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Well the birthday and what would have been are 4 yr anniversary weekend has passed. I will admit I was pretty low and down for most of it, but 2day I feel as if the last thing that was holding me back has passed. I did call her to wish her happy b'day I think she liked that though she did say that she didn't got my card, dam postal service proplay get it today..


That b'day meal she had sat nite with her family and are friends hurt me, but nothing can hurt me anymore, that chapter of my life has now been closed..


For all the people going threw the early stages of a break up, I feel for you but it does get easier..i never believed that when I was told that, but I now know it does happen…just get on with your life and accept you will get bad days I still do even after nearly 4 months..just think of it as their loss and in the majority of cases you did nothing wrong..the only crime I was guilty of was loving her too much!


Keep your chin up!

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Thanks street for those nice words. It does get better with time doesn´t it? Eventually we should be having no bad days at all. It has been 5 months for me. I was doing well, but ex called to say "hi" and that sort of set off on a bad day stream. However, I do agree with you that it does get better. AFter around the 4 month mark, if you face your feelings and do your mourning, something just automatically clicks and you do feel better, sort of liberated and are truly stronger from the heart. So I sum my self to your words of wisdom and encouragment to those of you reading this that have just begang going to the hell of post breakup feeling.

As to you, congrats! I think you did really great with this b-day aniversary situation. I had read your previous post about this and was keeping up with your story wondering what will happen. Sorry it hurt/bothered you about the dinner with her family, friends, but things do change when people breakup. After acceptance comes the part of adjusting to these types of things. But it seems you are well on your way Street. So take good care, good luck and keep moving forward.Chin up!

You are strong and you have made it!!!!


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thanks reborn, it helps alot when people give me encouragement...


the only thing left for me now is to enjoy my life, this has made me a stronger and wiser person..


sounds like we both r moving in the right direction, its just sometimes it takes u a while to find that direction..


take care

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