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Thanks for the support everyone! And congratualtions everyone else - looks like we're all on a roll now!!


Day 2 - and I'm still feeling good! I'm spending Valentines night with a guy who's gonna cook a 3 course meal for me!! wooo!


Then on Friday, my uber sexy male stripper friend said as a present, he would a) hire a boat b) hire a plane or c) take me Go Karting... So I opted for Karting!! I'm soooo excited! The weekend is going to be a busy one for me too as I'm off staying at a friends and clubbing - so I've got loads planned. I'm hoping it doesn't get to Sunday night when I'm done with my busy-ness and start to pine... We'll see...!!!

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It's day 25

Valentine's day...sigh...

Am feeling a bit emotional lately..been crying slightly the past couple of days..and not too long ago.


Sniff a little sniffle.

I texted this guy whom I might be interested in "happy valentine's day"

And he never responded.

Oh well...

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Well I am coming towards the end of day 1 NC. He hung up on me last night 3times, the last time he didnt even call back. I think I am going to stick to it this time. So far, every time I have broken NC, more harm than good has come out of it. I just want to heal and move on with my life. I am not sure if I want him back now.

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Keep going Monique... You deserve better than having the phone put down on you - look at photo of you - you're stunning!!! You could have ANY man. Ya'know i've got a date tomorrow the on Friday, a guy was gonna hire a boat/ plane for me for the day - LIKE OMG!!! There are men out there that WILL treat us like the beautiful princesses we are and not put the phone down on us and not say nasty things.... stick to it babe... I'm on day 2 now and no urge to speak to my ex still...


Go out sat with ya girlfriends, look as sexy as you do in that pic, and WATCH, men will fall at your feet, want to give you the world and will return your calls!! I promise you...x

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Oh I just wanted to let everyone know that my ex broke NC. I thought since I didn't keep up with NC I wouldn't post about it, but then I read the rules over and it asks if you or your ex breaks NC then 'why?'. So here's my story...


It was Sunday morning, 2 weeks after the break up. I got a text saying, 'I'm in class right now, but I can text...what's up?". A million things were running through my mind, but I held my ground and replied with, "Hey did u need something?". She replied almost instantly and said, "Sorry...this was Joseph's message.". My name's Jordan, so she accidently selected my name instead of his. Don't know if it was by accident or not, but it really opened my eyes about how heartless this girl could be. I did not respond after that.


The day after I received 3 'Restricted' calls. I picked up 2 of them, but no one answered. It would say 'Call Ended' about 3 or 4 seconds after I'd say 'Hello." I had one of my girl friends over and she picked up the third call, no answer either. After that, I didn't receive anymore calls...and haven't since.


Good luck to everyone that's in this thing. I know how hard it is. I wish I could've been a part of it longer.

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That is so lame. Obviously she is doing that Joseph-Jordan thing on purpose. She is trying to make you jealous and trying to hurt you. As for the restricted calls, it's lamer than lame. Just change your number, so she cannot contact you and play with your emotions whenever she feels the urge.

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I guess it's offically Valentines Day. Not feeling good. It's not even a big deal to me usually -- but now I just keep thinking he's probably with his new bird, doing the things we were meant to do together.


I'm feeling sh!tty right now.


Day 8 btw.


I know exactly how u feel...I keep thinking about my ex and the chick he is dating now. She is going to be getting the roses I was suppose to get. We broke up 1 month ago today. I am holding up good. Haven't cried in a week. I acutally have a date on friday evening and am looking forward to it. I realize that I have to get out make new friends and enjoy myself. I am really dreading V-day though!

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well, i was on day 11 yesterday until the ex contacted me via text. just a simple text to say hi. i waited a whole day and then i text him back. yes i broke NC. i simply said hi back. he text me back one more time and i text back. that was it. tomorrow, valentine's day starts day one of NC again. what a day to start!!!

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Alright all set up for NC again, we spoke casually this morning and I even sent a text at the end that hasn't been responded to. Ex contacted 3/4 of the time in january but february only 2-3 times. She was really reaching out to me and genuinely sounded like she missed me just a few weeks ago, but things have really changed this month. I've been stupid lately and been showing too much interest in her. From mid december->feb 1st longest we went w/o contact was 2 days(she initiated majority of the time), feb went to 6 days I believe.


So jumping on board with the whole no initiating contact again. Going to be interesting... Good luck everyone!

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