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I passed her and her new boyfriend today. Later I saw her by herself and she came up and said "you look good" I said thanks and we parted. I was grinning and so was she.


Now this didn't set me back whatsoever. She can think I look good all she wants but she can't have me. I do wonder why she said it. What game is she trying to play. eh, maybe she was just being truthful. I do look good. A hell of a lot better then the last time I saw her.



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Still hoping for another chance. Always reminding myself how much I love me, and everything will be fine. I am in therapy. Boy is life odd. I really do not think of her much, just before and after sleep. I have not been feeling so good about myself lately. I keep doing wonderful things, like exersizing everyday, and eating well, say I love me evreytime I look in the mirror, but I have been feeling a lot of unhappy thoughts, sure I change them once they pop up, So here goes again. I am very happy and love myself so much. Every thing with my ex happened for a reason. Do they ever come back. Good luck everone

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wow 24days, I cant imagine that right now. I'm still struggling to get past day 1 or 2. I guess its because we have a lot of lose ends to tie up back at our (well now her) "home" since I just left to heal.


nothing like living out of a few bags of clothes you packed in your car.


day 24 who needs the ex? I dont.
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^ Good luck.


Back to day 1....AGAIN, lmao.


I feel more positive about NC right now thugh. I think it is because when I was talking to the ex I realised nothing is going to come of it yet, if ever. It was just small talk and it hurt. I also couldn't help but tell him I miss him, etc So here I am again. I CAN DO IT.

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well day 2 started off with a huge issue..


a huge job opprotunity emailed me and want to meet with me...


now do I go back to that that state for at least the interview?


if they offer me the position do I take it?


can i stand to be back in that city with no friends constantly wondering what shes up to or if I'll run into her?


its a great job offer and is making me nuts....

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I was just getting into bed last night and the phone rang, number withheld so I answer it - and it's him. Just calling to say 'Hi'. He sounded so down, told me he feels lost and thought that this was what he wants, but doesn't know anymore. He didn't say that he missed me, or that he'd made a mistake and wanted me back - but he was definitely surprised at how well I'm doing. I told him I've been going out a lot and have made new friends, having a good time. He told me how everything in his life just seems to stupid at the moment and he just can't cheer up -I told him that I wish there was something that I could do but that's not my job anymore. I was friendly and polite, helped him brainstorm ways to make himself feel better - but kept my distance. I'm really proud of how I handled myself in that phone call. My reception cut out so I called him back but I was running out of credit and had to leave the conversation abruptly. I sent the following message:


"Yay for recharging with my credit card. So sorry to hear that you're down. Chin up A, when you're back in Aus things will look a lot brighter. Sleep well and drive safely"


I received back:

"Thanks M, sleep well and thanks for talking to me, I really appreciate it"


Wow, NC really does work! I have been healing quite well and really am enjoying life at the moment. I just hope that he doesn't try to confuse the issue just as I'd become content with it. How the tables have turned!



So back to day 1. I believe that I'll hear from him again when he gets back in the country which will be in about a week or so - I'm going to try to keep it LC at best I have coffee with a boy this afternoon - just a friends thing as I'm not interested in jumping back into anything for a while yet, but it's keeping me occupied all the same!

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Wow, so many people are getting results by NC! It's inspiring!



yeah i guess i have to get past day 1 to get some kind of positive results. be it either me healing or her realizing she gave up unconditional love and our future for a "need to try this in my life" bullsh*t. glad she made this decision after i completely dropped my life just to move x-country for our future together

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a huge job opprotunity emailed me and want to meet with me...


now do I go back to that that state for at least the interview?


WOW. That is funny. Usually people hate thier jobs and have lots of friends and family people for support. Sorry. But you have the opposite. If it is that amazing of a job opportunity. Just go back with the mind set this could good, but be prepared if you do not get the job. You will have to be even stronger if that happens and not seek comfort from ur ex, then get right back on the road again. Plus a good job here. what is the point. You came here 4 one reason. That reason is gone. Stay for a great job could B another good reason, but I know most likely back home were thier are good friends and family thier are plenty of other good jobs.

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Well here goes. day 11 i think. I am feeling I would really want to write my ex. I do not know why. I have been growing. I think, I have more clearity, and could write the all inspiring love letter, but that is for two people in love. Even though I might be she is not. I have been exersizing in everyday, but still feel sad. I know you are only as happy as you make your mind up to be but. That is were I am at. I mean I am happy, but know when I think how happy the though of being in love made me feel, but not really being able to experience it makes me wonder is that love. Hmmm. Keep on going nc.

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Its day 18 for me..I just realized last night,that I can never be mad at him because its too late,I already got to know his other side..his good side and even if he act weird post break up ,its all because he was hurting..so I guess everything will be ok ..I will be ok...



yeah i agree about my ex, its hard to be mad at somebody you love so much.

but yesterday I did experience an anger phase.

how could you let me completely drop/change my life for us, when you were having doubts long ago??!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!



I know she did what was best for her and what she thinks was best for us, I know she didnt want to hurt me, I know she cares for me, I know she wants me to be truly happy. but all those things dont help with the heartbreak of losing somebody you love.

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yeah i agree about my ex, its hard to be mad at somebody you love so much.

but yesterday I did experience an anger phase.

how could you let me completely drop/change my life for us, when you were having doubts long ago??!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!



I know she did what was best for her and what she thinks was best for us, I know she didnt want to hurt me, I know she cares for me, I know she wants me to be truly happy. but all those things dont help with the heartbreak of losing somebody you love.


I'm kind of in the same boat too. After years of being with this girl, she gave me the "I love you, you're great to me, but feel I'm not in love enough to get engaged/married" line. Broke me to pieces.


Once in a while I get angry, thinking about the time I had my high hopes strung along. Then other times, I know it wasn't her intent to hurt me and she's always had some issues articulating her deepest feelings.


Anyhow, I'm back to square one and now only on NC Day 2.


Get through Christmas and New Years sticking with NC will be a struggle, but something I know I'll do.

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wow that sounds way to familiar.

i think that plus the addition of moving to a new place with no support group for me (other then her and her family) made it even harder for me, thats why I had to leave so quickly to another city/state....It shocked her that I left, but probably the best thing for both of us, rather then trying to live together while I remain in pain trying to heal would be impossible...while for her it was her home town, all her family and friends so it almost seems easier for her.



I'm kind of in the same boat too. After years of being with this girl, she gave me the "I love you, you're great to me, but feel I'm not in love enough to get engaged/married" line. Broke me to pieces.


Once in a while I get angry, thinking about the time I had my high hopes strung along. Then other times, I know it wasn't her intent to hurt me and she's always had some issues articulating her deepest feelings.


Anyhow, I'm back to square one and now only on NC Day 2.


Get through Christmas and New Years sticking with NC will be a struggle, but something I know I'll do.

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