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Hey CreoUCLA,


Good for you, although you felt still that you weren't ready to your ex friend just yet, like you said is only been 6 weeks. However, it seems like that you have got yourself back. I hope that with time, I will be able to get myself back.


Hang in there everyone, be strong!

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Day #10


I woke today feeling okay until I found my ex little girl shoe in my car. Tears start drop as I stare at Addie's(my ex little girl) shoe. I miss her so much. She was most sweetest and cutest little girl that I have ever seen. She was my little girl. I help my ex raise her since she was ten months old. Addie and I had our own song. We would sing to each other at least four or five times a day. She was the joy of my life along with my ex for the last two years. It has been only 1.5 week since I have seen Addie, but days seems like years. I miss you Addie, I will always love you no matter what.



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Day 17


Didn't go to work again. Cried on and off all day. Fount out my ex is going camping with one of my best male friends. I'm angry that he would want even ask him to go, knowing how much he has hurt me. I can't get away from his precense. One of his friends lives next door to me, he does a sport wth MY friends.

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Day 2


I feel all right. I still have that whole "waking up in the morning thinking of her" thing going on, but I've been assured by friends that this will go away in time. It's been over a month since the ex and I last talked in person/on the phone, and I'm pretty amazed by that since we both talked to each other nearly everyday for over 5.5 years. I guess we're both in the "healing" phase?


Today I will be working on some projects from home, but I plan on getting in a run or some other exercise.



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Day 1 of NC


It's been two days since the break up. I said my final goodbye. I cried. She cried. I want her back more than anything in the world right now. She knows it. She said she still loves me but needs this for her. I believe her. I feel physically ill right now. We both know that this is going to be hard. I love her so much. I won't be able to do this alone. I need NC. I hope that I get myself back. I'd lose myself completely if I knew it would give me another chance with her, but I know it wont. My only chance is to grow, move on, and eventually try again if I even want to in the future. I've never remained friends with an ex. She always has remained friends with ex's. This will be interesting.

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Day 7: For the second time.


Not much to say but thoughts flying through my head again. I am slowly slowly getting better. Im healing myself. I feel like a new person now. My character and determination to never to put myself in this situation again.

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Day 1

I broke things off. Said that I could not play second fiddle to other men in her life. I walked away and did not look back. Strangely, I felt great relief for a couple hours after, at work. I didn't get any sleep the night before so I'm in a bit of a zombie state. But now at home, it's nearly midnight, and I feel quite empty inside. It's hard but it must be done. I ache inside.

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NC agian..



She continued her.... thursday come online chat.


We talked briefly... i was a bit cold.. she asked if i didnt want to talk to her.. i just said i had friends over. It was fine.


The main thing with me now.. is that I don't fele like i'm taking steps backwards after that convo.... i duno what it means.. but wel see how thisnext week happens.


SHe means alot to me.. i told her I want her to be apert of my life. Our emotions have calmed. She admitted to being very stressed over school... "over bearing" is the word she used.

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day ??? I can't even remember. Guessing 2 weeks.


Things are great here. I have my life back again. I have been working out, getting back into my job, and going out and having fun again. I have met 2 very interesting women that I think I could like a lot, but I am taking things slow on purpose and just having fun with it. In fact, I am being more myself with these 2 than I ever have in the past. One of them wanted to come over to watch movies the other night. Ordinarily I would have said no, because my house was a mess at the time. But I realized I really didn't care so I told her to come on over. She did and we had a great time, and she commented on how nice my house was. I think I used to put too much pressure on myself....trying to be something I'm not. I am much more comfortable just being me.


As for the ex, it's funny. Almost the same day that I finally gave up and let her go for good, she started trying to contact me. She started emailing these notes asking if I was ok, if I wanted to talk, etc. I didn't respond. In truth, I was too busy to and decided I would respond later. But then she started calling. She didn't leave messages at first, but after a week of me not answering, she finally started to leave messages. I waited several days before listening to them, and they were quite pathetic. She would flip between telling me she missed me and wanted me back to asking me how I could throw her away like this, which is really hilarious, since she is the one who dumped me. Anyway, the truth is, I have no desire to talk to her anymore. It seems obvious that she was playing a game with me, and only pushing me away while I was trying to get her back. As soon as I stopped that, it freaked her out and she realized she had lost me for real, and all of a sudden wanted me back. Too late though.


I really do like the place I am in right now. I feel very in touch with myself, my needs, and my life. I don't ever want to lose that again.

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I think I'm starting to finally get over this a little bit. I was drinking last night and whenever I'd start to think about her i'd just say to myself "whatever, i just dont care anymore" and it worked. I had a good time last night. I also woke up feeling good and again, not caring quite so much.


progress baby!

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DAY 9 – The second time around


I posted about 10 days ago about making contact with my ex – I stated that I wasn’t going to do NC. However; I have been. Not purposely however; I just haven’t had the time to devote to a conversation with him. During out conversation last Wednesday he told me he would call – he hasn’t and it really doesn’t bother me.


I’ve started meeting some new people in my area – a few of them being other men. I am reserved with the idea of spending time with them as anything but a friend - but how do you meet someone new for the first time and not consider it a date? It has been two months since we broke up and seems too soon in my mind.

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Day 1 Complete, Day 2 Starting


I feel like crap. Like utter crap. I want her back. I have no appetite and I cannot sleep. This will pass, I know it will. But still, I can't help but feel miserable for the moment. I love her and would do anything to get her back. I can't call her though. I can't text her. I can't email her. I can't myspace her. This is for my own good. I can't but the want is too strong.

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Day 1 Complete, Day 2 Starting


I feel like crap. Like utter crap. I want her back. I have no appetite and I cannot sleep. This will pass, I know it will. But still, I can't help but feel miserable for the moment. I love her and would do anything to get her back. I can't call her though. I can't text her. I can't email her. I can't myspace her. This is for my own good. I can't but the want is too strong.


You sound just like I did! Its gets better dont worry your appetite will come back slowly. Keep it NC, delete any myspace, facebook etc rubbish you have. Stay strong it does get better.

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Day #11


Driving home after visiting my parents in Oklahoma. It was really good to be home. I don't know where would I be if I didn't have my parents and friends as my support group. I'm so thankful for them to sticking by me still after all that happen. I'm only on day 11, but I really start to feel better. I'm smiling right now while I'm writing right now. NC continues, actually I should call my transformation continues.!!



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Day 2 PM


1:30am...not feeling too good. lots of ups and downs. okay one hour, later not so okay.


hmmm, this is going to be harder than i'd hoped. Right now just okay. Didn't make it to the gym so need to make a emphasis on working the hell out of my body so I can sleep at nights.


hope the rest of you are doing better.


Day 3 tomorrow. Doing this is kind of cool in a way.

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to heck with her. she's not who i thought she was. she's changed and is a whole different person now. and fortunately she's now a person that it's hard to be attracted to other than physically. that's gonna help me some. i think i'm doing a lot better 2 mo. into the breakup.

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Day 4


Last night was good for me. I went to play volleyball with some friends, went to dinner with them, and just hung out. Keeping busy really is important!


I'm finally starting to look at the relationship more objectively... I realized that what we had was pretty unhealthy for both of us, as her insecurities really made me become a different person. She was always needing validation from me, jealous, afraid that I would abandon her, etc. She says that she is working on herself now, and I truly hope that she can learn to love herself and find that real happiness lies within her.


I will always hold a place for her in my heart... But, at least right now, she is not what I really want. I think I only want to be friends with her, but only when we're both ready (and I know that I'm not there yet).



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