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New Years Without Friends. Hate it.

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Sorry feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight. I hate New Year's Eve as I feel so alone. 2004 & 2005 New Year's were good as I spent it with my only friend but he's gone away this year to visit his brother so I'm back to wandering around the house feeling sorry for myself. Heck even my parents have gone to spend New Year's with their friends! Shows what a desperate and low point I am in at 27 years of age when my parents have more of a social life and friends than me! I know that I am not the only one but it still doesn't make it any easier. No phonecalls, no visitors nothing just silence. Part of me is thinking about a guy who I really tried to be best friends with in work as he invited someone else we work with to his house with other friends from outside work as they've kind of hit it off this last six months or so and have socialised a lot. Was I ever considered an invitation? Of course not don't be daft so I guess I'm kinda jealous and envious of that as well. I'm just fed up of feeling lonely. I don't want to win the lottery and have a mansion I just want two or three friends I can have a laugh with, talk to, meet up with etc. Is it too much to ask?! In a way I don't really want to have to deal with 2007 if this situation carries on. ](*,)

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New Years is totally overrated. I'm in a similar situation, all my friends are doing quiet evenings with their wives, and I'm on my own too. Check out your city, most have public gatherings where people count down the end of the year. It would be better to be around people than sit at home alone. Chin up, next year will probably have lots of new people entering your life.

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Hey keep your chin up! We are all here for you!!!!


Remember that sometimes your best friend in the whole world is GUESS WHAT?





Im in a similar situation Im strict detox so tonight it looks like I am staying home by myself but I could not be happier than that because I know my own sanity is waaaaay more important.



I went tanning yesterday and the gal at the tanning salon was like " I dont have any plans on NYE, my boyfriend is valeting and I was laughing thinking cool !


hang out in your pajams watch movies, paint your toenails, watch NYE on TV from the comfort of your own home


call your friends post on NYE

you are not alone


we are always here for you!!!






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Yes, I know the feeling of being alone...I have always spent New Years eve alone at home for the past 3 years and I know the feeling. I had 2 good friends that moved and now its not the same..I could go out but where to? Of coarse it always has to be the bar scene, which I don't drink and never liked the bar scene at all..Every store will be closed. So pretty much I just order pizza, play some video games and workout, Yes I know its lame.](*,)

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we are on the same boat. i'm clouded over by the blue funk for 365 days, not just on holidays.


this year, i'll learn how to be comfortable with my own company, cos if i'll depend too much on friends for happiness, i'll be dead as. but hey, if a meet new friends along the way, that'll be cool.

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