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So I've always had an energy problem, and my doctor said it was that I have hypothyroidism. I've been on meds for almost two years, and it hasn't gotten any better. Everytime I go back to him, he tests my thyroid level again and says I'm fine and that it's probably just from being a college student. I don't think this is the case though.


I just had a conversation with my boyfriend about it and we totalled the calories for what I ate today. It might be breaking 1000. That's horrible! I didn't realize I was eating so little. I mean some days I think I'm OK, but probably it's the days that I eat out. We're thinking this is why I have so little energy. The thing is, I haven't been losing any weight or anything from it. I'm afraid that if I increase my calories I'm going to gain weight and I really don't want to. I've worked hard to get to the weight I'm at. I'm 5'2" and 118. I was about 15 pounds heavier about a year and a half ago and it was hard to get it off.


Any ideas of healthy things to eat that won't make me gain weight but will make my energy level go up? I can't eat any fish or walnuts because of allergies..and right now some hard to chew foods (carrots, bagels) are off limits because I have TMJ and my jaw is a mess.

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Breakfast! Especially if you're a college student and you're running around all day attending classes. If I don't eat breakfast in morning, I find myself lacking the energy to do any work! Try eating some egg whites with wheat toast, or maybe oatmeal or some light cereal that's not too high in sugar.

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I eat those things though, that's the problem. I don't get what I'm doing wrong lol. Right now I have no fruit in the apartment because I haven't had a chance to go to the grocery store, but I usually have a steady supply. I eat breakfast every morning. I eat a lean pocket egg bacon and cheese thing. If I have time, I'll also eat oatmeal and when I have some in the apartment I have lactaid chocolate milk.

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How many times a week do you work out and how long does each workout last? If you workout quite often then I'd suggest you start taking in more calories. You can't be working out while only taking in 1,000 calories! Calories = energy, and if you've already wasted that on your workouts, then you're not gonna have enough energy to help you make it through the day.

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I always work out Thursdays after class for 35 minutes doing cardio. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I tend to take off cause I have my internship all day, but if my friend calls me up to go to the gym I will (usually get there at 6 and do 35 min). I workout at home Friday, Saturday, Sunday doing a mix of cardio and weights. Usually those aren't for more than 45 minutes.

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Both me and my Mother suffer from hypothyroidism (me) and hyperthyroidism (her) she is skinny as a rail and is 95 pounds and i'm alittle heavyer at 125, the best way we found was to eat right, continue with the medication, exersice right, and not over working yourself and you should do fine......

But the medication does have different effects on everyone, some gain weight and others lose it easyer so its nothing to be worrying about!

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Well I've been on the medication for awhile, I'm not worried about it. I'm just trying to figure out a way to eat a healthy amount of calories without gaining weight. The fact that I've been going on so few calories not losing weight makes me think that if I add on more, I'm going to gain.

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Why don't you ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician?


A Registered Dietician would be able to assist you in selecting foods and an eating plan that will meet your physical needs while taking into account your hypothyroid condition and helping you maintain your weight. A couple sessions with an RD would be worth the money and may even be covered by your insurance.


It's my opinion that if you want to go about things in the most efficient and healthiest way, you consult a professional and then make your own decisions from there.

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Hey girl,


My mom has hypothyroidism. The problem is that if you get more calories, you will gain. People with hypo cannot eat regular calories. Your metabolism is slower than average, meaning that you require less calories. If my mom goes over 1000 calories a day, she gains weight. To get more energy, I would talk to a dietician like you say, but make sure its a good one that deals with people who have hypothyroidism. Otherwise, you may gain weight if they tell you to eat more. Good luck!

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I'm not sure if I'm repeating anyone's replies, but maybe you should eat more often. Incorporate more lean protien and complex carbs like whole wheat stuff because not only do they fill you up, but it gives you nescessary energy. When you eat every 2-3 hours, you keep your metabolism revved up and you'd actually have more energy. Um......what else. Oh yeah, consider taking multivitamins, y'know as a 'just in case'. You might be lacking some important nutrients and vitamins and a supplement is better than nothing at all, right? If you think it's hard to eat more often, just split the food you usually eat into halves and eat them at different times. For example, I usually have a turkey sandwhich for lunch, so I eat half during break and finish the other after class, which is an hour or two later. I love feeling like I'm eating all the time, but it's actually the same calorie total at the end of the day.


Good luck

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I'm not doubting you or anything, but how can you eat so little and not lose weight?


1 pound = 4000 calories (it might be 3500)


1 gram of fat = 9 calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories

1 gram of carbs = 4 calories


Most people, on average, burn around 2000 calories per day. If you're an athlete or play a sport, you can usually be around 3000.


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Go there and see how much you burn when resting. If you're only at 1000 a day, and you're working out and such, you "should" be losing around 10-15 pounds a month, which is kind of scary. I mean, that's like eating a single Chipotle burrito, and thats all you can eat in a day. Maybe you're drinking lots of fluid? That might be why you're weights the same.


I think, if you can manage it, find a doctor or a clinic that can measure you're body fat percentage. That'll tell you your lean weight as well, so you can kind of see how much muscle you've got on you. I think girls need fat % of around 20%+. Eat more! Try drinking 3 cups of milk a day. Maybe a few cups of orange juice as well. That's fast and nutritional calories, I think. I dunno, you can find a lot of this kind of info online, by just googling words like calories. ](*,) Food = good for ya! Eat more chocolate!

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I'm not doubting you or anything, but how can you eat so little and not lose weight?


Because, contrary to what most people believe, it's not that simple.


In the OP's case you have to factor in the hypothyroidism, for starters. That will throw off the basic calories in/calories burned equation, so yes, she can be eating that little and still not lose weight.


I've spent most of this year working with a dietician and reading a lot about weight loss, nutrition, exercise and so forth in order to deal with a few issues of my own. What I've learned has been a real eye-opener, and I can tell you what's touted as "fact" and "truth" when it comes to weight loss has much more to do with fattening up the bank accounts of certain businesses than it does with any one individual losing weight.

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I do tend to graze throughout the day, eating little snacks and such. I think it's just that when I get really busy during the week, which is most days, I tend to grab really low calorie things. Like I'm eating granola bars, nutrigrain bars, yogurt covered raisins, soup at hand, etc. I also don't know how to cook, so my dinners are basically lean cuisines, canned soup, other frozen foods, or left overs. I definitely do eat little meals throughout the day, it's how my body works.


As far as the multivitamins, you are right. I do need to take them. I'm hesistant to because I tried a new kind last year and went into anaphylactic shock (allergy) and ended up in the hospital. I'm sure others won't do that, but that was such a scary experience that I'm not rushing to risk it again.


Third Wheel, I actually did have my doctor measure my body fat percentage over the summer and it was 16.9%. I know that's a decent number, but it's just so weird to me because my lower body is not toned at all. I have been working for awhile on getting into shape. I'm not trying to lose weight anymore, I just wanted to be toned.


Thanks to you guys who pointed out that my hypothyroidism can be playing such a large factor. I thought by taking the meds for it, it wouldn't have any part in this but now I'm going to follow up on that. Thanks for such great replies!

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