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Broke own NC for Mutual NC? square one to infinity

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Our problems are alike but we chose to stand on different edge of the sword. You're on the LC side of the blade and I'm on the NC edge. I'm wondering which side is sharper. Keep posting and let us know how it goes. I'm glad you had great success in your program. Keep the positive rolling.



How did it go with your big day?? You've got a smile in your face.. now keep it there, will you? Is the storm over yet or are you still having major workout shoveling? How's the online therapy coming along?


I took your advise and focused on positive thinking. That helps. I'm playing the piano again and not feeling down like I was before.


How's that fever, Stunned? Feeling better? Take care.

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LJ, Stunned, All ENA-ers and L.


This is my last post. I am closing the thread. Thank you for your support, advice and the sharing of your experience. My thoughts will be with you as you find inner strength, trudge through the healing process, discover amiable resolution, and as you grow in faith for prospects. I wish you all peace, strong love and future happiness with new loves, ex's, spouses, GF/BF, and most of all, with yourself.


Love yourself first, and all that you have to offer. Give yourself time to heal and to discover the amazing qualities that make you unique, gifted and beautiful on the inside. Loving yourself takes time to reconnect: Don’t give up! Sometimes you are at a point where you can only receive love, and that is okay. As time allows you to work through the hurt, release the pain, and reconcile issues that will never be resolved, only then are you ready to give love; otherwise it is giving affection.


Have faith. Love from another finds you only when you truly love yourself. "Holding on" is only "holding back" from what can be even better between you and a mate. I finally understand this. Right now, I am so filled with love that I have enough for me and everyone who wants it; friends, family and to that special someone. However, there is a more powerful energy building; for me, for "L", for both, for each individually? I can't tell. It's there. It is moving and it is pulling me towards the center. Our meeting was positive, amiable, open for future possibilities, and remains between “L” and me. I love you “L” and this place is now yours.


ENA is a place for healing and a place to move forward. With inner strength, and the support from the masses (who share similar hurt, painful experiences, wisdom, constructive advice, blunders and epiphanies) you too, will move beyond. Or perhaps, like in my case, ENA served as a learning of a new language, a focus point to start discovery, a recommitment, and as well as, reinforcement to what I truly value.


I may still visit from time-to-time when I need to read the expressions from around the world, or to scribe my feelings, tuck into a bottle and cast into the ocean of comment. However, for the present, I am discovering places inside my waters that I’ve never allowed myself to explore.


Swimming Freely,


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