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Depression - when is enough time for them to recover?

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How much time do you give them before you move on?

that will ultimately be your decision and one based on more information than we currently know about your given situation.


Is seeing and hanging out with another guy cheating?
No, it isn't cheating as long as you let him know that is your intent. You deserve to be happy with someone who is also happy. Life is tough and we all get depressed from time to time, but the test of any relationship is how you handle those bad times. This person handled his bad times by not wanting you to be a part of his life while he went through them. Relationships are about togetherness and if he told you he wanted to put the relationship on hold once, he will probably do it again.



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I don't think anyone can give you a certain amount of time as an answer. It really depends on the person that is depressed and how long it takes them to recover. Also, many people relapse into depression. This might be a lifelong battle.

I think you should talk to the person about the time he/she needs and if you should move on.

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Well he said he would call me.

He also said he did not know how long - 1, 3, 6 months.

He would go back and fourth on stuff also - so i am confused as hell and I care a lot about him = I love him.

I have been thinking lately he will never call and I have been trying to suppress those feelings and that i love him.

Because I love him and it's best for him that i just go away and never call him back or see him again ever.

Maybe it's just the holidays.....


I just thought hanging out with someone else - like a guy friend - nothing romantic or anything - would be a distraction - but i don't know how he would take it - if he saw me with another guy - i don't want to hurt him in anyway.

So that is why I am alone and avoiding guys in general.

Most of the time i ususally hang out with guys - they do more fun things - biking, fishing and etc.

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He is a man and has to fix his own problems - that is why the space and time.

So i must respect him and love him and do what he says for his sake and health.

If he wants or does not want to continue he should call either way... and let me know.

So his max time he gave me was 6 months.

But at times i think i should just let him go completely and never call him either way, or even call him back if he calls or ever see him again for his best interest.

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