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getting girls but can;t keep em-inexperience guy


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myself dating and girls my whole life has been pretty sad. in HS i didn;t date at all, or have any female friend , in 3rd year of college i started talkin to girls.but mostly ended being casual aquitances and nothing else-no date, nothing. sad hey,

well during that time i started goin online dating such as plentyof fish, myspace, okcupid.. the free dating online. all and all i met quiete a few girls-from all sizes, races and personatlity types.


i would chat up with these girls via msn-hobbies, school , life , work etc and later on like after couple of chats depending on the girl -i ask for her number and we meet up for coffee.


the thing is i never can keep the girl for long, its like we'll go out for coffee on our first (meeting date), and then i arrange a lunch(2nd date) , and then another such date be it lunch again or hanging out at malls (3rd date). i saw on average i probably get 3 dates out of a girl probably on average , some longer-longest was 2 months-once a week and shortest was like one date. the thing is i met quiete a lot of girls off the net(approx 13) , considering my social network of friends and girls i now from real life are really few to like none.

why is that? are girls that picky? like if they feel your too homebody its a turnoff, too quiet or what not. i feel i have more chances with unexperienced girls-hardly dated, had 1 bf , than those who dated and had bfs -experienced girls


anwyays its pretty hard now-at 26 yr old i guess i didn;t date and meet girl when i was in my early 20's now its so hard-everyone is taken , or even more picky-considering the girls know what they want and not want in a man. my mom was like this in the morning"hey joe why don't you go find a gf and date" ,"you now u can", i'm like ya its not that easy ya now-u want the girl , she don;t want u, i'm like - and now u tell me to date , how about before. i lack total experience.

comin from a strict sheltered family household didn't help out either- parents were like we had to come home at certain times, didn;t believe in friends and school was the only thing that mattered. kinda of lost a lot of social skills that kids develop when younger.

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I think you have to modify your tactics. Taking a girl on three dates is a very inefficient way to find out that she isnt interested. Personally I would find out after the first date, make it a rule to go in for a kiss on the first date and if she does not want to kiss then you know she isnt interested. You have to set guidelines like that so that you know if she is interested or not. Otherwise you are wasting your time just taking them out.

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