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I need to REALLY vent


one minute he is asking me if I can give up clubbing alot for him and make me his "woman"

the next minute he is telling me he can't be with someone else because he is not happy with himself.


OOOOK!!! tells me I am pretty, interesting , great personality but he can't be with me because he might mess up like he did with his ex(apparently he cheated on her and she quickly dumped him) He is still trying to get over her so he says (but still calls her obsessively like everyday)


tells me that he can't be faithful, has never been faithful to any of his exes!! He doesn't know if he can have a girlfriend because he doesn't know how. HE even mentions that he might have been with another girl while he was talking to me...But he is not going to tell me.


Nways, i inturn take all this in, and didn't beg, didn't act angry just listened and told him goodluck.


HE calls me the next day to say I am sorry things got out of hand the other night apparently he had a little bit to drink.....what did he mean? (I don't know) calls again that night just to talk about random stuff, I tell him I gotta go because I was really tired. I hang up the phone. HE calls me back after 5 minutes I don't know why


the next day I didn't call him. Why should I call someone who doesn't want me!? He calls me that day and asks "why I haven't called him" uhhh


HE asks if he is bothering me when he calls me. I told him no. Next time I talk to him I am letting him know there is nothing for us to talk about. RIGHT? I mean he is giving me mixed signals! this really sucks!


I really don't know what he wants...I know I want someone to be INTO ME 100% AND VICE VERSA



I am done


I erased his number

I am not picking up his calls anymore

time to move on

N/C starts NOW!!!



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HE asks if he is bothering me when he calls me. I told him no.

There's your problem right there.


You need to understand one of the most fundamental rules of guy-girl relationships:

Guy rarely if ever take hints no matter how obvious they may be.


You have told him "yes, it does bother me when you call AND I have no interest in you."


It would have been good for you cause he would have gotten the message, and it would have been good for him cause it would force him to face the reality of his own actions.

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There's your problem right there.


You need to understand one of the most fundamental rules of guy-girl relationships:

Guy rarely if ever take hints no matter how obvious they may be.


You have told him "yes, it does bother me when you call AND I have no interest in you."


It would have been good for you cause he would have gotten the message, and it would have been good for him cause it would force him to face the reality of his own actions.


Thats true. The MINUTE a freakazoid started pulling that stuff on me, I would have been shouting in the phone for him to stay away from me. Lol, guess thats why I generally don't have problems like this.

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is this the same guy you were posting about before? the one that told you how his ex broke up with him?


blah. forget it.


unfortunately it is............

and I am starting to really believe he is a whacko. He is telling me he is a wacko, and when I tell him that ok fine, I don't want to talk/deal with you anymore then he want to pull me back into him. I think he wants to play games with me, but has no idea that I can play his games just as good.

Right now I am looking for other options

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