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Why do I do this to myself?

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Is some of you know, but not all of you, I am very sensative about a lot of things, death being on of them. Well, recently I found the Chicken Soup For The Sould books in my school library (The don't have anything to search for books, you just have to look for them with hand and eye) and I've taken up to reading the Death & Dying section of the books. With almost every story I read I almost cry. Reading those stories send so much emotion through me I can hardly handle it. Why, when it hurts me to read about this stuff, I go and read it willingly?

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Maybe you don't like your current prevailing emotional state (like if you've been depressed, unhappy, etc). You know that reading those sections will cause you to cry, so you seek out those sections because you'd rather feel anything other than what you're currently feeling (in this case, crying for others rather than feeling depressed about yourself). Of course, if you're a happy person generally, then I'm probably wrong.

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