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I found her toy?

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First and foremost, I just want to say that my head tells me not to think this way, but my heart just sank when I did.



We had been looking for the lube we misplaced, and as i pull her bed from the wall, we both looked down and both instantly looked at each other...she started laughing, and we wrestled around a bit as i tried to find out what it was (because i really didn't know at the time since it was dark).


When i pulled it out, i at once knew that it was her vibrator, one that i didn't know she had.


For a while I worried about my performance...though I give her oral and make her climax every time. I was feeling pretty "studly" lol for doing so everytime and had started feeling better about our sex life...but this kind of felt like a punch in the stomach.


I played it off and cracked a few jokes along the lines of "i've been replaced" and shrugged it off.


My mind keeps telling me that she's fine with things, but it was a big blow to find out that she may....need more? i don't even know.


I'm just pretty sad right now. I know I'll probably laugh at this in the future, but for now i can't.


I just needed to get that out. Thank you for anyone listening (reading)

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I think you're very lucky to have a woman who is in touch with her sexuality. Apparently her HAND isn't enough for her when she's alone. But I understand that you are feeling slightly replaced.


Sex toys are just that though - toys. They're meant to be played with and can add extra spice or even humour to any sex life. They aren't people and you can never be replaced. Let me tell you, sweety, no matter how real that silicon feels, it is NEVER EVER EVER as good as the real thing.


Sometimes my boyfriend grabs my vibrator and gets me off with it. He understands its fun and a silly toy, and really enjoys making me squirm. In the end though, HE turns me on more than anything. I usually dont even USE my vibrator unless he's in the picture somehow (on the phone, webcam or real life). And when I am going solo, I guarantee he's all I'm thinking about. Oh yeah!

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well..i'm around most of the time, which is why it surprised me that she had one to begin with....


i can't even imagine when she had/has time to use it.



we both have pretty busy schedules...and are apart until she comes home around 6 (and i'm usually home by 4)


so unles she sneaks off some stealth-toy action while I'm cooking dinner or something (lol) ...i really can't see any time she could use it...



but i know what you're saying...and thats the same thing my brain tells me...but its hard for the rest of me to follow

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I agree, its totally harmless and it is in no way a replacement. I used to use mine with my ex he loved it. And when i went solo i too was only thinking about him! Sometimes a girl just has to do it. If it would make you feel better you could ask her about it how she likes to use it and if maybe you could share the experience, but dont push it because you dont want to make her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Its totally natural. And very good fun!

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I think its all harmless.


I can see where you are coming from (excuse the pun) and i think a lot of men have issues with there g/f's sex toys.


Just be assured....they are just toys. She wants you!!


Try not to let this lower your ego or self esteem. If you can say hand on heart that you've never (since being together) released yourself when she's not been around...then OK being a bit miffed is understanable - but you'd be lying!

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While you are worried that this makes you less of a man, I would look at it as an opportunity to try something new. Incorporate the sex toy into your foreplay/sexual activity and take the whole experience to a new level. It is important to remember that a sex toy has a single purpose and that is to get off, it is an object which carries no kind of emotional attachment.

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