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Well, as Day 2 winds down, I still feel the pangs of longing. I just wish I could see her so badly, not even in a romantic capacity, just to see that she's ok. But I keep telling msyelf that I'm a better person now (which is true, I'm much calmer), and that I'm better off without her, which in all honesty I feel is true.


I just hope I don't break down after a week like I did last week

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Day #2, barely. I woke up feeling better today, things were going well until someone asked me how my love life is. The answer to that question is that it is non existent and there is no hope in sight. I almost went to the ex's myspace page, but I know that would be a mistake. So I think that i am just going to go to bed. I kind of want to go around the corner and drink a beer, but I am so beat that bed is a better option. ah, whatever. Day two.

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Day I don't know anymore

Well, situation has changed. I know that I should not really have posted in this thread in the first place, since the guy I was doing NC with was not really an ex but a love interest a had a fling with back in December (and whom I saw again in March but it didnt go that well).

Still, I was completely obsessed with the guy and felt it was not healthy coz I was the only one making the effort to stay in touch so I decided to go NC.

Anyway, 4 days ago he contacted me again....he actually called me (which is very expensive for him coz he lives in a 3rd world country and phone rates to my country are crazy). We had a really good friendly conversation...and since that day we have been chatting on a daily basis even if not for very long. Im not so sure what Im feeling right now...but I guess since it would be a LDR anyway I will be taking things really slow and see where it leads us...

We might just stay friends but Im starting to feel okay with the idea

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Hey thanks =)


Day 21


1 year ago, he took me to the park this day, it was raining as well like 2day... the park which he took me again at Xmas to ask me for another chance...and then 2 months later, dumped me ...


The other day, acted like the coolest man on the planet that looked down on me... I dont need ur f***ing coolness, dont need ur lecturing and pouring on the mistakes on me...have u ever experienced a deep cut w/o a band aid, and left it to the air, it hurts and I hurt much more than that...if only in this world there was a place selling emotional band aid, a hospital can fix a broken heart..

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Day 12...


It's a sunday, I am not a fan of Sunday's tend to sit around with my thoughts! Well so far so good, it's late afternoon and feeling pretty chilled out.

It's the ex's birthday on Wednesday of this week!! LOL

I won't be contacting her, have already decided it is now not a good idea to make contact. It wont help my healing process which is going well so I dont think it is being rude after all...


Have a good day all..



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Hey Andy


You sound like you are doing well, fella. I know - the weekends can be poor but I am making myself busy and got my kids here for half term so that takes my mind right off of things - glad the weather has been so rubbish - it has been a good excuse to lay about playing xbox with them all day - yay!


You are right - don't worry about her birthday - it is not your responsibility anymore so it is not rude.


Keep strong.



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Wow how have I missed this post!

I am on Day 4 and last night was the roughest for me today I have been busy with my kids at the pool. I am getting a little tired and I can almost feel the miserable feelings around the corner. So is this the proper place to tell my story or is this just the update post line?

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Day 5


She sent through another couple of texts through to me in the afternoon. We'd been invited to my friend's wedding so she was asking about getting them a present etc. So i replied since we were invited as a couple so i thought i'd let her know what i'd bought them. She also asked how i was etc but i only answered the relevant questions.


Wedding was OK but just brought back those memories of how i thought my life was going to be. Also didn't help that I had to keep telling people that we'd split up


Day 6


Had dreams about her all of last night so woke up feeling well below par. Also got another text from her asking if i enjoyed the wedding, what the gossip was. So i did reply again and told her only that the bride and groom said thanks for the present etc.


She then rang me later on but i ignored the call to my mobile. Then a while later she tried a different phone that doesn't have caller ID on so i answered. She was just asking the same questions etc. I said a little more about how the night was but i was very short with her which i could tell upset her. But what does she expect... she just wants to soothe her own conscience and wants me to tell her that i don't hate her.


I then sent her a text saying the following... "I'm not ready to do the friends thing. sorry but i have to look after me now". her reply was to say it feels great to be hated... again trying to ease her own mind of the guilt!


Sorry this was a long one but i'd like this thread as a journal of how i'm getting on day-by-day. In conclusion... feeling very down and confused. Also feel guilty for not being 'normal' with her but I have to look after me i keep telling myself!


Let's see how tonight goes... good luck for the next 24 hours people!

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Hi there,


I am just completing my first day of no contact, eventhough it's been 4 months since our 'break' started...

I had been very week over the last 4 months...until I gradually started realising that I am only hurting my self more, by trying to get someone who 'needs to be alone for now' to be with me...


I am doing this for me and for us...For me so that I stop becoming a sour, obsessive, demanding and not understanding b***ch...because this is the complete opposite to what I had always been...

For us so that he has his space and I don't spoil anything that may be left out of a 6 1/2 year relationship...


I am hoping that time, space and no contact will help me find me and him find our self...I am hoping that he will miss me...


I have not told him that I want to disappear for a while - until further notice - just like our 'break'...It will be hard to resit temptation the first time that he tries to contact me...Very very hard...

I obsolutely hate weekends and this is an emotion that I had not felt for many many years...I used to look forward to them whilst we were together...


I woke up early today, went to the gym, went for a walk and I have been at home since watching movies on my laptop...

I started a diary...for every day that I don't contact him...


I need to digest what has happened...I really need to digest it...and the only way that I can think of at the moment is being alone...



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Day 22


Nearly the end of the challenge...one more week and I'll leave this place, take all the memories and after months before coming back here, I'll be all refreshing...how many months we havent met each other...4 months ? and then 4 another months...4 another months...we will never see each other again..

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Hi there.....


I broke up with my g/f in January after 2.5 years. I am on day 20 of nc. She has asked I do no contact till our birthdays (mid June) as she needs and deserves time and space to move on. I promised.


Looks like it is over but still can't stop hoping.


The strange thing is I ended it - stupidly - I was unhappy - not with her but other things -


I am still so in love with her - she, her parents and friends are so angry with me for the way it ended......any suggestions for what to do?


Life is good but without her feels very shallow......and I so want to make contact. Just to check how she is I miss so many little things about her......

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Hi there.....


I broke up with my g/f in January after 2.5 years. I am on day 20 of nc. She has asked I do no contact till our birthdays (mid June) as she needs and deserves time and space to move on. I promised.


Looks like it is over but still can't stop hoping.


The strange thing is I ended it - stupidly - I was unhappy - not with her but other things -


I am still so in love with her - she, her parents and friends are so angry with me for the way it ended......any suggestions for what to do?


Life is good but without her feels very shallow......and I so want to make contact. Just to check how she is I miss so many little things about her......



Promise 1 - I see you posted this a couple of places. You may get more advice or feedback if you start your own thread.

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Day 7


Major setback! She sent me a text last night saying how she misses me and can't breathe without me. I responded by asking if she truly was sure I was what she wanted or not and she told me everything I wanted to hear! We eventually ended up speaking on the phone and I told her to take her time and to make sure of what she wants.


I expected her to be in touch today but has not so I guess she isn't sure afterall. I'm going back to Day 1 now... i've been daydreaming about us working things out, us getting over everything etc etc. Right back near to where i started! I've not gon all the way back but i'm pretty much floored!


I just spoke to her on the phone and it's clear she isn't sure... i'm a mug! i'm a fool! it was all just a way of her making sure i was still there... her backup - her saftey net! Here we go again... day 1 starting!


good luck everyone!

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The end of day 2 finds me back home drunk and lost...first time drunk since the last night that I spent at home before leavinghim...


Thank God the long weekend is over....can not stand them....I want to get my self a weekend job so that I am busy round the clock all the time....


I feel HORRIBLE....

it feels like it's been 100000 days, but it's only the second day...


How could he have done this to me? I was there when he was NOTHING n aed when he had NOTHING.....and now he wanht a break to FIND HIM SELF and find HAPPINESSS;.


I feel so SMALL...



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day 3 or 4 had to return her laptop, planed on leaving it garage, but she came out and saw her.... felt like I was gonna have a heart attack driving up there to drop it off, talked to her for 2 mins...


Told her not to contact me, she said bye and was upset, I felt bad so called her to tell her sorry about being mean...


End up talking back an forth through MSN...


Now i'm square one, my 2nd or 3rd attempt at NC to heal, the first attempts was to NC to get her back.


I feel like I set myself up.... but I'm trying and help me GOD, let this be my last attempt at NC to heal and move on

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Day 6 and feel good.


Luckily did not bump into her in any bars or out and about so made life a little easier.


Got a text off her saturday morning regarding thanking me for helping her out finding homes for a couple of our cats, although she actually gave my friend whos looking after the cats for me a cat from her previous marriage that she has had for 10 years and she kept the one she knows was my favourite! I am very angry but I am not rising to it and ignored her text.


She tried calling my mum a few times, obviously because i ignored her text but I asked my mum to just ignore as well her as my mum is very angry also about what she did with the cat.


Anyway, all looking good. My birthday this weekend so looking forward to having a good time with my friends!

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Day 14


2 weeks no contact, I am quite impressed with myself but has been tough not to make contact like sending that little how are you text or something but managed to contain the urge!


Well it's her birthday tomorrow.. ARGH.. That's going to be a hard day to get through. I am off work, not because it's her birthday but just to have a day out to chill as been manic at work lately and only day free for the next couple of weeks. Anyway plan to go out and do some retail therapy tomorrow so that should be fun!! Might see if a mate is free on the evening too to go for a few beers just to keep myself occupied and off the fact that it is the ex's birthday!


So wish me luck for tomorrow....



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Long story short:

My g/f broke up with me in December and a week later she had a new b/f. She broke up with the new guy after 2 months. We started going out again after that and everything was so good, but I decided I could't trust her again, so I just went on NC. She had no idea I decided this. I stopped logging to myspace, messenger, I stopped calling her. She never called as well. OK, I thought that was the end of it. I got rid of her forever. Clearly she doesn't appreciate me... 27 days passed... and well, yesterday I was at the gym and she called me from her home... she just wanted to say hi, and see how I was doing, she told me she just became a Body Combat instructor and that she was going to invite me to her first class. I congratulated her and asked her how her parents were doing... it was just small talk, nothing serious really... she happens to be sick and have the flu, so I figure she just called me because she feels like crap... Im not going to be her safety net, so I'll continue NC... If she wants a chance with me again she is going to have to do better than that. I pride myself on treating her as a lady even when she treated me like crap when she was with her new b/f... I NEVER disrespected her and always tried to make her feel like a valuable person. I forgave her because I know her lack of maturity was a big part of the problem (she is just 19). I would consider giving her a second chance, but I think I have to make her jump thru loops to be shure she really wants to be with me for the right reasons. What do you think? any advice Super Dave? I know you went through a similar experience... but how can I be sure about her intentions?


thank you!

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Day 3


At work my director realised that something's up and he only saw me for 5 minutes during the whole day...as soon as I left work and got on the train he left me a voicemail asking if I am okay as I looked down when he spoke to me...-don't get any ideas because of work we have to talk outside office hours almost every other day...

I'll make up an excuse in the morning...


Still have not heard from chris...only 3 days gone...now I have -probably-a life time for no contact...-here's what I call looking forward to something...


Went to the gym and got back home to my sofa watching DVDs...

At least the gym makes me physically tired, thereforeeee, my mind stops working for a while...


I know he will call...it will feel so good when I don't pick up the call or call him back for the first time...until I FEEL LIKE IT...



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Day 4 and now back to day 1?


I was doing well and avoiding her myspace page but I just went to go visit it so I guess that I am officially back at day #1. I suspect that tomorrow I will feel depressed about it. I feel ok about it at the moment but a little disappointed with myself for not keeping with the program. I really want to call her, it has been very difficult not to. I just might do it.


I feel like I need constant reinforcement not to contact her, its ridiculous.

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