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I've known four women who were born men, and just today I wondered if men would consider dating them?

Yes, I realize few are into men but some are.


I'm not in touch wth these gals now, but I'm planning to email one friend to see how she's doing. She helped me cope when my wife left me. No I'm not looking to date her, just wondering.

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Wow, that's a very tough question. I was trying to picture a woman becoming a man, and I honestly don't know if I would be accepting or not. I accept the IDEA of it, but actually being a partner to one? Course, I have never known any (either that, or they're hiding it well so I probably have a lot of misconceptions about being a transsexual. Perhaps if I actually knew one and was attracted to one, I would have an answer.

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I would not date a transsexual, that is a whole other lifestyle that people get into. I dont believe that people just casually date a transsexual, unless they are already into them. I have no objections to them but I would not date one. I cannot find myself being attracted to a psuedo-woman. I am sure there are instances where guys did not know the girl was a transsexual but I dont know if a guy would casually date, unless they had a thing for transsexuals.

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I dont believe that people just casually date a transsexual, unless they are already into them.


not everything is about fulfilling one's own sexual desires, Day_Walker. i'm not "into them" AT ALL, but i have heard that T-girls have an alarming suicide rate and i would welcome the opportunity to take one out to dinner or a rock concert if i thought it would do her self-esteem some good. is that so hard to understand?

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not everything is about fulfilling one's own sexual desires, Day_Walker. i'm not "into them" AT ALL, but i have heard that T-girls have an alarming suicide rate and i would welcome the opportunity to take one out to dinner or a rock concert if i thought it would do her self-esteem some good. is that so hard to understand?


I dont think that is hard to understand, but we were asked if we would date a transsexual. Now of course if you interpret date to mean that you want to help them out with their self esteem issues then that is something different than what I would consider a date to be. When I think of a date I would believe inherent in the date is that I have some sexual desire towards that person. I agree that not everything is about forfilling one's own sexual desires but I dont date people to help them through their issues, I date a person because I am interested in them sexually and after the date hopefully im interested in them on a more personal level..

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if you interpret date to mean that you want to help them out with their self esteem issues then that is something different than what I would consider a date to be.


here you're describing a "pity date", and i don't do that. i was talking about a platonic date, in which something other than sex and romance (conversation, conviviality, and yes, even commiseration) is the goal. so when you said that you thought that no guy would date a TS unless he was 'into' that scene, i just wanted to point out that your presumption was in error.


I date a person because I am interested in them sexually


normally, so would i. normally... but not always.

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*adding "adopt a transsexual" to my list of Christmas to do.....*





I would date one myself if she(he) changed back into a guy of course...haha.


I wonder if I would date a FTM transgender though...I don't know.

It would depend on how great the finished product was. If "he" went through all the surgery and hormones and was 100% male, maybe. I prefer a biological guy though, even if he is a bit queeny...


But, I once saw a lesbian dressed in a suit, and she looked damn good as a guy. Me and one of my other gay friends were actually checking her out...haha. I think, typically, women changing into men look way more authentic, especially after the hormone therapy.

MTF, unless they are young, naturally feminine looking, or do some transgender couturing(e.g. facial feminization surgery), don't really have that whole air of authenticity...


Would people date one, seriously, if they looked completely--naturally--female and had the final nip and tuck?

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I hung out with a small group of gay fellows and Marty, a small, thin blond guy who was planning to change after years of hormone therapy. I sat up with him right before the main event and talked about everything he was feeling and expecting. He cried about how his vain gay friends didn't accept him as much as straights. Afterward, Martha was a stunner, and her gay friends disappeared.

To me, she was a touchstone about gender, sex and being alone in the world.

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I hung out with a small group of gay fellows and Marty, a small, thin blond guy who was planning to change after years of hormone therapy. I sat up with him right before the main event and talked about everything he was feeling and expecting. He cried about how his vain gay friends didn't accept him as much as straights. Afterward, Martha was a stunner, and her gay friends disappeared.

To me, she was a touchstone about gender, sex and being alone in the world.


Dako, would you have dated her after the transition? If perhaps the two of you really clicked...Would her once being a man be an issue?

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A good friend of mine has been going

thru the FTM transition.


Had his breasts removed.

Has been taking "T" for over a year.

The change in him from taking "T" alone has

been unbelievable!!


Physical - growing hair EVERYWHERE, redistribution of body weight,

muscles, genital things happening..


Emotional - had to learn to control his anger (something he

never had a problem with when he was a she), can't cry anymore...


When he first started taking it, he turned into a teenage boy within

weeks...was horny and hungry ALL the time!!

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It's SO fascinating!


For the past year he kept a blog with photos

telling/showing his progress...and the changes are amazing.


Even the pictures showing the changes to his face throughout

the year are amazing.

Pre-"T", she had soft, rounded features.

And after a few months of being on it, his face was

all angled and chiseled.

That must be some powerful stuff!!!

(no wonder 13 year old boys are so crazy!!! lol)


He changed the gender on his driver's license to male

and is in the process of getting his birth certificate changed.


And yes!!!

He said he is SOOOOO much happier!!


To quote his blog:

"This year has been the hardest but the most fulfilling and liberating year of my life. Today I can breathe. I am so happy in my skin and how I feel."

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That's so cool!

It's really inspiring to see someone become themself.

Sometimes even the narrowest people can be moved.


At my last job, the building maintence guy went through the MTF change, and even backward goons were impressed and respectful. One month he's up on a ladder pulling cables in the ceiling, then another finds her back up there looking kinda cute. He was living with his wife and kids the whole time, and his wife was incredibly supportive.

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She did, but without the wig, skirts and makeup.

After surgery, she blossomed with outfits and was way more obvious.

One of the ladies that sold Mary Kay tackled her and taught her about subtlety.

Jeans and tees fit working on buildings better, and even after a while, she went a bit less Judy Garland on us.

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