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I’ve been having some aches and pains and it was recommended to me that I visit a chiropractor. My boss referred me to one who is supposed to be very good. Half the people in my office visit him, so I assumed he must do some good.


But he’s quite pushy and that makes me uncomfortable. He designed a plan for me where I go three times/week for the next 7 weeks, and then once/week after that. The problem is that my insurance only covers $400, and he wants me to spend $800! So $400 is going to be coming out of my pocket.


I figure if I’m going to spend that kind of money on my health (in Canada, where most care is free), then it better be worth it. But I know there’s scepticism behind the whole idea of a chiropractor and whether they even do any good. Some people think they are flaky and not real medical practitioners. What do you think? Any experiences?

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Gah! $400 bucks! Surely you jest.


Oh, I think if I were you, I'd see whether I felt better after $400 of work, and then if I didn't, maybe I'd spring for the extra $400.


I don't care for pushy people in general though, and definitely not in a chiropractor. That's something I've always been leery of.

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I've been going to a chiro for a couple of months now and it's helping a great deal. I pay about $35 a visit, twice a week currently, soon to drop to once a week. I get no coverage at all through insurance.


I think they do work if you let them manipulate and adjust you and do whatever exercises and stretches they give you. I've definitely been helped and it can feel that my back is in better shape and I'm slowly becoming more flexible again as things loosen up.


What I will say is that it is very important to get a chiro that you are totally comfortable with otherwise you will fight the adjustments. I went to one at first who I didn't like, went to one many years ago I didn't like and just recently found one I really do like. These people are pushing around parts of your body that might not want to move easily and might hurt a tad the first few times so really make sure they are somebody you are fully comfortable with. It's also helps them a great deal if you can report exactly when and where pain is, and help interpret what's going on up and down your spine so having a comfortable raport is very handy.

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I'm so glad you asked bcause I may have an answer for you... I worked for a Chiro as a billing manager for a year and i saw how they operate. Their techniques and treatments are effective.. how often do we need it?... hummm.. not as often as they get you to come in.. I mean, it's kinda like setting up a plan to get your nails done AHEAD of time.. nothanks, Ill come in if i feel i need a manicure! Just an example! But alignment are GREAt, I remember we were at a seminar and I just had this MASSIVE headache.. I kid you not when I say that the Chiro ( my boss at the time) walked up to me as I am standing there.. grabbed my head and adjusted me on the spot..within 25 seconds, the headache was entirely gone!!

Just last month I had a pinched nerve.. knew i had to get adjusted.. I went twice during that week and got better.. the chiro tried to put me on a plan but.. i declined and told him i'd come on my own. THANKS BUT NO THANKS.

It's a call that YOU will have to make rather you feel you need it weekly or yearly.. for me, I know when my body needs to be adjusted.. and I rather call him on my time.

Hope I helped!

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Well I didn't think that I had a severe condition. My health is great and I haven't been in accidents. But I am pregnant and my ribs are very sore. Someone told me she found relief from a chiro for sore ribs. Personally, I don't even see how that's related to my spine, but I'll try anything at this point because I'm so uncomfortable and tried everything else I could think of - including regular exercise and stretches.


I don,t see why I should go 3 times / week because I'm not injured. (Although he says I'm all off-center and gibbled. But I think they say that to everyone.)

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Could be that you're compensating by using muscles under your ribs to counter something else that's out of alignment. But I'm not a chiro or a doctor, so I can't really say that!


Part of how often you go depends on how you hold adjustments, and how far out of alignment you are. I'd hope that he's telling the truth when he told you about being off centre.


The stretches and exercise won't help if your muscles are constantly under strain trying to counteract something. In fact, it's possible they make it worse depending on exactly what is wrong.


I go twice a week right now, it works for me.


Like any other medical situation though, if at all unsure, get a second opinion, meaning see a different chiro. Perhaps even think about asking your doctor if he can recommend one. Even if not all for it (some doctors aren't) he/she might have a suggestion.

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Hazey.. being a LPN nurse student... I can tell you that if your ribs are sore .. a chiro may help , but it will not resolve your issue and I agree that 3 x a week may be much. Your whole body is out of wack when you are pregnant and THAT is the issue at hand. We all have to deal with something while pregnant, this just may be YOUR agony right now. Go with your gut..no pun intended.. I was also told that my spine was all gibbled up..lol...so i strech everyday.. but i wont get adjusted 3 x a week.. I feel that is not medically nescessary if i feel fine. pregnant or not.

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Could be that you're compensating by using muscles under your ribs to counter something else that's out of alignment.


No, there's a 3lb, 16-inch long human lodged up under my ribs - squirming and kicking all day.


But I think the idea is that he can stretch out my spine, thus separating my ribs a bit, and making more room for my little alien.... if I understand correctly.


I guess I'll continue for a couple of weeks and see if I get relief. I just feel like I could spend that $400 on a year's membership to a gym, or on dance classes, or on organic fruits and veggies... I only have a limited budget and health is important to me, but is this the best place I could put $400 to improve my health? I guess I just have to try it out to judge that.

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When I started going- I went 3 times a week for a few weeks, then once I made some improvement, I went once a week.


However, if your budget does not allow it, then I think you should switch to someone who is less pushy. Remember, getting adjusted some of the time is better than not getting adjusted at all. You do what you can fit into your lifestyle.


My Chiropractor has been pushy with me a few times over the years, and I had to gently put him in his place a few times. Most chiros believe in what they do very passionately. I agree with a lot of their philosophy, but I take it with a grain of salt, and I certainly don't let them tell me what I "have" to do. Sometimes they have a "holier than thou" attitude. My chiropractor has gotten dogmatic with me about my pregnancy (his wife gave birth at home with no drugs and a midwife) So he tries to push that on me but I just ignore him whenever he gets on the topic. I'm not telling him that I'm having an elective c-section because he'll go into labor himself and lecture me. So I give him limited information. I believe his job is to take care of my spine and he can mind his business when it comes to anything else.


My chiropractor has gotten rid of my migraines though and has taken good care of me - however I call all of the shots. If this chiropractor you're seeing is too pushy and it makes you feel uneasy, go to someone else. There are many of them out there and you can find one who will better suit your needs and goals.



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No, there's a 3lb, 16-inch long human lodged up under my ribs - squirming and kicking all day.


Of course, point taken! Sorry about not considering that as I should have.


That being the case I'll fall back on my advice and only suggest that you be comfortable with whatever chiro you go to, if you decide to go at all!

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Hazey.. no, dont spend the money... if i was you.. which i am not, and i knew I had limited CHIRO benefits, I would dispurse the visits so that I would not have to come out of pocket. Seems like you get some kind of releif from it.. maybe you can compensate in between visits and strech at home. It is not life or death for you to see this CHIRO 3 x a week and weather you go 1-2 a month or 3 times a week, I believe you'd be getting basically the same results.

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As a young, semi-active male, I typically end up in the chiropracter once every two months. I'll go if I am just generally feeling sore, or if I hurt myself. It costs about $35 each time and I'm in and out of there in about 10 minutes. The last time I threw something in my back out and couldn't really turn my back, I came in during his lunch hour and he spent less then 3 minutes on my back and I walked out feeling like new. The things they can do...

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As a young, semi-active male, I typically end up in the chiropracter once every two months. I'll go if I am just generally feeling sore, or if I hurt myself. It costs about $35 each time and I'm in and out of there in about 10 minutes. The last time I threw something in my back out and couldn't really turn my back, I came in during his lunch hour and he spent less then 3 minutes on my back and I walked out feeling like new. The things they can do...


I guess it depends on what is wrong. I've never walked out feeling immediately better, but generally have noticably improved the next day. On a few occasions I was actually worse for a day or two. It all depends on how your muscles react to the adjustment. If your spine was out of alignment from neck down to hips it can take several adjustments to get things back in shape.


I wonder if it's like trying to level up an old house, if you try to do it all at once you're going to end up with broken walls. Do it a bit at a time over a long time period and things shft back into place with much less stress.

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I've only had 2 adjustments so far and I notice a difference in my neck - right at the base of my head. There used to be a couple spots that were very sensitive and would sometimes give me headaches. These spots also had lumps that had been there for 2 or 3 years now. Already, those spots are not sensitive anymore and the lumps are gone. That's pretty impressive. But my ribs are still sore, and that's my main concern. I don't think the chiro can fix that.

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Hey Amber!


Just to qualify myself, I am a licensed physical therapist and in the past worked exclusivly with chiropractors for about 6 years. I truly believe in the message and the method, but also offer a little insight to what rationale they are using to try and get you to come so much.


Often chiropractors are subjected to a mantra in college of "3X a Week". The objective literature and studies support that once the spine and surrounding soft tissues have settled into a shape ( ie, around a misaligned part of the spine) that even when adjusted they will normally want to go back to that familiar, retained shape. It takes constant reminding to "retrain" these muscles to hold their new shape, and to keep the spine in line.


Now after having said all of that, I have from experience seen several chiros get the necessary result after treating a patient maybe 2 times the first week and once a week thereafter. I don't know your situation, but you have to be firm with them that you know your body and are doing all you can.


I also understand that you are pregnant, and I am sure your chiro is under the rational that as long as your child is expanding and growing the pressue and center of gravity on your spine is shifting, so he expects to need to adjust you accordingly.


I cannot say whether or not you will receive relief for your sore ribs as that is an area usually treated by ultrasound and Estim. DO NOT allow your chiro to perform those treatments on you while you are pregnant. You can be stretched, flexed, distracted, heated within reason, iced, massaged, etc, but NOT Estim or Ultrasound. He also should not xray you or lay you on a table that does not have pregnancy supports.


My general opinion of this situation is that you ended up at one of the seedier chiros that are more into selling you a "plan" and hoping that you won't use all the visits rather than altering their course of treatment according to your response. No doctor can estimate how you will get better and what you will need on the first visit. Try looking for another chiro, possibly one that does acupuncture and reflexology. Both are beneficial during pregnancy. I had acupuncture during my last labor and no drugs... It was WONDERFUL.


Good luck! and if you made it all the way through this post, and you still want to know something, pm me.

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