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Best Friends lose touch, find each other, become lovers. Does it happen?


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What is everyone's opinion on Best Friends (between a man and woman) for a very long time, losing touch and living our own lives, as fate would have it rekindling the friendship after a decade and then becoming Lovers?


I got out of a bad relationship two months ago, her engagement fell apart a few months ago... and we decided to get together for the weekend. I flew 3 hours to see her and spent 4 days with her. We spent the extended weekend doing tourist things, laughing, going out dancing, having dinner, watching sunsets, drinking wine, swimming, etc. etc. etc. I realized that how I felt for those couple days I have never felt that happy or understood before in any romantic relationship I've had.


I confided in her during the trip that she was my first love and for all the right reasons, she seemed to be genuinely taken back and smiled. She is unsure of where her life is going now I can tell, if she should move home (where I am) or if she should still be pursuing her ex fiance.


What to do...


How do I show support for her and let her know I'm still there without smothering her or chasing her away from 1000 miles away? I want to get on a plane and go back!

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Kinda in the same situation, known a girl for 2yrs of my life, we became great friends, talked about our own relationships for quiet some time, than it happened both our relationships fell apart and we found eachother, but to some degree...


The breakups were night & day differences between both of our situations, I was unhappy, she was confused why he didnt want her anymore...all in all it left me wanting more with her, and to this day with 4 months of intimacy without the exclusiveness behind us i still dont know what may happen in the future...but what i do know is she finally told the ex about her seeing someone else (me), and now she finally realized she put me in a bad spot and hurt me by not letting things progress away from him and take a chance with me...ultimately she has asked for forgiveness and thats where i left off....


So for you i would keep my guard up, esp if there is any ex's in the situation...dont be like me and get your hopes up that you will be able to change someone, i thought it was gonna be easy, i was everything he wasnt and it turns out it never mattered...not trying to be negative just being supportive and my reason: guys can be hurt just as bad as girls when mis-lead with a sticky situation like this...sometimes you just have to let things mature on their own....and if thats not possible im all for risk taking if you feel its right, but just go with your instinct...


I recently got some great advice from members on here, chai, and ellie, in there words in sort of a combination theory here, if she really was interested in pursuing you/things she would show you indefinitely some how, some way...., and thats where im at, im waiting for that sign from her that shows me im important more so than just a small email...sometimes actions speak louder than words, .....

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