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Just a quick one,


After my girlfriend of more than seven years dumped me,telling me that her life was much better when i wasn't around, i walked away, thinking that as much as i missed her, i would not go where i wasn't wanted.Resisted the urge to call her twenty times a day and just broke all contact.She called me a couple of times since then, once sitting outside my house, she left a message on my phone,"do you remember who i am etc, etc,". I called her and we went for lunch, and it was so ammicable i wanted to puke, we talked and laughed for hours, but i never mentioned getting back together, we did kiss and she told me how much she loves me, and she just wanted to hang out. I felt horrible for days after that, cos it was all so familiar and comfortable.


I heard from a friend of hers (who calls me for lunch and asks too many questions) that she had been bluffing, and did it for a reaction from me. IS THAT TWISTED OR WHAT??? I thought that this was what she wanted!!!


Anyway, the question is, was i wrong? Cos i've got this huge guilty feeling in me now that wont go away.Don't understand the games [/b]

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hiya claque,


Sounds as if this woman wanted to see if you still had feelings for her..not in an attempt to reunite..most definitely because she hasn't found someone else yet and was using you as an ego boost,perhaps she was bored and didnt have any plans for that day? Women do like to feel accepted and wanted,even if its with someone they don't see a future with. This is perhaps the situation you unfortunately find yourself in.


Her friend could be a liar because she wants you,but perhaps that is a little far-fetched. I WOULD ADVISE YOU..to cut off all contact for good with this woman you used to have a relationship with ! She is dangerous,she sounds adept at emotional blackmail and is generally using you. GOOD LUCK BRO...and remember,there are plenty of sweet girls out there..so don't waste your time worrying about a poisonous one.

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