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Whats an aethiest's funeral like?

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I was thinking I could die anytime, and if I do die, what would my funeral be like.


I ask this because my mom believes I still believe in her religion, and I tell her this to make things go easy. Although, my dad knows otherwise. Now I don't like the beliefs in her religion, and if I were to die, my funeral would probably be done through her church, which makes me feel uncomfortable at the moment.


Then again, I don't know what my funeral would be like. I haven't even picked my song yet, but I have been thinking I would either want to be buried in another country, not America, or be cremated, be buried in some ancient pagan kind of ritual. A nice big tomb, like that of a king's, would be nice too.


I know, its kind of a dark thread, but I went to a funeral today, and it was sad, for both the person and the beliefs that carry with that person. Well from my point of view. But thats another topic.


Just what is an aethiest's funeral like?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My dad's friend wasn't Religious, but I don't know if he was an Athiest. Anyways, he was a veteran so they did a memorial service at the veteran's cemetery, and there was a Christian Minister there. In the middle over the sermon when she started giving people the opportunity to come up and be saved, his son stood up and said "My dad wouldn't have wanted this". So they had a little argument, and finally she stopped. That was the most stressful funeral I had ever been to. wow.


I think that if you really care how your funeral will be, make sure you pre-pay for things and have it in your will. I know your young and don't want to do that now, but if you care you'll do that. Other than that, you'll be dead so aside from how your family feels, you will be dead, so you will have no say about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I saw this thread and it made me remember my brothers funeral, it couldnt have been a better send off.


My brother died when he was 15, still in school. At his funeral, 200 people from his school turned up. On top of all his relatives etc, the church was flooded with people. My brother was always the joker, could always make people laugh - I like to think he got that ability from me. But anyway, at the start of the funeral as people were walking into the church behind the coffin, you could hear alot of crying and whimpering. Everyone got seated and the Vicar said a few prayers, people went up to the front and read out a few poems, it was all very depressing. The Vicar then said somthing like "I have been asked by Stefans family to play a song that he loved very much, a song very close and dear to him". I turned around just to see the look on his friends faces, they all looked really confused as to what the song might be, they all knew he liked his rap music but looked at each other as if to say "they're not going to play one of those songs at.. inside a..". For anyone who hasnt heard Ludacris - Stand Up, go download it.


It came on and all the sounds of crying and whimpering suddenly turned into laughter and people smiling. Even after death, he was still able to make people have that reaction and even though I picked out the song, I knew it would be exactly what he would have wanted.


Watch out for my medalion, my diamonds are wreckless, feels like a midget is hangin' from my neckless!

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