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hey you guys!!! its been a long time sice i expressed myself and my story on here!!! i have been parted from my gf for about 8 months!! no contact for about 6!! and i am doing so well!!!! it would have been our 2 year annaversy on the 7th of december! and i guess shes been thinking of me because she emailed me yesterday!! saying that its been so long! how u been etc etc! then today she asked for my phone number and has been texting me alot!!


i guess this NC really does work if you have a little patience right now im just going to remain friendly! feel the water before i jump in and if a realtionship comes out of it good

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ehm but this is in the forum getting back together, does that mean your going back to her even tho the things that made you break up in the first place aren't resolved? Sorry but in my opinion once you break you never get back, because i've never like lightswitch relationships on off on off. So unless the problems are solved, i see no reason why you should get back to this woman.

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i didnt say their was the option to go back to this woman yet! im just saying that NC helped me so much and that its put me in the power position


i will admit i think she likes me again, simply for the fact she came out of the blue, txt me all last night, emailed me, and talked about going to the cinema,! but as i said im not jumping into anything!!!! it needs to move slow!! foundation matters the most when it comes to building something strong!! sure their are issues that need adressed but not yet!!

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to be honest i thought this NC idea in the beginning was a bad idea! i didnt see hwo it would get me "back together" with my ex, but after a while i reailsed its not about my ex! its about me! and anything else that comes is just a bonus!! but it looks like NC has worked the way i wanted it to from the beginning so yea! YA GOTSTA LOVE NC (H) lol thanks superdave !!

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DINNER....Take her out..Or even better...COOK for her. Women love it when men cook for them!!



Dinner allows you to talk rather than just sit. Now granted, the movies are great because you can go grab dessert/coffee after and talk about the film.



I like the dinner thing because you can sit accross from her, see her, her actions and reactions and base the rest of the evening on what YOU KNOW.



Take THAT to the Bank!! Boooo YA!


ha ha ha




Your Friend,





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