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What's the deal with guys forgetting where they parked their cars ??

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I've noticed a pattern...is it just me or do all the guys I've met have bad memories? I swear, EVERY time I'm on a first date or just casually hanging out with a guy they always forget where they parked their cars....and when we finally find it they do that thing where they go "i knew where it was...i was just playing around..."

It's becoming such a common occurrence for me and I just have to bring it up....


So what's the deal guys? Has it happened to you?


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^haha good for you. I have yet to meet a guy who has not forgotten where he parked his car.




My friend told me from her experience that the type who forgets = players and responsibility phobic...her theory is that if he is not going to bear responsibility on small things then you cannot expect responsibility from him on big things. She says that such a small thing as forgetting where he parked his car says a lot about a man's personality.

LOL what do you think?

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^haha good for you. I have yet to meet a guy who has not forgotten where he parked his car.




My friend told me from her experience that the type who forgets = players and responsibility phobic...her theory is that if he is not going to bear responsibility on small things then you cannot expect responsibility from him on big things. She says that such a small thing as forgetting where he parked his car says a lot about a man's personality.

LOL what do you think?


I think that is a viable theory, but I would not completely judge a guy just on him forgetting where he parked his car but using that theory in conjuction with other information learned about the guy I am sure that you can make a valid assumption of his intentions and personality type.

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I can't ever remember where i parked my car..... ever...

The environment change from Driving, walking through a lot,

and then negotiating the terrain of a house or a mall

is quite taxing on my brain. The least amount of time is spent

concentrating on the parking lot, so it always seems alien to me

when i return to it. I usually remember a general direction or park

within eyeshot if possible.


I don't think it's a reflection of memory. Maybe it's just how some

peoples brains work?

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My friend told me from her experience that the type who forgets = players and responsibility phobic...her theory is that if he is not going to bear responsibility on small things then you cannot expect responsibility from him on big things. She says that such a small thing as forgetting where he parked his car says a lot about a man's personality.

LOL what do you think?


Interesting theory, but i can't make the connection between parking a car and responsibility....

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^i think it's like this.....PEOPLE should be responsible to their cars. Failure to note where he parked is a sign that may point to further displays of lack of responsibilty and bigger problems down the road such as...not taking responsibility when he gets you pregnant etc..lol just an example

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Well...maybe they really do know where their car is, but they're stalling so that they can spend more time with you while wandering around the parking lot looking for it? Or maybe it's one of their "tests" -- if you flip out about the situation, they'll think you're too much drama to continue seeing you?

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I'm not a guy, but I always tend to forget where I parked my car. It usually happens when I'm at a mall or any other place where I've been be-dazzled and distracted. When that happens I always hope that no one is looking at me trying to figure out where it is. 8-[ I would guess that it's very embarrassing if it happens on a first date.


Maybe you be-dazzled him and caused him to lose his short-term memory.....



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^i think it's like this.....PEOPLE should be responsible to their cars. Failure to note where he parked is a sign that may point to further displays of lack of responsibilty and bigger problems down the road such as...not taking responsibility when he gets you pregnant etc..lol just an example


Just curious...do you have a car??? and do you always remember?


he he he...did you compare a car to child (a life) ? lol that's too cute, hardly comparable though. I never have misplaced my child, but always my car.

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I pretty much remember where I park mine. However, if it's in an area I'm not familiar with, I might forget which spot I put it because they all look the same. I am a fairly organized guy, so I tend to look for things around my car when I park it just so I won't forget where I parked it. I forget almost everything and I have a terrible memory, but I can find my car.


Most girls I know lose there car all the time, so maybe it's just that people don't take the time to view their surroundings; to plan ahead.


Though, a guy friend of mine once lost his car for a week, and then found it parked in the street immediately outside his building. It was covered in snow at the time and didn't remember where he had parked it, so he thought it was gone. haha. He had a weeks worth of parking tickets on it when he realised it was there. haha

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ok so i am a girl and i have misplaced my car quite a few times but it is always at the grocery store- everytime i have done this i was on my cell when i parked and distracted so i forgot to make the mental note of where i am, since i was very engaged in the conversaton.... the reason i should NEVER drive and talk on the cell to begin with.


HOWEVER, i NEVER forget where my car is i when am at a sporting event, when i am out at night alone ANYWHERE or if i park at the airport (i always right it down, cuz after a really good trip who members they are at D3?)

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Just curious...do you have a car??? and do you always remember?


No I don't have a car...I cannot drive so I barely ever pay attention to where people park their cars myself haha




Nevertheless, I find it cute though...when guys can't remember where they parked. I'm always diplomatic about it and I never use it against them or make them feel bad or embarrassed.

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If we're just leaving from school he usually knows because most people park in/around the same spot each day.


But the guy has always forgotten when we go out too now that I think about it. It sucks when I'm not into the guy and I just wanna go home and it's cold out. But I don't mind spending a few extra minutes if I really like the guy.


I think it's just plain that he forgot- has nothing to do with me. I think I'd forget too but I just walk or get rides because I don't have a car yet...I never really make it a point to remember where the person parked either now that I think about it- no matter who I'm with I just don't worry about it. Maybe I should try to start remembering!


^i think it's like this.....PEOPLE should be responsible to their cars. Failure to note where he parked is a sign that may point to further displays of lack of responsibilty and bigger problems down the road such as...not taking responsibility when he gets you pregnant etc..lol just an example


Woah, that's a pretty far jump! From simply forgetting something to not taking partial responsibility when a girl gets pregnant! That's like saying, "He forgets to put down the toilet seat- bet he'd be a terrible, dead-beat father!"


No way!Things don't work that way! haha...

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