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I need men opinions pls

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hello everyone, i would like males to give me some input.

want to keep it short - our relationship is at least 3 years old, knew each other longer, LDR, far away but been making plans to live together.


He is very moody and can be difficult.

He doesnt like when i babble or ask to many question, like most men i guess. And i do hate doing it, im not mostly like that, but sometimes i can ask too much.


So there were a few times when he asked me not to ask something and later i still asked and he got very pissed at me to the point that it was over, one of those happened a while back and i managed to make up, i said sorry and stuff and he said if i piss him off again he will leave.

So we have been planning for him to come here and its always stressful cause involves paper work and money, so today he got bad news about his visa so he was very stressed. we talked on msn and he asked me not to ask how much was the fee they took for nothing, well yes stupid me in a few mins did ask this question (in good terms trying to work it out, cause i was helping with lots of money this time)

so he got very pissed, said bad things and left. he came back in a while for a min and told me to leave him alone and not contact, like that its over.

im crashed and broken. i have sent him emails saying sorry stuff.

he replied with a 2 lines email asking to not email him and said he deleted me from msn (i checked he did) and said he hopes i can follow the instructions.


I know it was a hard and stressful day for him and i screwed up by asking something he asked not to ask.

was it really that annoying for a man? Asking stuff he asked not to ask, and its been a few times.


is there anything i can say that will help bring us together? last night things were perfect and we were talking about our future and beatiful things we would do together.

please help guys

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You might have really annoyed him, I've broken up with girls who have repeatedly gotten on my nerves.


You should definitely not contact him (per his request), and my personal suggestion is to move on to someone more compatible with your personality.


If you keep calling him, he will most likely be even more upset you disregarded his request.

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He sounds like a jerk to me. If he is willing to break up with you for something as small as that then you are better off without him. The question you asked was a normal question, not a nagging one at all and his reaction was extreme. If you really still want to be with him you should let him cool off for a while and wait for him to contact you.

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everyone tells me not to contact him, that it will be wrong, i do agree.. but im having a hard time with it. it really hurts so much and i just want to call him, even though im afraid it might make it worse.

i know his reactions are extreeme but i feel guilty, dont know why on earth i asked something he asked not to ask

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maybe it's just me, but he sounds pretty manipulative. If you were trying to help him with the money aspect (fee), why wouldn't he see that as a very generous offer on your part? If he's so stressed about it in the first place, I assume it's because he can't afford it. I can understand that his pride might be getting in the way (us guys can be like that), but still, that is no excuse to treat YOU that way.


Also, I've dated a few women that were/are "chatty cathy's", including my current gf. Sure, it can sometimes be a little annoying, but I'd never allow that to be a deal breaker for me.

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i sent him lots of money cause we agreed id pay for him to come next time and he would spend his money on other things about us (future, he mentioned a few days ago he was going to get me some expensive gifts).

he was very annoyed already where he said he needed time to work out whats the best to do and before i even pissed him off he said he wouldnt want to contact me until next week cause he wants to sort things out and find the best way about this stressful situation. and then i asked that and blew it all. i do feel very guilty, cause he did ask not to ask and i still did, that was stupid of me

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Im so sorry you've been treated this way, he sounds like a conman to me. I bet you wont be the first girl hes tricked money out of and i doubt you will be the last.


Its hard to determine how genuine someone is over msn,i think he just told you what you wanted to hear, then when he got money out of you, he took the cowards way out by using such a feeble excuse. You had the right to ask that quetion.


I would cut your losses and not contact him again. Sounds like you are much better off without him.

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