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Forget depression, I wanna live!!!!!! :)


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Hi, I've been through a lot of poo over the last few years, especially when it comes to men (not all guys are jerks tho). I want to concentrate on me in the new year and make looking for love and chasing after crushes the last thing on my mind!


I want to have more fun in my life. I am shy, but I can be very bubbly too, I want to develop that side of me. I don't like taking things too seriously and I like to see the positive things. At the moment all I seem to do is work and go to the odd concert/night out with friends, but I want more!!


I have a few ideas of what to do for fun in the new year, but nothing big, just going out sometimes and a couple of concerts.


Does anyone have any ideas on fun stuff I can do? Maybe something unusal and different? I would love to go sky diving so maybe something along those lines.


Any advice would be appreciated because there might be something really fun that you know of and I couldn't think of.


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go canoeing


Find an art gallery

I tried an improv group once when there was a class for beginners and we did a show at the comedy club....that was real fun....builds confidence.

Get a tattoo...lol

I like to get out and hang by a certain creek that I know about. I go by myself and work on a tan.

Sky diving would be a blast.

If you get a chance...try helping a friend work on their car. Last summer I changed the brakes on a friends car and that was fun. I learned stuff. And it gets your hands dirty!

I don't know what's fun...I'm weird..

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Here are some ways I dodge the blues and get going.


Walking in the city, country, beach or even park away from the store and enjoy marching accross the lot.


Solo backpacking is cheap and cheerful, and can involve rock climbing or just a stroll to a bed of pine needles and stars.


Kite flying. My screen name is Japanese for kite. I make and fly kites, gather with other fliers and have had some moving experiences with other fliers around the country. A few of my friends fly as therapy, and there are kite clubs all over the world. I could go on ...


Motorcycling. Go on and laugh, but it's my sure cure these days.

Fine bikes gather dust in busy people's garages and sell for peanuts.

The comradarie and sensual rewards are amazing.


Sailing. Even a tiny cartopper in a lake can be a challenging workout for the senses in a stiff breeze. If you're near the ocean, you can join a crew and literally learn the ropes.


Kayaking is an excellent way to commune with nature, and used boats are cheap enough.

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