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I give up!!!

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I give up on girls/love, all I do is get hurt. I'm being myself and girls don't like it. I give up on my job, it sucks, I get paid a crappy wage and I'm HUGE in debt. I give up on music cuz I can't find a good band who's committed. I give up on my "friends" they always seem to be busy with everything else. I dream of ending it quite a bit, I think about it a lot..especially when it comes to love. I've heard all of the cliche things that nice guys get and it's pointless and worthless info to me now. Whatev! I might as well be dead and gone

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im 16.

every boyfriend i've had cheated on me and manipulated me (except for my current one)

before my current one i was in severe depression.

i felt like my friends betrayed me, ditched me, abandoned me.

i felt like my family didnt care and would be ashamed of me if my brother told them that i was bi. the fact that when i told my brother he freaked out and told me that i was a sinncer and going to hell. can you image your own brother saying that to you? the one who you always looked up to and admired? i had no motivation to keep on living life. at one point when i was driving to school i thought about going through a red light and having a huge semi hit me. i almost did it too. everyday i thought of new and creative ways in which to kill myself.

but the point is...not everything is perfect. and it will never be perfect.

but things will get better, i dont kno when, i dont kno how, but they will. i kno you might be sick of hearing that, but be happy that im not saying "god has a plan for you" because quite honestly...i dont believe in the christian god. but, you do have a purpose in life and i dont think that purpose has been fullfilled

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I can only say, that you need to learn to love yourself before you can love anyone else. To get anything in life, you must go out and grab it for yourself. Stand on your own two feet and support yourself and your own interests. Learn to love your own life, then you can love anothers. I believe there is a saying that goes "The greatest realization one can have is that attitude can entirely change the outcome of ones life." Believe it.

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which one of these people would care if you died? no one. so why die. all you are doing is being a coward by trying to end your own life. dont take the lil b&%@# way out. get a better job and find something else to do instead of trying to find someone. you got a right and or left hand. when you feel lonely, use it. be a man.

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Don't give up so soon.


Every successful people has its down time in life.


You are a lot better than my friend who has to fight in order to get into a career she wanted. She wents through a serious down time as you. She finally make it after 3 years battle with her parents. She will be working overseas for a designer post.

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I give up on music


i never heard anybody say that before. you can't possibly mean it. i'm with you on the other stuff, but dude... you can't give up on MUSIC. that's sacrilege!


"all artists gotta suffer," they say, and it's a fact that darkness like you're feeling now manifests itself in some of the world's greatest tunes. everyone who ever made the blues come alive knew how it felt to be down in the dumps.


don't get discouraged and throw away this tough but valuable experience. follow the masters and let the pain out, little by little, through your music. be true to yourself. good women and jobs? they'll be along in time. hang in there and keep an eye out for the opportunities you deserve.


by the way, what kind of music are you into making?

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Do you know what "soul" you know that kind of music which calls to you when your deep deep down in the pit, when its dark all around and the pain is so bad you wont it to stop, and then some where from out of the dark comes music that reacheds down into that pain and you know really know some one some time felt just as you.


Thats soul, it can be any kind of music but when I hear it i know feel its there.


But i know that the thows who made it must have been in the same hell I in right know, the faced the same pain and some how they pulled it out of the selfs and put it into notes and words.


You tell me your a muscian how do you do that and stay sain.


To take all the pain all that loss and hurt and put it into song, then stand on a stage in front of 100's of starngers and say


"this is me, no hiding, no lies, this is me"


that had got to take guts, more guts than just getting by every day.


I not going to tell you if your lifes worth living or not thats up to you, but I will beg of you this one thing, if you have the talent to do that act of placeing your pain right now in song, please please do, out here there others who have no voice and need in the darkness yours.

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why did you come here if its not help you want? you obv want someone to talk you out of it ? or you just want to let eveyone know your hurting? I think if you finally decide to leave earth you will not need this website as it wont matter what others think, when you need to leave then that is what you will do.

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don't give up on music - it's the only thing of all of those you can take for granted - it is truly the best thing in life - perhaps sharing the first place with a significant other.


don't change the way you are for anyone - not major changes, anyway - or you'll be the one who ends up unhappy. but some minor things can be fixed and sometimes can help save an entire relationship.


hope it gets better for you


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Thanks everyone. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm being myself, being who I am and it's like I'm invisible to girls. Though I don't have the money, I've thought about plastic surgery to make myself look more physically attractive so that I get complimented.

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Some tips on being with Girls.


1: Look deep in thoght or distracted


2: Have a very nice looking girl as a mate, make a comitment not to make a move on her EVER! or try any thing on her EVER! she is and will always be a mate. Why you ask, well girls like that tend to have lots of girl mates who are also good looking and nice and your good looking and nice girl mate will know them and say at some point, "You know you should meet X she really likes guys like you" See good guys can and do win.


3: Stop looking, make your mind up to have a brake from girls, dont look dont try just say "No thanks but no thanks" take your self out of the game, this means when you go out and meet girls you have "0" asparations "0" stress and your 100% happy to go home alone. Trust me the moment you get the mind set of not looking the girl of your dreams will walk strate into your life, why! its cuz gods a woman and just likes messing with mens minds, nope its becouse you will be self sufishent, compleat, and have that confedance which comes with being happy just the way you are, man and woman both find that an very atrative featuter.


4: Do grate Deeds, join and band, make grate art, get in to politics and run for offace. The best afrodizeak in the world is Sucsess, not with loves but in LIFE! Clime mountins wright books, make 1,000,000s. Just having life gouls that main some thing bigger than you makes you stand out, make you look like you can look after your self and any one with you.


5: Get a job working with woman, All male Geek jobs mean you work with men, and party with men. Dull dull dull. There are lots of jobs out there where you will meet and intarect with woman, it my not be car micanic it may be Hiar dressing but not all hiar dressers are guy some Love working with woman. This also means you will understand woman better, that feminin side stuff.


6: Dont be a cheat, have one lover at a time, being a stud may be cool for other guys but its stinks if your looking for a long term realtionship and but you at risk for perternity siuts and STDs.


7: 2 ears 1 mouth, or LISEN! thats right not every gril like to know about the +2 WoW sword, or that your new car dos 200mph, talk and find out what she feels about things.


8: Look after your self, remember to meet the girl of your dreams you have to be the boy of hers, so dress well, keep clean, keep fit and Manners. Act like a gen no matter what


9: Drugs and drink, Ale in wit out so dont cover the fact your shy or scared with drink or drugs, get over it sober and Shinny.


10: There is not 10, its that magic factor X, Luck if you will, but always, aways believe in it, some where out there is a girl thinking "Will I ever meet a guy for me" and trust me shes out there right now, your job is finding her.


hope that helps

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