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Ok I called my recent ex yesterday........and in the span of about five hours I called him 30 times. By the time I reached him he was pissed. He asked me why I called him so much, and I honestly didn;t have a good answer. I just said I missed him and just wanted to talk to him. He was not happy but he still did not hang up. He continued talking to me. Well I kept getting a call on the other line so I asked if I took the call would he hang on...he said to call him back!!!!!!!!!!! Which I did and he still wasn;t happy with me and we argued a bit..but at least he was willing to talk things out.

I cried on the phone.......which I have never ever done with him..but god it hurt so much!!!


I don;t regret it. Many of you might say I lost dignity in his eyes...but I didnt hold back. Those were my true emotions and he got to see them. For better or worse..at least he knows how I feel. Today i emailed him and said I am finally moving on and wished him the best.


I feel better.

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Today i emailed him and said I am finally moving on


I hope you do. No matter howmuch you want someone back in your life it does not give you the right to harass them and I think you have come dangerously close to that. It is time to let things go and focus on yourself for a while.

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I know. It sounds extreme and psychotic. He could have just hung up but he didn't. I had legitimate reasons for being upset with him and needed to tell him. I think he realized he was partly to blame for a lot of stuff which is why he took the time to talk to me. That was all I wanted.

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Well, what's done is done. You did what you feel you really needed to do and decided to take a brute force approach to doing so. He could have turned his phone off, deleted your voice mails, called you crazy, and never spoke to you again, but he talked to you and you got what you feel you needed.


Now it's done, it's in the rearview mirror. Keep it there.

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Well, what's done is done. You did what you feel you really needed to do and decided to take a brute force approach to doing so. He could have turned his phone off, deleted your voice mails, called you crazy, and never spoke to you again, but he talked to you and you got what you feel you needed.


Now it's done, it's in the rearview mirror. Keep it there.


Amen, Friscodj... I agree.. whats done is done.. and I really regret what I did, but like I said his method of dumping me was very rude.

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BSBH, in the span of 5 hours, 30 calls would be once every 10 minutes, that isn't that bad!!!!


I think when I'm trying to call someone I really want to talk to, I think I call them like every 20 seconds for a few minutes set my watch alarm to take a 5 minute break and go at it again for a few minutes.

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Hey Vir...

What you did is actually pretty common-some people do things that are even worse, so don't beat yourself up about it! I did something to the same degree with my ex. DON'T WORRY-You'll get through this! When you feel those urges to call him or talk to him and they get so bad where you feel like you are going to go insane, you need to relieve all of that energy-go for a run or go to the gym or go to your computer and start a journal...just start typing away until you feel better!!!! It will get better




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