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How stupid am I?


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Next time she comes home late ask her "Honey, did you get all your paperwork done", if she replies "Yes".... then tell her that you had stopped by 2x and all the lights were out at the school.


Good luck


Or get her takeout sometime... grab some mexican, and call her up from outside her room, and ask where shes at (if you dont see her there) if she says Oh, Im still grading papers say really I stopped by and you are missing...

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i would have to say based on this, yeah, probably cheating... especially late night computer checks and missing phone bills... this is really sad because one has to keep trust alive... she may be thinking she has time to 'decide' what is more important, her marriage or cheating with someone else...


i would move forward with a private detective or trying to discover what is going on... allowing this affair to continue doesn't help her or you...


whomever she is involved with may just be stringing her along... lots of affair partner LIKE the fact that the other person is married, that means they have to make no commitment...


so as an innocent spouse, it is important to protect yourself and kids, and resolve this such that your wife doesn't think she can continue this with no consequences... she needs to commit to your marriage and family, or acknowledge she wants something else, and free you to find a partner who is true to you.

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ok, if you guys think shes cheating, you think shes having sex? she could be just talking.


Enough of that, get a keylogger from link removed stat. Thats the best thing ive ever done. I was able to crack down on over 1500 emails of cheating. Explicit emails, with pictures. Best thing ive ever done. I was then able to get all of her facebook, myspace passwords and thats where the fun really started. The perfect girl.......however she is that smart to play it where i still dont know if she ever has cheated on me or not, even tho i have found pictures, videos and DVDs and even seen my girlfriend go into a room with a guy, naked.


Maybe she has, maybe she hasnt. She told me on my birthday, she cheated on me with over 300 guys, and got pregnant 10 times, had 7 abortions, 3 of which i brought her too, and paid for. one of the times she was almost 7 months pregnant, and had a doctor buddy she was supposidly seeing abort the baby. (which is illegal)....


I also dragged her out from a party full of drug dealers, and some of the guys said she was having sex with 10+ guys. i dont know what to believe, because this is the way my girl is, talks very slutty when shes drunk. that same night i made her drive drunk, and had her arrested....didnt help she was seeing the cop too, watching her drive away after getting pulled over, puking drunk, puke all over the car and seats with open bottles all over.


Tell me, do you want this? my stuff started the SAME way, got suspicious, and it all picked up after i installed the keylogger, and now look what it has become. GET OUT NOW! please bro!


I am not the same person i used to be because of all this. Take the kids and dip! please! my nun-type wife to be seemed too good to be true, get OUT! do leave room to find out how many guys. In my case it wouldnt only be another teacher she was seeing, it would be the janitor and the whole classroom. GET OUT!@

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I put a keylogger on yesterday. Last night she said I seemed detached. I told her about stopping by school and finding her lights off (twice). She got furious, called me names and slept in the spare bedroom. Today I got her email password from the keylogger and checked her email. She got up this morning before me and deleted every message in her email sent folder.

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yeah, that's what I thought.. but wanted to make sure, I'm one of those people who writes long emails that I never send, and I just send them to myself to get things off my chest and to work through emotions,, and all of the sudden I thought "ugh" what if someone else could read them??? well it wouldn't be so bad, but still it bothered me to think that someone on another computer could access my account, glad to know that is not the case,... THANKS SO MUCH for the info...

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Just keep all of your spying secret bro, if shes cheating you deserve to find out and get out with your * * * * * intact. Use the evidence for a divorce and take your kids with you. Dont let her know you are onto her, I would simply play dumb with her being mad at you for stopping by. I would say honey, whats the big deal I just wanted to drop by and bring you lunch I dont see why you are upset over this. Leave it up to her to talk her way out of that one.


In the meantime.... spy like james bond my friend.

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yeah, that's what I thought.. but wanted to make sure, I'm one of those people who writes long emails that I never send, and I just send them to myself to get things off my chest and to work through emotions,, and all of the sudden I thought "ugh" what if someone else could read them??? well it wouldn't be so bad, but still it bothered me to think that someone on another computer could access my account, glad to know that is not the case,... THANKS SO MUCH for the info...


lol...I know what you mean...


umm, but dont use the OP's computer....lol

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