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MEN's hints of attraction


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I try to make an impression on a girl through my words, facial expressions (smiling, eye contact), and body language that will tell her that I am glad to have her nearby. In a subtle way of course...


I think if a guy tries to make you laugh or if you notice him being funny without looking like he's trying too hard (or too hard for that matter), then that's a decent indication.

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I end up putting in more time in the morning on looking good, fresh shave cologone and such.. As well as coming up with excuses to touch you such as play fighting or going to your locker and when you open it taking something small out of it so I have an excuse to see you again. You'll notice you'll see him more then you used to.

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In the simplest form of signs...........Men who are interested in you always seem to be around you. Now, I'm basing that on say a work / school / University situation, ie. us men always seem to be bumping into you and then talk / joke........................do you not think ladies?......or is that what I used to do?

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Yeah that sounds about right to me Bobster.

I think an exception would be shy guys. They'll usually be around, but they're usually a little further away and won't talk as much.


I think guys also try real hard to get your attention. Like they'll be noisier or more exaggerated with their actions. And they'll always look at you to see if you've noticed. Sometimes attention hungry guys do that, so make sure that they're actions are something that's directed at you and not for everyone else.


But I'm telling you... the sock thing. It never fails.

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What if he just has loose socks? I hate socks like that!


In all seriousness though, I think looking for groups of signs are key ex eye contact and smiling and body positioned to you.... I'm no expert on this but that's just what I've concluded from all the posts I've seen on this thread over time. Right guys?

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I flirt, talk, SMILE, joke, tease her lightly, have fun, make good eye contact while a girl is talking, do this flirty long eye contact, touch, ask out more or less directly (let's go to coffee -type, or incase I have to be careful for one reason or another, it's to "hang out" in very flirty way).

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Its all about eye contact.

I am a shy guy, who has always been told that I came off as arrogant when we first met (after the girl and I finally go out on the date). This is because I am really outgoing with friends, but I get shy and reserved when interested in someone.

The one thing that you cant be shy about is making eye contact. If he holds it for a second and smiles or if he looks away and appears nervous... either way, the guy wants to talk. Of course the shy guy will wait and the cocky guy will make his move... I always tended to wait.


Here is a trick though ladies... look at your watch and then look at him from the corner of your eye a moment later (you may have to do this a couple of times).

The theory is that if he interested, he'll be watching you and if he is watching you (much like a yawn is contageous), it is a natural habit for your time check to illicit one on his part.

This works with the ladies too - not foolproof, but could give you the confidence to approach someone who isnt blatantly staring.

Also, if a guy is interested in you, watch his body language. He will make his stance open to you, so that you can approach him more easily.

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I agree with Eddie. I'm the same. Outgoing with friends but, shy and reserved with the one that im interested in.

however, i personally make a lot of small talk, smile and joke alot with eye contact.... so if a guy is interested in you.. id have to say he'll notice you more and make every attempt to get you to notice him more

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of initial attraction for a man is about looks. If you are hit on frequently or are generally considered to be above average looking, you might as well assume that a man is attracted to you. You have a great shot at being right.


Staring or looking at a woman is the only hint I can think of initially.


If it is something beyond an initial meeting, I suggest looking for signs of sexual attraction. Flirting is a direct one. I am not about subtletyat all so I can't say much more. Anything that a man does related to your personality does not necessarily mean he is sexually attracted to you. Look for direct obvious signs of actual sexual attraction.

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