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No more purging! How to do it the right way?

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Heyz, ok well i've been struggling heaps with my appearance... I think i was verging on even becoming bulimic. I want to get out of that trap and feel good about myself without having to purge to get that feeling.


So i was wondering if anyone had any tips for a girl who wants to get into shape. The only problem is i'm not fit at all but i also get really sick if i over do things (more then most) I can't do alot of things because i'm not exactly a healthy child lol. I have trouble with my kidneys and i get dehydrated much faster then usual. I also get very light headed, dizzy and can even black out after what to most people is nothing. I struggle to jog even 200m... So i don't know what exercise i can do. I've been doing sit ups reguarly but i need to do sum leg excersises... (I hate my legs and stomache) So any tips would really help me out. Also i know how to eat healthy i do alot but anyone whos suffered from EDs could you help me to realise that food ain't the enemy. I just know i gotta get over this but i do need help. So yeah.


But mainly anything that can help me lose weight, espeacially in the thighs and stomache would be awesome. Thanks heaps...

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To lose weight you need to do some form of aerobic activity. Are you able to walk a longer distance than you can run? Because walking is an excellent form of gentle exercise. If you can walk for 20 minutes three times a week at a pace a little faster than you would normally walk you should lose weight slowly (which is healthier). Exercises for your legs.....squats and plieds are the best as is walking uphill.


Don't purge....it causes SOOOO many health problems.....heart arrythmias, electrolyte imbalances, rotting teeth, bad breath, oesophageal tears and ruptures, ruptured blood vessels, bad skin.....the list goes on.

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Urgh, I thought you didn't have an ED...I'm saddened but not surprised (given other, background posts).


I've run the entire spectrum from anorexia to bulimia and everything in between over the past four years or so, and my latest battle was to stop bingeing!


I tried everything - here's a tip, DON'T restrict. No way. Giving yourself the freedom of choice is everything. You can't make choices until you own them.


The only self-help book I'd ever recommend, that stopped me bingeing - Eating Less - Say Goodbye To Overeating, by Gillian Riley.


There is a huge amount I can tell you about weight, EDs and hating oneself. However, I have to go out in 20 minutes so I'll leave this mini list for starters:


- It IS possible to get over such issues

- Being thin doesn't make you happy

- The only way to lose weight sensibly is a longterm committment to good nutrition and exercise

- Starvation, under ANY circumstances is NOT a good idea

- Throw out the scales and tape measure. Refuse to feed the obsession that you are too fat/food is your enemy

- Learn about anatomy/nutrition - respect for your body as the awesome machine it is will help you treat it better

- Don't get bogged down in examining "Your Issues" that "gave you an ED". It sounds harsh but - you have an ED, its your health and behaviours NOW that matter, and examining your past/possible causes only makes most ED sufferes miserable. I should know.

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- Learn about anatomy/nutrition - respect for your body as the awesome machine it is will help you treat it better



If only that were true for everybody! I have a degree in sport science with pyschology and now work for the ambulance service. My issues with food have stayed the same throughout. It's more of a do as I say not as I do situation now when I talk to people.

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Hi Rozi. It's great to hear that you are trying to live a healthier life.


Since you mentioned that you have some medical issues with your kidneys, I think the best thing for you would be to talk to your doctor. Maybe he'she can suggest a nutritionist that you can talk to.


Half of being in shape is diet: Eating the right combinations of proteins, carbohydrates, and good fats. You have to be sure that you are getting enough calories each day, otherwise your body will go into "starvation mode" and it will store fat s a tool to survive. You have to be sure to give your body the nutrients it needs so your metabolism works well.


The other half of being in shape is exercise. If you cannot do high impact excerise due to a medical condition, try walking, yoga, or light weight training (maybe with ankle weights if you want to do leg exercises). I really think you should talk to yout doctor about this because you want to be sure not to hurt yourself. Also ,if you are overcoming an eating disorder, counseling will help you to stay on track. To overcome this you're going to have to take care of ALL of you: Mind. Body, and Soul.


Do you have any trusted adults that know about this? They can help you get the tools you need ot fight it. Have you told your parents/family? What about a counselor at school?



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I agree with BellaDonna on this Rozi-


The very first thing to do is to get cleared medically by your doctor and talk to them about what types of exercises you can do that are Ok with your medical problems.


Swimming is a low impact sport that is very easy on joints and excellent for your heart- that is one that you might consider. Whatever exercises that you do, bring a large water bottle with you and be sure to drink plenty of water. Drinking water also fills you up and causes you to eat less- which will help you maintain a desirable weight.


And a nutritionist is a very good idea too. If you have kidney trouble it might help to restrict certain things in your diet- but that is something that should be collaborated on between your doctor and dietician, once you have a full work up done to see exactly what is going on and what needs to be done to get you healthy.


I'm glad to see that you are recognizing the path you were going down is not a healthy one and is very dangerous- I hope that now that you can see that, you will begin early intervention by seeing your doc so that you can get on the right track and do this in a healthy way.


Proud of you, Girl!

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Sorry for denying everything antilove_superstar... To be honest i just thought i was getting what i deserved and was finally doing the right thing. I still maintain i don't have an ED but i do think if i don't speak out i will end up with one. But thankyou very much for that link It was awesome.


No adults know about what i was doing. I'm still kinda ashamed i didn't let myself at least start to lose weight (well i lost 3Kg but you know). And i'm not skinny and i guess i'm scared people will think i'm making it up because i ain't stick thin. Besides i don't really want this out there. I can't talk to my doc he might call my parents but i'll ask him for some excerises and stuff so thanks.


Yes i can walk. I walk everywhere as Liza mentioned. We don't own a car so i'm kinda used to it. I was thinking about going on 1/2 hour - 1 hour walks daily and seeing if i can drag a friend along to keep me motivated. But i love walking to i think it will be easy. I'm going to try jogging a bit. Maybe i got so sick because i hadn't eaten the right amount. So i'm thinking about taking things super slow and just seeing where i get if i can't then i'll just stick to walking. Swimming would be nice but i hate the way i look and the idea of going somewhere public with togs on really kinda freaks me out. Though i'm going to talk to a mate today to see if she can help me get some new clothes for my friends pool party. I said i wasn't going but i love swimming and these are my best mates i don't have to feel self conscious right?


Ok i'll try some squats. but what are plieds i've never heard of them.. And i don't want to purge anymore don't worry... I really got thinking last night and i say things alot but never do them maybe if people know what i want to do and then my friends can support and and stuff... This is so out of my comfort zone... AND I LIKE IT!

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Dunno if it works for others, but when I cut down on the sugar and carbs in my diet, I felt the urge to binge and purge less. I am also trying to recover from bulimia myself (I thought I had it licked, then my ex kept calling me fat, a pig and then would get mad at me if I DIDN"T eat, so... kinda got into a bad habit again).


I started a new diet 3 weeks ago, and the weird thing is, with less carbs and sugar, it seems to trigger my purge impulse much much less.

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Hi Rozi,


Did you know that plenty of women with bulemia, an eating disorder, are not underweight, but in the normal range for weight?


Anorexics tend to be thin, but bulemics are usually not thin. What classifies bulemia is binging or eating regularly and then forcing yourself to vomit it back up and having a disturbed body image (which is exactly what you describe) so I am pretty certain that you do have an eating disorder already.


But- you are starting to recognize that and know how bad it is for your body- it can rot your teeth, erode your esophagus and throw off your electrolytes- which can give you heart problems that can actually be fatal, among other things.


Keeping this a secret from your family or doctor would be a big mistake- it is very hard to stop on your own. At least consider telling an adult you trust and your doctor. It's important that they can monitor you for complications to your vomiting and make sure you are on the right track. There is no shame in admitting it is a problem and that you need some help to deal with it.



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Rozi - Don't be ashamed! You have nothing to be ashamed about.


I don't have a physiology degree, but I have always been very interested in human anatomy etc etc...and I still treat my body like dirt, so I appreciate what another response said about "Do what I say, not what I do".


Eating disorders are very powerful- even health care professionals who know what damage it can do are still affected by eating disorders and many feel unable to stop it.


That's another good reason to tell a trusted adult, Rozi. It is very hard to stop once you have begun, the control and power can be addicting.

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I never told a trusted adult, and it was very unhealthy not to do so.


I still don't have anyone to discuss such issues with apart from my boyfriend, who only sympathises because he has one too! Ah...that is a whole other issue.


But back to my point - by not telling anyone, I built my ED up into "my world". To this day, the only real sense of privacy and escape available to me is my ED. I really do not want that to happen to you or anyone else - stamp out that alienating of an ED, and Tell Someone.



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Thank you all but i have told (well they know at least) three people close to me... They are only my age but they are thw best people ever. I know they can look out for me. I know you say there is no shame but i feel it. When i look at myself. I binged a little yesterday with my friend and more today... Now is when i'm sufffereing... Nana and grandad and my sister are all going out. After a binge i'd usually purge when no one was around... I don't want to stuff up right now.


I can't tell an adult or family (espeacially family or doc cuz they'll tell the family). I only have three people i talk to about things. One is in New Zealand and we only speak via email and i don't wanna worry him, then with the other guys i was feeling down (a while ago when i first started) so i tried to tell them what i've been doing but they didn't seem to care. I know if i was smaller they would... Maybe i have to get skinny befor i can get help. I don't know who to talk to right now. I hate worrying my friends. And i don't really wanna lean on anyone!

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You do not need to get skinny before you get help. Your weight has nothing to do with how people feel about you or whether they care about you or not. People who really care about you will do so because of who you are inside. What you weigh does not matter.


It may be scary to lean on someone, but that's exactly what you need to do right now. Friends that are your age are good, but they don't have the experience to really understand what is happening to you and they won't know how to help you.


I'm sending you some hotline numbers to call. That will be a good start to talk to someone who cares and who understands what you are going through.

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But i feel like my weight has everything to do with the way people see/care for me. I feel like until i manage to keep weight offno one will care and that i'm alone. Yesterday i went to meet my friend and i had this small roll in my hand and it felt like everyone was staring at me secretly thinking i shouldn't be eating that. Adn i can't stand to buy something if i'm hungry unless someone else is eating to. I only eat comfortably around two people, Liza and Cheryl cuz they make it seem ok. And now maybe Shay to. But many of my male friends have never seen me eat and if they have i've felt like crap about it. I don't know what to do now. Its like food is completely in control of everything. All i think about now is food. I don't want to be bulimic but i just either want to purge or starve myself for the next little while until i've gotten rid of the food in my stomach... How do i stop these feelings?

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You should take this test and see what the results say.


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....I think you are either developing or already have an eating disorder. It's nothing to be ashamed about, although I know it's hard not to be. I have hidden mine since I was a teenager and believe me, it's not a good thing. You need to talk to an adult......a dr, a teacher, a helpline, a school nurse, a parent, a different family member, a family friend, a friends mother.....anyone. Tell them you're concerned that your eating habits are spiralling out of control and that you binge/purge. If you don't ask for help now this will grow and grow. Please do something.

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Yeah I know food is in control. That's where it becomes an eating disorder. Once you lose control, then you have an issue.


As far as how to control the feelings, unfortunately I don't know. That is where a counselor can help. Someone who is very experienced in eating disorders. We can all help you with support and understanding. But we aren't specialized in eating disorders and how to treat them.


Please give that hotline that I sent you a call.


Remember, you aren't alone. I care. Others here care. We don't care what you weigh, in fact we don't even know what you weigh. But we still care about you.

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Is your mate an expert in eating disorders? Does he have any experience dealing with them?


Sorry to be harsh, but when you say the food is in control - you are not fine. Sweetie, people DIE from this.


Please, please I'm begging you. Give that hotline a call and at least talk to them once. That's all I ask.

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Heyz all don't worry i'm totally kool Spoke to a mate today and he thought i was stupid for even talking about that... They are right i'm fine.


Honey you are not fine. You are in denial that you have an eating disorder that could very well kill you.


Avman is right. The longer you live in the denial the more danger that you are going to do some permanant damage to your body, and possibly kill yourself in the process.


I know it is scary to think about, and scary to face, but you are not alone. There have been alot of people who have recovered from this and who would tell you the same thing- the first step is admitting it's a problem and you have done that. The next step is asking for help.


Avman gave you a hotline number. At least call it and tell them what's going on and see what they say. They are experts in eating disorders- your friends are not- and they are making it easy for you to deny what's really going on.


Please call the number.

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Thankyou all, i wish i hadn't posted this now. I'm ok. I'm rozie lolz i'm always happy. I have to be.


You may wish that you never posted this but Honey it is all true.


This is very serious, and you are trying very hard to live in denial about what you are doing to your body.


Avman and others have tried very hard to reach you and to help you, but the sad thing is that no one will be able to help you unless and until you are willing to help yourself.


Please don't be foolish and ignore what is happening right in front of your face. You are the only one who can start this process- but we can help you-- if you let us in.

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I'm glad you posted. There's never anything wrong with asking for help or admitting you've got a problem. We've all been there.


You do not have to put on a strong face for any of us. You just have to be yourself. We're just here to help.

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