, even though they acrule sick time. weird.

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Because they have a boss like mine.
Yeah, that's what my answer is. We have sick days, but he gives us a hard time, and assesses how your voice sounds over the phone. I had the flu and was seriously thinking of going to the ER because I was SO sick, and he told me "I didn't sound so bad".

He's a tool.

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I actually ended up vomitting last night - not sure if I was sick or what - but so many people come to work a mess with fevers and such. I wouldn't doubt it. Your thread crossed my mind this morning and it dawned on me - wow, I am so motivated to save my paid-time-off for maternity that I would consider coming to work if I felt sorta yucky, but didn't have a fever. But I think it's healthy for work mates to know your position on this. Honestly, I had a cubemate once who through his ever-so-suave spanish accent used to tell sick people to go home - how could they come to work sick!!! It was awesome. He's no longer here.

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Yeah, that's what my answer is. We have sick days, but he gives us a hard time, and assesses how your voice sounds over the phone. I had the flu and was seriously thinking of going to the ER because I was SO sick, and he told me "I didn't sound so bad".

He's a tool.


No kidding - what a jerk. The only acceptable answer he might provide is "Gee, I'm sorry you're not feeling well - I hope you get better soon - we really will miss you."

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Ok seriously.... ](*,) I don't understand what's going on. Is there something in the water making people act delerious?



Today another person came in to work (who was not in yesterday) and said they are trying "to get over strep throat".... -They are still coughing quite a lot though.


STAY HOME!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Dear Jesus!


We have many mom's who like to bring their kids to work who are sick. One had strep throat. You gotta be friggin joking me. If you cannot get a baby sitter or stay home, don't bring a sick kid!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know how you feel Bella. This place is driving me so crazy. I'm so glad I'm moving!!!

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