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Cyber friend wants more

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Well i have some issues with sex, and all things realted i guess. I get really scared when i'm alone with any male. Even my own uncle. I don't know why or how or anything this has simply decided to be my problem. So i really don't want to go anywhere near guys in that way. Now to the cyber relationship issue. Well i have a mate and we've been good mates for a few years. We were introduced by a mutral friend but have never met. He lives in another country. Well lately i've become really flirty. With all guys. Not just him. But he is into the whole cyber sex thing. I'm so scared of males i'll do anything they want me to and i'll never put up a fight or say something. He knows this because i had this problem with my ex gf. (I'm bi) But now he asked me about cyber sex and i really don't want to but at the same time i don't want to disappoint him or lose him as a friend. His been there for me alot. This really scares me and i just don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about it and i know that i'll just go along with anything even if i'm crying on this side of the computer. I know its just words on the screen and should just see it like that. But i know what he'll be doing while his watching those words and i know he wants me to do the same. He said that his sorry for not having more control over himself but as i won't say no he won't either. I feel so scared just talking to him about this subject. I know his miles away but... I've only ever had cyber one other time and it was more just flirting and we didn't get so far. Even then i tried to stop it. But it was more ok because we were closer and i trusted he would stop if i ever asked him to... I don't have that trust with this guy. We have quite a few mutral friends and whe i blocked him once before he always found a way to talk to me... So i don't know. I know how stupid this sounds and i know you can't really do anything. I guess i just needed to vent.

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real friends don't let you feel uncomfortable, no matter the circumstance.


i understand you get anxious and nervous around others, but that's no excuse to give into something that is going to make you uncomfortable. put your foot down, say no. you have the right to make your own decisions in whatever it is, and if he is let down and gets mad at you then he's an .

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If you feel uncomfortable talking like that around him then don't do it b/c it's not helping you or him... sometimes it's hard to say no to guys but it's something every girl must learn how to do. Remember, he's just another person; there's nothing wrong w/ saying no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone that pressures you is not a friend. Other friends that know this person would know this also. You don't need that type of person that doesn't respect you for whom you are inside. Also, no doubt if he is pressuring you for online sex, online sex stories or online photos/videos it won't stop there. Nothing will ever be enough to satisfy his desires and it is only about him and his pleasure, not actual sharing, caring, trust or friendship. Don't sacrifice yourself or your body for someone whom isn't a true friend and doesn't respect you.

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Do what you're comfortable with. I consider what I say or do online as real as doing it offline because the intent is there. And if I don't want to have sex with someone (yet?), I don't want to have mental sex with someone either. Its okay to say no, and if he's a good guy he should respect you for it. Flirting and such is fun though without going all the way to cybering. Cybering can be fun, but only if your heart is into it, and like real sex, it really should be fun for both of you.

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