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So tired of it....

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First off I feel I am a pretty good guy, good father, companion, have a decent job and I really feel like I have a lot to offer. That being said after a long marriage (10 years) that did not last I took time off and fell for a girl at work. I have posted in another area on here so I won't get winded about it. I am just so getting tired of getting dumped on, first the wife and now this girl who I probably felt more for in a short period of time than I ever did my wife. I found myself broken down all day today, no sleep, can't eat. I haven't felt this way since I found out my wife cheated on me. I know there is no way to speed heal but damn I am tired of crying....

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Let yourself be sad. Don't fight it, that will only prolong the pain. Just becuase you are sad doesn't mean anything is wrong. It's part of being human to be sad sometime. Take the time you need for yourself to heal. Do the stuff you like doing. Talk to the people who love you and will listen to you go on about this girl. It will take time.

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Well all of these girl's actions are actually rections to the way you act towards them, so if you're noticing a trend, there are things which you need to realize and change inside yourself in order to stop this from happening. You'd have to describe the problem and your relationships more detailed for me to tell you where to go.

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Problem being most of my friends are co-workers, she works there...after a terrible morning we had I decided not to go into work. I know it may seem like I am running from my problem butI look at it as getting a jump start on my NC. She told me she was going out with the girls the next 2 nights and that there was a high probability of drunk dialing, I mean * * *....how fair is that..but maybe after saying that she won't just get my expectations up. I just find myself lurking around here for now.

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When it rains it pours.....it seems like my ex-wife just called crying that her and her bf are having problems....she wants to come by to talk to me about it....she has no idea of my week.....welcome to my soap opera. Should I call her back and turn her away? We have become pretty good friends but she does still have feeling towards me.

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Sorry your going through a bad patch, you have your own problems, never mind your ex wifes! She shouldnt be dumping her troubles on you. If the girl from work drunk dials you, dont answer or text back! Not until she's sober anyway, dont get me wrong i like a drink myself, but she may say or text things she wouldnt say when sober and give you false hope. Cut your losses with both of these women, take time out to build your confidence back up and be happy in yourself. Sounds like you need some "YOU" time.

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Thanks Dizzy, I actually went out ALONE and just spent some time thinking about everything, I am not going to lie and tell you I enjoyed it but it was much needed. I have always been the guy everyone goes to for comfort but when it is my turn nobody is around. Well, I am just dreading Monday, I doubt I will hear from the co-worker/ex gf until then. I was actually expecting her to call when I wasn't at work today but nothing yet.....I am not going to answer anyhow it would have been nice though for her to show some concern.

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