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Getting caught in the middle of something?

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HI everyone, For the past few months I have had a misunderstanding/dispute with a male friend of mine which has led to nasty words of anger and awful behaviour from both of us. Anyway, I see a friend of his once a week because he tutors my son. The tutor and myself have never mentioned this other man but I have had my suspicions that he knows something, he is alway over the top nice to me though. Last week at my sons lesson, I let it slip that myself and the other man were having problems. Straight away the tutor said" I don't want to get in the middle of that one". Would this indicate he knows something? I thought it was an odd comment(if you didn't know anything). I feel abit uncomfortable now as i'm unsure of what he knows(or doesn't know). Am I overreacting, or has there been talk? Thanks

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Even if he does know something (which is likely if he is a close friend of the other guy), the question is whether he is genuinely uninterested in getting involved, or is putting on a show for you. If it's the former, there shouldn't be a problem.

I've been the third person in many disputes and my policy has always been to stay neutral, regardless of what I privately think.

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depends on how much you told him... i.e., if you just mentioned the feud and he said that straight away, then he knows something, but if you told him enough for him to know the feud is nasty, then he may just be making a comment that he doesn't want to get involved based on what you just told him...


anyway, 'he said, she said' battles are always no fun for anyone involved. maybe you should just try to de-escalate the feud, or stay away from the guy you're feuding with if it is so bad everybody's talking about it.

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