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im 26 and she is 40

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hello everybody.

ive been posting on this subject before

and im still in touch with this woman. its almost 8 month now.

we only have cotact via chat and mobile messages.

i never called her.

and in a certain way i really do like her.

but im still not sure if an age gap is really for me.

im also not sure if she is interested

but we came to a compromy that we both would make a picture in string

and send it to eachother.funny right?

but if an older lady would do that, isn't she up to something more then?

she said that she wouldn't do it for someone else

at the moment she is telling, she would do it with a younger man.

but the experience i have with her is that she always first denies things.

till im telling her what i think about it.

at the moment i didn't had the guts to ask her about having sex with a younger man or something.

my question is is she up into something or am i just imaginating something?

Thx for the reply's

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She's into you alright, its important that you stay clean and fair with her tho, don't send her thru some sort of emotional hell and make sure you give her the security she needs, and the loves that she deserves. Then i think you could give it a try, your old enough to make your own decisions in life. Personally i accept what your doing, but your environment may not so you should more or less take it in account that people behind your back 'might' gossip although that entirely depends on the sorts of people that you are surrounding yourself with, im not sure if you are in a hostile or friendly environment, so be sure that you are able to cope with your environment. People will start asking questions, its better to have your answers ready , to whatever justification you think is appropriate that you are dating this woman. I would go for 'yes she's older but we're pretty much in the same life stage'

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I can tell you this as I was with someone 14 years older.


It's not a bad thing like some people would think but there are a lot of things that's common with someone older especially at her age. They are ready to settle down compared to someone 20 or 30 years old. Their mind & the way they see things could be more 'fixed'.


Now 10 years from now you'll be 36. She'll be 50. How do you feel about that? Unless you're ready to settle down you should think about this. She may want something serious though I wouldn't pursue anything until you're very sure that it's something you want.


It sounds like you're not too sure at this point so take your time and get to know her better.

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So, you're just getting to know each other through chat and text? Never met?


Does seem she likes you. If you're open to the idea of dating someone her age, and you like her, I don't see the harm of getting to know her better without any expectations of what may happen (like, meeting in person or something).


What do you think about this? I mean, do you have reservations at this point based on age?

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already thanks for the reply's

im reading all this very seriously because i actually do like her.

and the way we can conversate is the way i like and i think see also does.

im just gonna give it some more time.

but i already know that if i really love someone, that age doesnt matter to me.

greetz to all of you

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i would try to meet her in person as soon as possible. doesn't matter what age, until then have a real date with her you don't have all the data to decide whether to move forward or not... even people who are the same age meet face to fact and decide it won't work, and an age difference could be no problem, or a big problem based on what you think of her when you meet in person.

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