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I dont know whats wrong with me.

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This happens all the time... a guy will ask me out on a date... the date will go ok... I dont hear from him again.


Sometimes its a few dates and then they just disappear.

I'm not that bothered if I have a bf or not. In fact I'd rather not have one. But I'm getting really paronoid that there is something wrong with me.


I had a coffee with a guy on saturday. We seemed to have a bit in common, we were both a bit shy, but it seemed to go ok. He said he would message me later. But I havent heard from him since. I sent him a little email yesterday asking about his new job (he started monday)... but he didnt write back.


I'm usually very smiley but a bit shy with new people. I dont think I'm ugly. I think I look alright. I'm 5ft 8 and weigh 148 pounds. I thought I was an average weight but maybe i'm chubbier then I thought?


I dont know what it is How can I find out? Should I ask him? Or would that be way too weird? I know it would be weird but I dont know how else to figure this out. Any advice?

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I recall seeing your picture in that 'post your pic' thread, and believe me, you are really cute. Maybe it was something that you said? You should talk to him about it. If you don't hear anything, then he wouldn't have been worth all the effort.


BTW, I've read your Journal thread, and I hope that everything will work out for you in the future.

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I recall seeing your picture in that 'post your pic' thread, and believe me, you are really cute. Maybe it was something that you said? You should talk to him about it. If you don't hear anything, then he wouldn't have been worth all the effort.


BTW, I've read your Journal thread, and I hope that everything will work out for you in the future.


Well I havent heard anything and I know I wont. I understand that sometimes people dont click or whatever. But we seemed to get along so well and have a lot in common. Do you really think I should ask him? What would I say? I dont want it to come accross as I'm interested in him and am really sad that HE doesnt like me or something. I'm just upset because I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong all the time.

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Well I havent heard anything and I know I wont. I understand that sometimes people dont click or whatever. But we seemed to get along so well and have a lot in common. Do you really think I should ask him? What would I say? I dont want it to come accross as I'm interested in him and am really sad that HE doesnt like me or something. I'm just upset because I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong all the time.


Just casually ask him why he never got back to you. If he doesn't give you a clear response, then just give up. You also say that he is shy, so maybe he is scared to contact you first.


As for 'doing something wrong', well... how do you act on these dates? what do you say?

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Just casually ask him why he never got back to you. If he doesn't give you a clear response, then just give up. You also say that he is shy, so maybe he is scared to contact you first.


As for 'doing something wrong', well... how do you act on these dates? what do you say?


I emailed him a couple of days later because I thought that maybe he was too shy or something like you said. But he ignored it. So if I was to ask him in an email or text msg (i'm too scared to call him) what would I write?? Can you give me an example? Also if i'm too casual he might just write something nice so that he doesnt hurt my feelings.

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I emailed him a couple of days later because I thought that maybe he was too shy or something like you said. But he ignored it. So if I was to ask him in an email or text msg (i'm too scared to call him) what would I write?? Can you give me an example? Also if i'm too casual he might just write something nice so that he doesnt hurt my feelings.


awwww... well how about just asking how he is via text and ask him to call you if he wants to talk. How you word this depends on how much you like him!

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I'm not sure... I just talk about my life... but i'm very careful not to say anything negative... i smile a lot... i get very shy though.


See, there's nothing wrong with that at all! Well... just as long as you don't go in depth about your own personal past, or talk about past partners on the first date.


Actually, it's kinda rude for someone not to call you when they say that they would.

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No no I dont like him. I dont even know him that well. Its just because it has happened a few times I was getting upset cuz I dont know what i'm doing wrong. I think i'll just forget about it & not write to him.


Good idea! Y'know, maybe it is that THEY have the issues and not you.

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Hey guess what that guy replied to my email... 10 days after the date


Does anyone else find that kind of weird? He wrote sorry for taking so long to reply I've been really busy at work.

Its not that difficult to take 2 mins to write a text message or something at least right?


Should I write back to him? If I write back I would have to write 'thats ok'... but i'm kinda annoyed about it actually.

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