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I hate my large breasts

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Basically if you want to make them smaller (without extreme measures) you need to lose weight in general. You can't really choose which part of your body loses the fat. Personally, my boobs are the first place I will lose or gain fat. They will probably be saggy at first if you go from a D to a C. With time they should regain their elasticity. I found it took about 10 or 12 months before mine regained their elasticity. But in the end, after losing a bit of weight, they were even less saggy than before I lost the weight (because they had less fat for gravity to drag down). It also helps to not wear a bra around the house. The skin will never have the chance to tighten again if they are always squashed up in a bra. And the more slowly you lose the weight, the less they will sag.

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Exercise and weight loss can decrease the size of breasts, the state of the skin and the extent of sagging will be dependent on your age (and thus the elasticity of your skin) your current weight and and how you lose weight. Exercising with weights to tone would also help.


Breasts also have the mammary gland in there, so you would only be able to lose a certain amount of size however. Women who go in for reductions have to lose a certain amount of weight to show that they need the reduction as their size is due to the gland and not the surrounding fat.

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Well, you can try those bras that are minimizers (but let's face it, I am shure they're not so comfortable).

You can't make them smaller with workout.

If you loose weight they'll be smaller but ugly (like a baloon that's not so full of air anymore).


So you can choose not to wear white stretch shirts and to wear only models that fit you good and to accept guys wouldn't mind your D cup.

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Well, losing body fat will tend to make them lose some mass, but it REALLY depends on your current body mass. If you are already smaller framed/within reasonable range it won't affect it very much at all.


Depending on your age too, they change as you age as initially they tend to be more "fatty" when you are younger (assuming weight stays in same range).


Also depends on the breast tissue as they are not JUST made of fat, they are also made of glandular tissue and the composition depends on your genetics. If they have more glandular tissue than fat, losing weight won't impact them much.


All that being said..physical activity is good no matter what, and certain exercises (bench press, flys) can also tighten the pectoral muscles and give them some additional lift.


Some hormones also make them a bit more swollen, though over time that tends to even out.



I know when I REALLY increased my exercise training (I compete) they did go from a D to a C, but that was a rather dramatic increase from my regular working out before that and more than most would be willing to do for reducing breast size alone and that was with a change in body composition (muscle to fat ratio). I was already quite petite, so was surprised they changed but that may have been due to as I said the big increase in training (particularly endurance training). They have stayed that way now for years, but this may also be due to age, me avoiding hormonal birth control, etc. They remained "full" (as in not getting saggy) but again this may be partly genetic, my youth at the time and the fact I also weight train so it tends to tighten and add definition and perk to your chest muscles.


Your only 'real' solution is a breast reduction, but seriously, unless they are causing health problems be cautious as it is major surgery. I used to hate them off and on, but after my mum had hers removed for breast cancer, I opted to just have fun with them while I have them for as long as I hve them! My young sister has 32E's (and she is very small framed!) and I know they are frustrating at times for her, but a great bra really makes her feel great, and them look great too.


Most women wear the wrong size bra, which is why they are uncomfortable, so definitely go get a bra fitting done and see if you feel a bit better after that.

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I personally know women who've had good size breasts and then dieted and excercised and lost a full breast size, or more. So yes, it's defineatley possible. I've seen it done by women I personall know.


As a matter of fact, isn't that exactly what Jennifer Anniston did? I liked her better when she was shaplier and heavier and curvier. Now she's skinny and her breast size is defineatly smaller. My eyes say so. I miss her larger breasts, rounder hips, and shaplier legs from before, but I don't get a vote.


With weight loss in general, your skin will tighten as you lose weight and not be saggy or loose, IF YOU LOSE THE WEIGHT SLOWLY. I should know since I lost 45 lbs over a year's time and don't have a wrinkle or a sag from it because I lost it slowly. That was 3 years ago and I've kept it off. Oh ya, I went from having some breasts myself to having none, thank God. My stomach is also gone.


If you lose weight fast, then your skin will be loose, saggy, and might stay that way. However, there must be ways to deal with that. How do women tigthen up their tummy skin after a baby?


I'd suggest losing weight slowly by a combination of diet and excercise and keep making your bra smaller as needed because my intuition tells me that would help prevent sagging.

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Hi again,


I am pretty small framed, but have large breasts. I am also only 21, so I'm not sure if this will change over time as someone said?...I DEFINATLY don't want to get surgery. I do play rugby and have began working out everyday. I just know that you concentrate on your core if you want to lose stomach fat, so was wondering if I do a few more reps of lifting exercises focused on pecs if that will reduce the size...

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I would have to think anything developing muscle mass in that general area is not going to make them any smaller, but I'm not sure. If you're already in decent shape with little excess fat (as it sounds as though you are) then I'm not sure if you can change them much in size through exercise and diet.


Regardless of what the male population in general can sometimes feel, I can certainly understand why being large is an issue.

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back when i was in my "workout kick", I found that bench pressing helped quite a bit.. I've always had a DD cup and I do believe they shrunk to a large C-cup. Be sure not to work your way up TOO high, otherwise, your muscles will increase in size, thus making your breasts look bigger.

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Hi honey... I feel ur pain... I'm 5"3, and aussie size 10 and my boobs are a large DD or a small E...

My mate Sylvia was a EEE (tripple E cup) and prob an aussie size 14, so she wasn't especially big... She had breast reducion... so heres the 411 on that...


*They wouldn't shrink her anything below a D because it creates problems for if she has babies and wants to breastfeed

*The scars are not very nice. I've seen them. They cut around her nipple, and under her breast (like where ur underwire would go), and a line from the nipple cut to the under the breast cut. it cost her close enough to $7000AU.


My boobs have shrunk to a DD thru excercise, but it depends on ur body... theres only so much weight u can loose before u start to look like mary kate olsen!


I found a GREAT bra... its by berleigh, its a racerback sports bra... stops bounce by 50%, its the bra that that desperate housewives chick (the blonde one) is promoting... neway worth looking up. u can get them at Forbes lingerie, i think they go upto an E cup in bigish sizes...


Breast wishes!! Breast of luck to you ! xoxoxoxo

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