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Erm i cant really answer that as ive never gone down on a girl on her period lol


Could have been the end of her period that tasted yukky or it could have been something she'd eaten? Well diet affects you guys and how you taste anyway


Does she normally taste okay? (pardon me asking)

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I'm asuming that you've given her oral in the past, and she has tasted much better than this time.


It's possible that there was still some menstral "stuff" since she just finished her period that day. Or, it could have been a hygeine issue...especially if it was at the end of the day and she hadn't showered since that morning, had just worked out, etc.


Also, how you "taste" is somewhat dependent on what you eat. It's possible that she ate something that affected her taste in a negative way.


I wouldn't mention this to her unless it happens again. This is a very delicate issue to bring up.

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Washing and cleaning are always essential. It's always possible that she ate something that affected her taste. (By the way, the same goes for guys. "You are what you eat" ) Ask her what she ate that day.


It's probably because she just got off her period. Hormones all out of wack and all that. In the future, I would always wait until she was at least a day or two off her period (as opposed to the day of her last period).


Please don't let this discourage you from performing oral in the future. Nothing is sexier than a guy who likes (or at least pertends to like) performing oral on you. For you, it may be an "acquired taste", but please try it a few more times before making a decision.


And also, never tell a girl that she tastes bad. That's just asking for trouble.


Hope this helps.

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I think as it is the first time you had performed oral, you probably just weren't used to it. I'm not sure though- I'm a girl and I've never done it to another girl. As an above poster said, I think you'll get used to it.


Also, * sorry to be graphic* you don't need to be right in there tasting it! Sometimes that's good, and everyone is different, but personally (and my friends have said the same thing) I like my bf to focus on my clitoris. And also, that means you won't be 'tasting it' quite so much!


Hope that helps.

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first I believe what southerngirl meant by 'red wings' is that you performed oral during your girls period. I hope you dont tell her that you think she taste bad as this is likely to hurt her feelings and possibly make her hesitant to let you try again or do other things. I guess I'm saying it will give her a complex about herself, and probably embarrass her. I think it probably tasted bad because she had just finished her period that day. She may not have been completely 'finished'. I think you should try it again in a week or so, or sometime when she hasnt just had her period and see if there is a difference. good luck!

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I think what's really going on here, is that you just so happen to not like her particular smell.


The reason why I think this, is due to the fact that she technically wasn't on her period at the time, and she also had just washed herself. Conversely, whenever my SO eats me out, whether I be freshly clean, still spotting from my period, or sweaty from a workout, he always likes the way that I smell/taste.

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Well, when a womans TOM (Time Of the Month -- I hate the P-word) stops during the day, it doesn't mean that she's fully finished. I know that sounds contradictory but, let me explain.


At 4pm, I can realize that my TOM has stopped, and it'll seem as if nothing's coming out of me, but later on that night, or even the next day, I might see some stuff on the toilet paper when I wipe myself after peeing. Which is why I never have sex with my boyfriend, or let him go down on me, until 2 days after it initially stopped. It's normal. Next time, wait at least 1 full day, or even 2 would be better, after the day her TOM "stops."


If I were you, I'd try it out one more time, just to see. Maybe she doesn't always taste like that, and maybe it was, in fact, due to her TOM. If she still tastes bad, then you know it's her. If she doesn't then it *might* be safe to say that the first experience going down on her was just a result of her TOM.

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I think as it is the first time you had performed oral, you probably just weren't used to it. I'm not sure though- I'm a girl and I've never done it to another girl. As an above poster said, I think you'll get used to it.


Also, * sorry to be graphic* you don't need to be right in there tasting it! Sometimes that's good, and everyone is different, but personally (and my friends have said the same thing) I like my bf to focus on my clitoris. And also, that means you won't be 'tasting it' quite so much!


Hope that helps.


Good idea. He can lick her clit, and finger her at the same time to avoid too much taste.

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I think what's really going on here, is that you just so happen to not like her particular smell.


The reason why I think this, is due to the fact that she technically wasn't on her period at the time, and she also had just washed herself. Conversely, whenever my SO eats me out, whether I be freshly clean, still spotting from my period, or sweaty from a workout, he always likes the way that I smell/taste.


LOL! Because he's obsessed with your vag... hehe

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