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What The Hell Is The Point?

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What the hell is the point in living, when you have nothing to live for?

What the hell is the point in living, when everything bores you?

What the Hell is the point in living, when everything blows up in your face and you become a failure or a public mockery?


I challenge someone, anyone, to tell me what the hell the point in living is amongst the situations illustrated above.


If your thinking "is he just wondering" or "is he really thinking about doing it" or "he's probably bluffing, just wants attention". Well, NO. All of those assumtions are Wrong. I'm not just wondering, I'm not bluffing, I'm not just wondering. You might ask, then why the hell am I posting here and why don't I just go out and do it, if I was so serious about it, something along those lines, yeah? The Answer is simple, for now, for these next couple months, I'm just peddling away time until I get out of public school - but then, it's on.


So, if you read all that, and think your some smart guy with an answer for everything - like me, well then try me! See if you can give me something I can't refute.

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What the hell is the point in living, when you have nothing to live for?


Find something that IS worth living for


What the hell is the point in living, when everything bores you?


Yeh - being bored totally sucks. Find something that DOES have meaning to you. There's GOTTA be something!!


What the Hell is the point in living, when everything blows up in your face and you become a failure or a public mockery?


Tomorrow might not be as bad and tomorrow - you could change the world....



Cheesy?? OK. But so is the permanent solution your offering to all of the above stated temporary problems...

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Awdree is right. I've seen people say on these boards so many times that suicide is a permanent solution to problems that are temporary. In a year, do you think you'll feel the same way?


Maybe you could tell us a little more about why you feel you have nothing to live for?

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Omar! Are you feeling this way because of your girlfriend and the issues there?


I guess some of my response is that you are taking a snapshot here, it's how you feel right now. It's very short term. If you were bored for some years, if there was no point in living for some time etc, that would be different.


But dude, you are young, you are in school. You have got stuff to go on with, ways of not being bored. What some girl thinks of you right now will fade in nothingness as time goes on. Mistakes you make now may well even make you a better person, give you insight to help you in your future.


When I was 19 I felt like you. I also felt much better a while later. My life since then has been wonderful, glorious, and I have been validated in 1000 different ways.


Be upset, be disillusioned, but my friend, this is not a permanent state of affairs. It will pass.

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What the hell is the point in living, when you have nothing to live for?

What the hell is the point in living, when everything bores you?

What the Hell is the point in living, when everything blows up in your face and you become a failure or a public mockery?


I challenge someone, anyone, to tell me what the hell the point in living is amongst the situations illustrated above.


Well, if someone actually decided to live the rest of their life like that...there wouldn't be much of a point.


But unless that person was locked up in solitary confinement somewhere, I don't see why these aspects of their life couldn't change. Unless they didn't want to do the work necessary to make those changes. And if they didn't, then I would assume they were currently experiencing depression and feelings of hopelessness.


At which point, I would encourage them to talk to me and give me specifics of what's going wrong in their life. Maybe I could help. Maybe not. But I'd listen.


So...what's going on with you? This is an anonymous forum, and you can air your feelings out here safely.

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It's tough to remember that just because you feel a certain way now, that's not how you always felt. And to realize that it's not how you'll always feel. You might feel like your life is not under your own control, and that can make everything feel very daunting or scary. But YOU decide what the point of your life is, and part of the journey is figuring out who you are and what you want, and what you want your life to mean.


I've had points in my life where I've felt very, very low...and what gets me through those times are dreams, whether they're seemingly far-fetched--like wanting to star in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway--or smaller, like wanting to learn "Into the Mystic" on guitar or travel to Italy.


I've had some very wise people on this forum tell me that the point of life is to help other people...that seems right to me.

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The following are to andrew and gfein. I will post replies to the rest now.



Find something that IS worth living for. You think I haven't? Do you honestly, possibly, in any part of your mind think that I would, for a minute, consider the aspects of suicide and removing my existence, if there were, by some chance, a shimmer of hope? Nay, my friend. I've searched tirelessly for eight long years - the span of my memory, for all memories before that were savagely wiped away - and there is no answer, there is Nothing I can find that is worth living for. Yes, I found something, one time, not too long ago, but... it blew up in my face. The pain it caused will burn through me like the burn of a fire made scar that never dies down. I am not going to chance that, again.


Yeh - being bored totally sucks. Find something that DOES have meaning to you. There's GOTTA be something!!. Your saying the same thing here as you did to the first thing.


Tomorrow might not be as bad and tomorrow - you could change the world... I didn't ask to save the world, or change it, did I? I don't care if my life affects it in any way - positive or negative. I could careless if the entire world followed behind me and left this plane of existence - if they want to, why not - eh?


Maybe you could tell us a little more about why you feel you have nothing to live for?. Why do I have nothing to live for? Well, lets begin with a question shall we?

People live life in the prospect of finding fun, enjoyment, and happiness in whatever crude forms they can carve. However, for someone that does not experience any of those three purposes of life and never will, knowingly - is there honestly a purpose to life? What then is a greater sin (or "wrong" if you prefer that word) - to live life simply peddling away time, being consumed by the political workforce machine and obeying and serving dutifully, without any reason or purpose and with no meaningful compensation OR suicide? Whats really worse - planning and choosing your death when you know you have no more to gain, or waiting for it to happen idly, hopping for the day it will relieve you?

So, I will give you your answer to that question while you are mauling over the philosophical merits and complexities of the situation described above.


At this day, I am less than a month away from my 18th birthday. I remember my life in fragments from the age of 10 and on - though of course I remember the more recent years more clearly. Before the age of 10, my memory is merely distant dreams, things I think were and might have happened. Since the age of 10, I have gone from one chronic depression to another, endlessly. I haven not had fun - I never even had the opportunity to understand the meaning of the word. I am analytical, overly, and strongly in touch with mathematical and scientific roots; furthermore, I am deeply philosophical and mature - according to several councilors, I handle matters "with the experience and wisdom of someone in his middle ages (50, it was implied in another sentence)". By the time everyone else begins an activity and is having fun, I have already dissected the entire situation in the current location in an highly elaborate fashion and decided that there is nothing of interest here - just a cataclysmic bore. You see, even if I do something - say ride a roller coaster - I still do not have fun, mainly do to my analysis of the situation.


Now, where it Really gets fun - I tried to cure myself by falling in love, only to have my love backfire in my face 15months into the relationship. Fierce words were said and bonds were brutally demolished. I will never forget the pain and agony that I felt for over a month straight, day after day. It burned me, and burns me as I think of it - It is a scar, that I cannot heal. In all my infinite wisdom, I am helpless. Now, I am back into my previous state, only at a highly speeded rate (though it did go on pause while we were in love with each other, I felt good for once, but hey - thats not the kind of life i was made for). So there, you have it. Enjoy - the reason why I hate myself. Some call my analyzation a gift, a remarkable trait that should not go wasted. Ironic, isn't it for I would gladly give this burden, this curse, to anyone that wished it.






Cheesy?? OK. But so is the permanent solution your offering to all of the above stated temporary problems... - A permanent solution to a temporary problem. Its a catch phrase on these forums, sure, but theres a lot of downfalls to it - it is a saying that is inspirational without substance.

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In all my infinite wisdom, I am helpless. Now, I am back into my previous state, only at a highly speeded rate (though it did go on pause while we were in love with each other, I felt good for once, but hey - thats not the kind of life i was made for). So there, you have it. Enjoy - the reason why I hate myself. Some call my analyzation a gift, a remarkable trait that should not go wasted. Ironic, isn't it for I would gladly give this burden, this curse, to anyone that wished it.


I think that what you need to recognise is that you do not possess infinite wisdom. You just don't. You are also 17, which means you have not experienced much of life to really know what you are going to miss out on if you end it now. Many people hate being teenagers, I was one of them. I didn't spark up and enjoy my existence until I was 20 or so. Some of us just weren't cut out to be kids, particularly when you are analytical or intense as a person.

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I think that what you need to recognise is that you do not possess infinite wisdom. You just don't. You are also 17, which means you have not experienced much of life to really know what you are going to miss out on if you end it now. Many people hate being teenagers, I was one of them. I didn't spark up and enjoy my existence until I was 20 or so. Some of us just weren't cut out to be kids, particularly when you are analytical or intense as a person.


I wish, I could say you were right Caro. But, you aren't. In comparison to many, my wisdom, my knowledge, and my experience are much much much more vast than that of anyone in my own age group. I don't say it in a gloating manner, because I hate it. But, I cannot run away from it either, I know it is a part of me and I cannot lie and say it isn't.


I have a very highly gifted amount of insight into things, situations, etc. I also have a high talent for nearly anything I do - though I have generally stayed away from the Arts.


Examples of my raw talent -

While learning graphic design, I surpassed my teachers within the first week on average. The longest one to surpass, the last one, took a month. These were and are highly gifted and skilled people, and were shocked when I passed them in an area that they have spent years on.


I self tutored myself in the most complicated programming languages. No language took me over three months to fully master, aside from Assembler x86 (the nearest thing to machine code that there is, its what an Operating System runs on). I created applications... for a destructive cause initially, as a kid - I wanted to cheat the system on several famous games - naturally. I did so, surpassing everyone in the same field. There were several forums dedicated to the pursuit of hacking or cheating whatever game it was that I was looking for, needless to say - I rose to the top in short adue.


I became interested in business, solely for the money that I can obtain through the field of business in order to enrich my life and that of my future spouse if there would be one. Currently, I am studying with top marks and have gone far above and beyond the rest of my peers.


That, my friend, is indeed an enormous amount of raw talent and skill. Before applying it to computers, I applied it to philosophy which is where I gather my "great wisdom" from. Sure. I sound like I know it all, or atleast you think I'm attempting to sound as such. Trust me, I don't know it all, I don't want to know it all, I just want a nice simple life. That is something I was not allowed to have, since the time of my birth.

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The odds of one's existence is nothing short of miraculous and I've never understood why so many people don't give it it's proper respect. Sure if there was a mass extinction, mass suicide, or total annilation of the universe for that matter...there would be no need to ponder any questions. All conflicts would be solved.


But, we are here. Part of what makes us special is that we do search for meaning. We are more than a random piece of matter spinning thru the galaxy. You have the ability to chart your own course, and find your own meaning in life. Freewill is a great thing. It provides us w/ dominion over matter and ultimately the universe. If freewill was not real and merely a phenomenon or illusion created by tiny particles of matter, then I might be apt to get bogged down with questons like "what is the point". However, as conscious beings, that is not what we experience.


a)Find something to live for.

b)Find something that doesn't bore you.

c)There is really no such thing as failure. Society just made that crap up, as it does most things. There are different outcomes in life, but one outcome is as worthy as the next.


Unfortunately, most people don't search for "meaning" as you do. Most people rush to and from work (or wherever) doing "meaningless" exercises that they proclaim important, only to validate their own existence. Ironically, they are the one's really "peddling away time" because they don't stop to find "meaning" in all the madness. They are conditioned and programmed, much like the workings of public school.


So, for now let your search for meaning carry you where it will...there are some fascinating things out there. Mind-boggling things. There are also great pleasures and great adventures to be had. The fact that you bother to ask the question shows that you're special and ahead of the pack.

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You do not learn life experience from books. You accumulate it yourself. Do not tell me that just because you are smart that you are somehow omniscient and know what you will feel when you are 25, 35, 50. You are not that person yet. I respectfully disagree: you do NOT possess infinite wisdom.


If you are so talented it would seem a shame to deprive the world of your skills. Seriously. There must be an avenue for you.


I know it is isolating being smart and being capable in ways people do not expect. That's part of why being like that when young sucks. People don't know what to do with you. But as you mature, you find that there are other people like you, and some are even more intelligent and capable that you are. You find a path, you find like minded people. They do exist.

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You talk about free will... as if it still existed. Free will has become an illusion. Free will is masked by the media, the society, and the politics. No matter how much my "free will" wishes to goto a small strip of land, and have it as my own - no rules, no boundries, no "protection", nothing of that sort - it will Never happen. Currently, the only places I can go for something like that are practically uninhabited. I don't wish to rule anyone, no I don't want that much land. What about food? Well... let see... that would Be my job, surviving, so it Really wouldn't be that hard to get if I have all day to spend getting food. But no, thats just a small vision of what used to be. Free will, is only as free as the political machine and its watchdog will allow it to be.


A) Already said the problem with that.

B) Same to this one - but in short, the one thing I found destroyed any will left in me.

C) There are failures. When you feel like you have failed yourself, regardless of society, thats when failures truly exist.


I know that most people work as a part of the workmachine and mindlessly push away their life without realizing it. But... I've never been the person that can do something like that.

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Who? Me? If so - then about what?


Yes, you. About the way that you are thinking right now.


If you could transport yourself into a time when you felt very happy - any time - you would not be thinking of these things or you would be thinking of them in a different manner.


Or let's say you can't think of even ONE instance of happiness in your life.

If that were the case - which is doubtful, as even the most miserable folks tend to have at least glimmering seconds of hope and happiness (or at least not anguish) - well, then you would not have the experience to know what thinking as a happy person is like.


Lots of us have been at ugly points where life seems pointless.

It distorts our thinking in that moment.


The point is that now is not the time to be trusting what your brain is telling you. It has one thing on its mind, and that is 'hopelessness'. One colour for all of your thoughts. Yet you know your mind is capable of more.


If life truly has no point - then why not do something?


You might find out you have been wrong. Anything is possible!

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Well, if you with all your infinite wisdom, can't find the point, what hope is there for us mere mortals?


You do not learn life experience from books. You accumulate it yourself. Do not tell me that just because you are smart that you are somehow omniscient and know what you will feel when you are 25, 35, 50. You are not that person yet. I respectfully disagree: you do NOT possess infinite wisdom.


If you are so talented it would seem a shame to deprive the world of your skills. Seriously. There must be an avenue for you.


I know it is isolating being smart and being capable in ways people do not expect. That's part of why being like that when young sucks. People don't know what to do with you. But as you mature, you find that there are other people like you, and some are even more intelligent and capable that you are. You find a path, you find like minded people. They do exist.


Mk. You two can badger on my use of a common phrase all you want. It hardly helps to prove your point, if you have one.


"Infinite wisdom" is a common saying or phrase that is used to describe that you have been through a lot and have had a lot of experience. So, if you wish to continue your negative attacks on my use of common phrases that are used on a daily basis amongst several people, then do so - but keep it in your head.


And yes, Master Carro, I agree. There are other people that are smarter than me. Not many in the fields that I apply myself to generally, and at my age level or near it, but yet they do exist - miracle isn't it? No, not really. I'm not saying I am superman or some all knowing sage - theres 5 billion friggen people out there. I don't expect to have the highest IQ or whatever else for a person my age. I don't want to have it.


As for what a shame it would be to "waste my skills", well sorry, but I could give a rats * * * whether or not a corporation betters itself and becomes rich off of the hard work that I do, while I earn a fraction of the income as a lowly CEO or something. No, whats a real shame, is what the world has degenerated into.

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I would just throw in my two cents that wisdom is not experience. Other's have said it, but you are very very young. I hated that age, and knew that if I could just make it to adulthood and out on my own that I would be ok.


In your (self-proclaimed) wisdom you must realize that things change, and you have many things that you have not seen/done/felt yet. Maybe just look to the future instead of the past?

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If you could transport yourself into a time when you felt very happy - any time - you would not be thinking of these things or you would be thinking of them in a different manner.

Then I would be remembering the same memory, the same 6 months, over and over and over again repeatedly until even the happiness became dull and weary.


I've felt happiness, it felt good, until it burned.




Actually, in my self proclaimed wisdom, I have noticed that life goes through a vast circle where everything is bleak and repetitive in which we try to disillusion ourselves into thinking that it isn't the same thing everyday, when really, it is. Life is like a great circle, with several individual circles inside of it. The great circle represents your entire life, the pattern that it assumes. The individual circles represent the different aspects of life that you will experience, primarily there are 4 smaller circles, with even smaller circles inside of them. The four are babyhood, childhood, adulthood, and old age. In this ive grouped teenager and children together as they are essentially the same. Now, each of those four phases, or circles, has its own set of circles, that may be set slightly differently for each person, but in the end, they all are nearly the same. Granted, there are different combinations that lead to different results in the circles, so then there are different sets of general combinations formed, but unfortunately, this number is less than 10.


I first noticed repetitiveness while playing a child's game. Then again later when I played a game that was supposed to be a "virtual" life game so to say. Then it dawned on me how repetitive our very own existence is.

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As for what a shame it would be to "waste my skills", well sorry, but I could give a rats * * * whether or not a corporation betters itself and becomes rich off of the hard work that I do, while I earn a fraction of the income as a lowly CEO or something. No, whats a real shame, is what the world has degenerated into.


I am not suggesting you go to work for a some sociopathic corporation, or that you get exploited. I am talking about using your skills in a range of ways. What about the field of intelligence? Defence? Health? You could apply yourself in so many ways that might actually feel good to you. You could be the first person to provide some breakthrough - you genuinely have many ways to be actualised in this world that do not require you to bend your inner spirit to a breaking point.

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"You two can badger on my use of a common phrase all you want. It hardly helps to prove your point, if you have one"


"...if you wish to continue your negative attacks on my use of common phrases that are used on a daily basis amongst several people, then do so - but keep it in your head."


"And yes, Master Carro, I agree...."


I did not mean for this to turn into a slanging match or be negative. You obviously feel badly enough to start with. My main point was not to attack you but to point out that one's mind does tend to change as one gets older. One's maturity and life experience does make a difference to perception of the world and one's place in it. It was supposed to provide some perspective and some hope.


Are you able to share this stuff with anyone you respect in the real world?

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Caro33, I guess you haven't understood yet. I do not want this. I don't like my intelligence. I hate all the "wisdom" and "intelligence" that I have. In all honesty, there is little diffrence whether or not someone makes a brilliant invention. It all leads to the same place. Making the rest of our lives a living hell.


Look at what our life has become! The internet and computer were developed to make life more manageable, to make work easier. But, NO! The corporations couldn't see it that way. Instead, they exploited it to no end. Now we stand in a generation of people that are as clueless about traditional values as a rock is, not only that but that since of making a change has lead to a rise in cheating because people want to get the good jobs and get a recognized title - so sure they cheat their way through school, but the end justifies the means, RIGHT? No! I don't think so. I am rare in my generation, because I do have a Lot of traditional values.


There is no invention that has Ever been invented in the length of mankind's existence that has truly made life better.

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Why do all breakthroughs have to make our lives a living hell? You might create a whole new philosophy, or a means of making the paralysed move again; you might create new ways of viewing the stars, or make renewable energy something that can feasibly replace coal. You might help avert terrible disasters. You might help people in some way - do these sorts of options hold no value to you whatsoever?

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Caro33, I guess you haven't understood yet. I do not want this. I don't like my intelligence. I hate all the "wisdom" and "intelligence" that I have.


I never believed you wanted it, I hadn't ascribed a value judgement to it either way. I do think that you are using your intelligence as an excuse to not engage with the world, and you seem to be using it to ward off any arguments put to you that there might be more to life that you just haven't found yet. While I recognise that being different from others can be isolating and deeply depressing, I do not accept that possessing high intelligence necessarily makes one immune to enjoying life.


I do think that you can change your perspective if you want to, and it might also require someone else's help to find the right tools for you to move forward. It would seem a real shame to me if you looked at your life to date, and your recent heartbreak, and decided life wasn't worth it. There really is much more to all this than that, I promise.

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