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Do men ever really mature?

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As the title suggests I'm wondering if men ever really mature? My situation takes a little explaining. I'm 18 and I work in a school, the same school I attended up til July of this year. There is a teacher (27) who I get along really well with - I help him with his lessons on my day off and he gives me lifts home etc. I do have feelings for him but I'm not sure if he feels the same way; he acts in quite an immature flirty way with me - he pokes me and punches me (playfully obviously!). As I said, we do get on well and talk quite a lot, about life or what's bothering us or just nothing. I know I haven't explained this at all well but it's confusing when you're in the middle of the situation

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Maybe he sees you as a kid or in a different light than what you're hoping. He may feel both threatened and attracted, and this conflict causes his odd behavior. HE may have a moral resistance to dating a student. Despite your nonstudent status, he may be wary.


BTW, men do mature eventually.

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I'm not sure if this a man vs women thing.I'd even venture as far as to say I don't even think it's a maturity thing.


Sounds more like a person who is unsure how to act - he sounds a bit uncomfortable. Maybe he is unsure how to act around you being that you are the age of students.......you may not be one of his, but you are the age of many others.....


But I DO know women who behave this way when they are insecure or uncomfortable as well.

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Woah, I didn't want this to turn into a men vs women debate! I didn't mean to imply that men don't mature, I was just referring to flirting. I agree with what has been said and I have been wondering if he sees me as a student or a woman for a while. He did make the comment on Thursday as he was giving me a lift home (which was very kind as he moved into his new flat and my house isn't on his way) that 'last year he would have given me a lift home but it might have been frowned on but he's happy to now'... or words to that effect which implies that he doesn't necessarily see me as a student? Also, he's taken delight in being able to slap my wrists when I'm 'naughty' and call me names because 'I'm not a student so he can be mean now'!

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