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Well, good luck tonight don't be an easy catch, make sure he wants and expresses that he is gonna change and most important, before you give him a second chance, let him prove to you that he is changed


I told him that last night..He needs to show me that. He finally admitted a lot of stuff to me...hes one that just expects you to know what he is feeling and I told him that I need to hear it..wow talk about open the flood gates!

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AAAAAAHHHHH! Its her birthday today. I woke up with that sinking feeling in my stomach. I have felt this way in a while, but its hard not to on her special day. This sucks. I want so badly to send her a text wishing her a happy birthday. Just to show her I care. I just feel that by not it would be seen as rude, and mean. I was reading all the birthday wishes people posted on her facebook wall. A majority of them involved her new bf. Actually she told me he wasnt her boyfriend, but one of the posts was from him , saying how "I hope you had a great night, you are on my lap right now, you are the best girlfriend ever" That was tough to read, but I pretty much already knew they were together she was just afraid to tell me. Its been 2 months and she is already happy with someone else? And to top it off I had to find out on my own on a stupid website? Oh well I guess I just needed to vent here. But I feel so down today and dont know what to do about the text. Please help!!!!

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krnelson, I'm here, and I know how you feel too, sucks doesn't it. I don't think anything could hurt more than what you've described. But you still have you, as I have me.


You have to try to turn away from whats going on in her life now, and focus instead on you. No, I didn't say that it would be easy, of course its not going to be, but you have to move on....... i know, i know, but you have to, and I do too... do something to distract yourself, get a movie, go out with friends, something, anything...


Hugz and I'm here.....



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Thanks for the words of encouragement Sandy. I am trying so hard to focus on myself right now, and the last week I have done a great job of moving on and healing, but today I feel like I did before. And to see those messages online hurt a little. But I have to remain strong, and try and get over this girl because the reality right now is. She is with someone else. There is nothing I can do to steal her away from him. How would she respond if I didnt send the birthday text?

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One of the things I've been thinking about today is my ex's new relationship. I think he really cheapened what we had by moving on so quickly, but I also feel disrespected. At least he's not flaunting it on the web; I think you should stop looking at your ex's myspace because it's not helping you.


And you really shouldn't send a birthday text.


You know the score: your ex has someone else to celebrate with. It's not mean of you to not send a text. It's dignified. Give your ex space to miss you.


Go enjoy yourself, stay busy, maybe get away from the temptation of being at the computer/near a phone. Just a thought.

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krnelson - I'm coming up to the birthday dilemma thing. It's my ex's birthday next week, and I don't know if I can ignore it.


Before we were even a couple I remember him saying that he doesn't really like his birthday because it's always people pretending to care about you - if they did why not show it for the rest of the year? I said how did he know that it wasn't just the one day people felt they could show they cared, and promised to make him enjoy his birthday.


So now...part of me wants to email him or something and say something along those lines - that although we're not together anymore I do still care that he's happy. But another part of me knows that whatever I send would probably end up seeming like a thinly veiled attempt at reconciliation - which I don't want!

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Shaker - Thanks for asking. Today has been okay. Keep having sudden kind of...flashbacks of us laughing together, jokes between us, me watching him on stage, and I just close my eyes and cringe with embarrassment even remembering those times. It's tough to be able to think about the happy things without feeling like a fool for not knowing what was coming.


How about you?

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I agree that memories have a way of making you feel humbled after a break up. And (maybe this is naive) I think those memories that are irksome today will eventually be fond ones for you down the road. At least there are nice things to remember about this phase of your life.


I'm doing well. I was airborne today! Did an accidental sommersault off of the porch today on my way out. It was coated in ice, and I didn't realize it until I flew over the steps, was tumbling in the air and landed (thankfully) on the lawn. A few scrapes and bumps, but it could have been much worse. Sort of funny, really.

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I hope so...though at the moment when I remember some of the good times from my previous break up, I still cringe - and I'm good friends with that ex now!


Thank goodness it was the lawn you landed on! We only get majorly slippy ice here when it's been snowing. We have a lot of steps up to my house - I'd be terrified to leave the building! I did break my cocyx slipping over on the drive though once. Ouch. Many people see you? That's often worse than the fall itself.

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day 5 or day 1 again


another day of little sleep off nightshift. i'm averaging about 3-4 hours a day. i guess i'll fall down and sleep when my body can't take no more.

got two email today from people that i thought were mutual friends of 'ours'.

i just wonder how many people she is going to lie to about all this.


i'm too jaded to think of anything else to write and i have to make it through another nightshift. it hard not to let the mind wander to dark places when you are sat all night with people that you hardly know.


ah well

maybe i'll feel better tomorrow

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