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For those who have been following my story ( ) , we officially broke things up on wed. She supposedly lost both physical and emotional attraction for me out of nowhere.... yes... wth...


O well... I'm pretty much happy if she's happy with her decision to take time apart from me. If we get back together or not I guess it's for the better.

It just sucks that the first person that I actually loved/cared about and had such a strong connection to could just lose these feelings.


Decided to go LC. ( low contact ) Let her have the ability to contact me, however, I didn't say I would always be there to answer. The reason why, is to some degree I do want us to get back together, since we did connect so well and actually had the same love for one another.


Well... that's my rant/update for now. Anyone have any cool hobbies to do? Especially chemically/with circuits?


O... and for those going through the same things... LISTEN TO SUPERDAVE! This time is now all about you. Becoming a better, stronger, wiser, you while enjoying your life and yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't followed your story but I would be thinking she was having an affair with someone else. It isn't pleasant to say the least , but you can only love someone , you don't own them as property, meaning that the reality is that a woman can pack her bags and leave anyday. Life in general is like sand, eventually everything will slip from your hand.


Personally i think that if she was having an affair i wouldn't be wanting her back. You see you have to be nr.1 in her life, and if you aren't , then its time to devide and depart. This because you deserve to be number 1.

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